Chapter 345
Li Ge grew up in a refugee area. In order to survive, he grew up fighting and fighting.

Later, at the age of 15, he was sent to the prison here because he seriously injured the child of an official, and was sentenced to 15 years in prison.

At the beginning in the prison, Li Ge was beaten blindly, he was the lowest character.

But in his bones, he never seemed to understand the word admit defeat. Every time he recovered from the injury, he summed up the experience of being defeated last time and challenged again.

In addition, every time he went to the frontline mission in the wilderness area, he worked harder than anyone else, made military achievements, and obtained animal blood. Because he was not afraid of death and worked hard, he grew up in prison year after year.

This stay, he spent seven years in prison.

From a kid that everyone can bully at the beginning, he has grown into the biggest leader in the prison, and he was nicknamed the Living Hades.

Si Chengtian saw that he had potential and made military achievements every time he went on a mission, so his sentence ended early.

Originally, Si Chengtian wanted to transfer him to lead a team, but Li Ge was unwilling.

He stayed in the prison for so many years and liked the environment here more, so he became the prison guard here, and then a year ago, after he was a prison guard for 9 months, he became the warden here.

How can such a person's fighting skills not be good.

Swift, agile.

Like a real beast.

As soon as Quan Jiayun fought him, his eyes became brighter, and the aggressive blood in his body was immediately aroused.

Because the opponent used [-]% of his combat power, Quan Jiayun could only fight him with all his strength.

She also wanted to see how much she would lose to a warrior at the peak of the second-level and ninth-level, with only her body and fists and feet, without other means.

In an instant, Quan Jiayun and Li Ge fought dozens of moves.

Li Ge's eyes became brighter after fighting her.

Her move was completely unpredictable, something he had never seen before.

And her combat awareness is too strong, as if she has a complete insight into his next move.

It is obvious that his strength is several times that of hers, and he has the upper hand, but for a while, he can't do anything to her, and she will always dodge his attacks with various postures.

At this moment Li Ge was completely amazed at the power emanating from this slender body.

Originally, I wanted to see her spells, but I didn't expect to see her spells. Instead, I saw her fighting skills without losing spells.

Quan Jiayun didn't think about anything, the only thing in his mind was the word Zhan.

If you want to fight, you have to fight hard.

Isn't the melee map the hearty one?

This time Quan Jiayun played as happily as the last time he played against Si Chengtian.

Although she was obviously at a disadvantage this time, it certainly didn't mean that Li Ge was stronger than Si Chengtian, but because Si Chengtian only used three or four strengths, but Li Ge used eight points.

After the two of them exchanged two hundred moves against each other.

Li Ge didn't spare any more energy.

Instead of giving her more space to dodge like a loach, he blocked all her routes, forcing her space to become smaller and smaller.

Under such circumstances, no matter how flexible and fast Quan Jiayun's body was, there was nothing he could do.

Finally, 3 minutes after Li Ge exerted his full strength, Quan Jiayun retreated steadily to the corner.

And Li Ge grabbed her arm and caught her.

"I've caught you." The man's deep, smiling voice sounded above Quan Jiayun's head.

Panting for breath, Quan Jiayun raised his eyes to look at him, raised his eyebrows, "Director, you are satisfied now."

(End of this chapter)

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