The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 349 Who Is Worse Than Who?

Chapter 349 Who Is Worse Than Who?
Ye Xinyun vigorously kicked things with his legs made of steel, his eyes gleamed with distorted hatred.

It's all Quan Jiayun, it's all that damned woman Quan Jiayun! !
It was she who ruined everything for her.

Just because she forced her to take action, she ruined her hands and feet, how can there be such a reason, how can there be such a vicious person.

Even if this kind of vicious woman goes to prison, she can't relieve her hatred. She can't wait to cut off all of Quan Jiayun's limbs, so that she can also taste this pain.

When Mother Ye saw her daughter fell, she hurried over to help her up.

"Xinyun, are you okay!"

However, just as Ye Mu's hand touched Ye Xinyun, she was violently pushed away by Ye Xinyun.

"Go away, don't touch me."

Bang, Mother Ye, who had no force value, was pushed to the ground by this push.

Mother Ye really wanted to cry at this time.

A good family blames that student named Quan Jiayun.

Mother Ye bit her lip and got up from the ground, looked at Ye Xinyun and said earnestly: "Xinyun, it's okay, let's walk a few more times, will you get up?"

Ye Xinyun completely ignored her, turned on her watch and ordered to the person opposite: "Ye Lingfeng, come back right away."

As soon as Ye Lingfeng saw his sister, he knew something was wrong.

"Don't worry, wait for me, I'll be right back."

Fifteen minutes later, the sweaty Ye Lingfeng arrived home. He walked up to Ye Xinyun and squatted down, gently stroked her hair, and said softly, "Brother will help you to practice."

Ye Xinyun patted his head off, raised his head and glared at Ye Lingfeng and said: "No, this mechanical leg is not well made, it's not easy to walk at all, no matter how you walk, you'll be crippled, change me to a better leg."

Ye Lingfeng looked at his sister dotingly and said, "Okay, let's change to another one, shall we get up first?"

Ye Xinyun finally stretched out his hand to Ye Lingfeng with a proud face.

Ye Lingfeng helped his sister to stand up, and said softly, "Shall we walk now?"

Ye Xinyun said impatiently: "I don't want to leave, I'm tired." She turned her head and looked at Ye Lingfeng sharply, "By the way, did you find someone to teach her in prison?"

Ye Lingfeng was in a bad mood when he thought that he had bought news from the prison guards.

However, he didn't want to tell his sister all about it, but picked up the good ones and said, "Yes, someone taught her a lesson, and now she is locked up and tortured in a small dark room. He was shocked by electric shocks for eight hours."

Ye Xinyun finally had a smile on her delicate face when she heard these words.

But her complexion soon sank again, and she said with a ferocious face: "It's too cheap for her to be tortured. When she is formally imprisoned in the future, she must be disfigured and destroyed."

Ye Xinyun, who said this, couldn't find a trace of his previous appearance.

Every time Ye Lingfeng saw his well-behaved and quiet sister become like this, he hated Quan Jiayun in his heart.

He said softly: "Don't worry, she will be worse than you."

Following Ye Lingfeng's words, a hehehe, weird, hair-raising laughter rang out in the room. In the room, the three members of the Ye family shuddered at the same time when they heard the laughter.

Especially Ye Lingfeng's blood instantly cooled down.

Ye Xinyun hadn't noticed his brother's stiff body yet, so he frowned and searched around, and at the same time shouted sharply: "Whoever is playing tricks here, get out of here."

The laughter stopped, and a gorgeous and elegant but strange voice sounded.

"No, I think your sister will be worse than her."

(End of this chapter)

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