The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 354 Ye Lingfeng's Death

Chapter 354 Ye Lingfeng's Death

Endure this time?

When Ye Xinyun heard Ye Lingfeng's request, she still shook her head and refused.

"No... I don't want it, brother, do you hear me clearly? I said I don't want it. Don't you listen to me the most? Can you listen to me now? I don't want to do this kind of thing, and you don't want me to become a murderer .”

Ye Xinyun eagerly grabbed Ye Lingfeng's shoulder and shook it fiercely.

Ye Lingfeng looked at her and said in a deep voice, "Then do you want to die?"


The word "want to die" instantly stopped Ye Xinyun, and she looked at her brother blankly.

The word death seemed so far away from her, except for Quan Jiayun's time, she had never thought about the word death.

She was so young, of course she didn't want to die.

Seeing that she had stopped making trouble, Ye Lingfeng stared deeply at Ye Xinyun's delicate and flower-like face, with the mood of taking one last look.

his sister.

Born the year my father died.

He was seven years old that year.

Before his death, his father handed her and his mother to him, saying that he was a man, that he would be the head of the family in the future, and he must become stronger and protect his sister and mother.

In fact, it goes without saying that Dad said that he would do the same.

From the first time he saw that soft and cute little face, and knew that the little cutie was his sister, he decided to protect her from being bullied.

He failed to protect his mother.

This little sister, he needs to protect her well.

Ye Xinyun regained her composure, and when she saw her brother's gentle eyes full of love, she became even more flustered. She looked at her brother's face and murmured: "No, don't..."

At this moment, she couldn't say anything else, only these two words.

She doesn't want to die.

But she didn't want her brother to die either!
Seeing Ye Xinyun like this, Ye Lingfeng grinned at the corner of his mouth, revealing his white teeth, and showed Ye Xinyun a smile. That smile was so bright, as bright as the sun, and it could make everything pale. .

Under such a bright smile, Ye Lingfeng spoke.

"Xinyun, remember, my brother smiled like this in the end." Ye Lingfeng raised his hand and tightly covered Ye Xinyun's eyes, "Don't be afraid, act like you don't know anything, it's my brother who killed himself."

Accompanied by these words, Ye Lingfeng grabbed Ye Xinyun's hand, and exerted force on his body and hand at the same time.

Pfft, the sharp knife instantly pierced his clothes and pierced into his skin, piercing his heart fiercely. In an instant, a mouthful of blood spilled from Ye Ling's mouth, staining his chin and his clothes red.

This knife is so painful.

But Ye Lingfeng didn't snort, nor let go of Ye Xinyun's hand.

Because he hasn't died yet.

And as a warrior, he knows how to make a warrior die quickly.

He held his sister's hand and turned it around with all his strength aiming at his heart. After the heart-wringing movement was completed, his hand also became weak.

The pain of being strangled in the heart made Ye Lingfeng's world lose its color and sound.

He opened his eyes and looked at Ye Xinyun with a smile. The scenes from childhood to adulthood quickly passed before his eyes like a revolving lantern, and finally stopped at the little him, the first time he saw his sister for the first time.

"Sorry, brother can't accompany you."

Accompanied by a faint breath, Ye Lingfeng's hand covering Ye Xinyun slipped weakly, and at the same time his head fell heavily on Ye Xinyun's shoulder.

This weight made Ye Xinyun, who was caught off guard, leaned over and bumped his back against the steps.

But at this time, she couldn't feel the pain. She opened her eyes in a daze, like a puppet, slowly rolled her eyes, looked at Ye Lingfeng's body crawling on her body, and gently pushed him .

"elder brother?"

 Hey, Ye Lingfeng is really a good brother, and to him, death is a worthy death.

(End of this chapter)

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