The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 347 Why do I need you?

Chapter 347 Why do I need you?

How about being my woman?


Li Ge's voice echoed in the small black room, and he stared at Quan Jiayun with burning eyes, his wild eyes full of longing, like a male courting his favorite female.

Quan Jiayun looked at the prison warden whom he just met today, playfully scanned his somewhat European-style tough facial features, and finally met his eyes, playfully, and asked clearly word by word: "Do you want to do it?" Are you a woman?"

It wasn't a very heavy voice, but Li Ge could hear the subtle sarcasm in her tone.

Think of her strong performance before.

His heart skipped a beat, did he step on thunder?

Li Ge smiled, and immediately changed his words quickly: "No, no, I was wrong, I mean, can I be your man?"

Anyway, as long as the goal can be achieved, Li Ge doesn't care who is in the front and who is in the back, and in his view, the daughter-in-law is meant to be pampered, and making her happy is the first task.

Seeing the ruffian grin on his face, Quan Jiayun really smiled this time.

After laughing, she raised her eyebrows and asked casually, "Oh, do you want to be my man?"

Li Ge nodded, his eyes stuck to her face, and he replied sharply: "Yes."

Li Ge continued: "Let me introduce myself. My surname is Li and my name is Ge. I am 24 years old this year. I fell in love with you at the first glance. I have never had any woman before or fell in love with any woman. My motto is to smoke only one flavor and love only one person in my life. I like to fight and smoke without any bad habits. I am good at washing, cooking, and fighting. I cook you delicious food when you are hungry. I warm your bed when you are cold. When you want to bully others, you stand by and hand you tools. In short, you Don't talk about things, everything is based on your standards, it is definitely a must-have medicine for you to travel at home."

Li Ge spoke for a long time in one breath, looking at Quan Jiayun with his light green eyes.

The experience of growing up told him that he should get what he wants quickly, and don't wait and then regret it.

Especially for a rare item like a daughter-in-law, if you miss this village, there will be no such shop. This is the first time he sees a girl who can make his heart beat, how can he just miss it.

So, after knowing that the general obviously paid attention to her, he confessed without hesitation.

This is what Li Ge, who grew up in prison, can do. His wildness is like wild animals outside. As soon as he sees a female he likes, he immediately shoots without hesitation.

After Quan Jiayun heard Li Ge's words, the smile in his eyes didn't disappear.

What he said was indeed very pleasant, and she didn't hate it.

But she never believed in a man's mouth, she only believed that the long years could change too many things, including the so-called love.

Smiling casually, Quan Jiayun raised his finger to touch Li Ge's cheek, and stroked it lightly, as if touching a large carnivorous but very obedient animal.

The slightly cool temperature made Li Ge's heart tremble, he saw the shocking smile on her face at this moment, and felt his heart beat faster again.

However, just as Li Ge's heart was beating one hundred and eighty, and he was waiting for the answer with some anticipation, he heard her cool voice resounding in the space.

"My servants and pets can do all these things, why do I need you?"


Because I found that some platforms can’t see what the author has to say, so I take up the space of the text here, emphasizing that this book is a strong woman, the emotional line is not the main line, and the harem is not accepted.

(End of this chapter)

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