Chapter 365 You Retire

Seeing this, Gong Tianfeng also put on a more fierce look.

However, Quan Jiayun on the hammock didn't change his delicate face in the face of the threatening voice from under the tree.

She still looked lazy, looked at Yu Jiusi lazily and said: "Master Jiu can't get out, if he can't, I'll trouble you to take your men and go away, don't disturb my lunch break."

What is ignoring.

What does it mean to be so angry that people don't pay for their lives.

It's probably about girls.

It's obviously not a threat, but that attitude is enough to irritate people.

But the more calm she was, the more apprehensive Yu Jiusi became.

Because I can't figure out her bottom at all.

After all, judging from the fact that she instructed one person to defeat three of them, and then fell to him alone, this girl is not simple.

Yu Jiusi stared at Quan Jiayun for about five seconds, his mind spinning rapidly.

Just when the atmosphere became more and more tense, Yu Jiusi spoke.

But not to Quan Jiayun, but to the subordinates under the tree, "Back down."

The people under the tree were a little surprised when they heard Yu Jiusi's order.

"Ninth Master."

Yu Jiusi said in a deep voice, "I will let you back down."

This time, no one dared to say anything else, and everyone retreated far away.

However, when he backed away, his eyes on Quan Jiayun were still unfriendly, especially that beautiful woman felt a sense of crisis in her heart.

After finally climbing onto Jiuye's bed and becoming Jiuye's pillow, if she was taken away by this girl, wouldn't she have to live the same life as before.

With the worry of thinking too much like this, the woman withdrew unwillingly.

From the beginning to the end, Quan Jiayun didn't have much reaction to all this.

She still looks leisurely and contented, as if nothing can enter her heart.

Looking at her like this, Yu Jiusi said with flickering eyes: "Okay, I will produce a demon pill, but the pointing target is replaced by me, if I can also increase the combat power by three times, the demon pill will be yours. "

Yu Jiusi thought about the future.

If the girl is really capable, then even if he gives a precious demon pill, he will still earn it.

After all, things like demon pills are dead. Although they can temporarily increase combat power, there is a time limit.

But if what the girl points out is useful, it will be of use for life.

The most important thing is that he will be able to rub Hao Shuai on the ground and dominate the entire prison after he has tripled his combat power.

Of course, if the girl doesn't have that ability, then it won't be too late to deal with her at that time.

There is no need to rush to offend the other party at this moment.

Yu Jiusi's calculation can be said to be very good.

Later, Yu Jiusi recalled today's scene and praised his wise decision countless times.

It's a hell of a thought.

Quan Jiayun's expression was quite casual at first, but when Yu Jiusi said that there was a demon pill, his dark eyes finally took on a different color.

Because she is now short of a demon pill to build a foundation.

If there is a demon pill, then it is easy to say.

Advice, simple.

Quan Jiayun sat up, looked at Yu Jiusi and said bluntly: "You give me everything you know."

Yu Jiusi didn't procrastinate, and jumped down from the tree. Behind the tree, with his back behind him, he typed out what he had learned in front of Quan Jiayun.

Quan Jiayun shook his head while watching.

The martial arts background of this earth is indeed much worse.

What kind of thing is this beating? In her eyes, it is like a cabbage leaf full of holes and flaws.

(End of this chapter)

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