Chapter 357 How to see

Ye Lingfeng died and Ye's family was slaughtered, He Jingzhou didn't care or feel sad.

What he cared about was whether the god of death had gotten any news from Ye Lingfeng. If Ye Lingfeng betrayed him, the god of death might find him.

This is a bit of a hassle.

He Jingzhou really didn't know what the other party's skills were about this god of death who was elusive.

He turned to look at Tu Wuyue and said, "Honey, does your network have any more information about Death God?"

Tu Wuyue leaned lazily in his arms, and replied slowly: "One thing, there is no doubt that the other party is a young man, but identity and cultivation are all delusional."

young man.

He Jingzhou felt relieved upon hearing that.

Young men don't have a high level of cultivation. There are not many geniuses like Si Chengtian who became a Tier 28 powerhouse at the age of [-]. Most young men in their twenties only have Tier [-] of cultivation.

If it was only the second level of cultivation, he would have no fear.

He Jingzhou quickly informed his subordinates.

"In the past three days, the inside and outside of the house have been fully guarded. I will not see anyone who comes."

Hearing this, Tu Wuyue's eyes lit up, looking at He Jingzhou with a pair of beautiful eyes, her red lips parted in surprise: "Brother Zhou, are you going to attack Tier [-] warriors now?"

He Jingzhou teased and touched Tu Wuyue's delicate face, and replied, "Yes, otherwise how can I protect my baby in the future."

Hearing this, Tu Wuyue sneered inwardly, but said with concern on her face: "Last time, didn't you say that there was only an [-]% chance of success? Shouldn't you prepare again, there is a [-]% chance that would be better."

"No need, I got something a few days ago, and now I can say that I have a [-]% chance of successfully advancing to the third-tier warrior, so don't worry, I will succeed in this third-tier warrior."

When He Jingzhou said this, his usually gentle face showed a kind of arrogant pride.

Looking at him like this, Tu Wuyue looked at him with a kind of admiration, staring at him and said: "I knew Brother Zhou would definitely succeed. I chose to follow you back then. I didn't make a wrong choice."

Tu Wuyue's adoring eyes made He Jingzhou even more proud.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

He hugged the beauty in his arms tightly, and kissed her hard on the lips.

Beauty, he has good wine.

Fame and fortune, status.

He will be on the next level soon.

And that kid, He Jingze, who kept pushing him down, will soon be trampled under his feet, and his father will know who is the new generation of He family's strongest.

When He Jingzhou was laughing happily, he didn't realize that Tu Wuyue was smiling even more.

Just when He Jingzhou's side was full of pride in order to attack the third-tier warriors.

In the prison, Quan Jiayun also heard about it from Li Ge.

The reason why Li Ge told Quan Jiayun was because he saw from Quan Jiayun's information that Quan Jiayun had abolished Ye Xinyun's hands and feet, so he naturally took this opportunity to chat with Quan Jiayun.

After Li Ge finished talking about the situation, he looked at her and said, "This is the situation now, what do you think about it?"

What do you think?
It's the prey being snatched away.

Other than that, Quan Jiayun didn't have any bigger opinions.

She looked at Li Ge and smiled slightly: "Why, do you still suspect that I asked someone to attack the Ye family?"

Li Ge said: "No, I want to hear your analysis, because the fingerprints on the knife only belong to Ye Xinyun and Ye Lingfeng, so, do you think Ye Lingfeng was killed by Ye Xinyun?"

(End of this chapter)

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