The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 371 Quan Zhengcheng is Here

Chapter 371 Quan Zhengcheng is Here

Quan Jiayun was clear about the fact that she gave Yu Jiusi advice and thus broke the balance in the prison.

Originally, it was just a transaction, but just because Hao Shuai gave her the middle finger just now, she was also happy to see Yu Jiusi sitting as the head of the prison.

At least Yu Jiusi is smarter.

And she likes smart people.

Now that Yu Jiusi has secured her position as the head of the prison, she will live a very comfortable life in the future.

For the prison, Quan Jiayun has always regarded it as a vacation.

Back in the cell, Quan Jiayun didn't swallow the demon pill, and was eager to build the foundation immediately.

Because building a foundation is not a one-time effort, it is better to build a foundation when you are in the best mental and physical condition.

So Quan Jiayun went to bed and planned to build the foundation at night.

While Quan Jiayun was asleep with his head covered, outside the prison, Quan Zhengcheng, who had returned from a mission in the wilderness, went straight to the prison as soon as he entered the outer city and received the news.

Quan Zhengcheng led a group of soldiers who had just returned from the bloody battle in the wilderness, all of them still smelled of blood, and stood at the gate of the prison, as if they were going to attack the prison.

With an anxious expression on his face, he rushed to the prison guard on duty at the gate, and said in a rough voice, "Let me know who is the warden. I want to see the warden."

The prison guard took a look at the situation, obediently went in and communicated.

Li Ge who got the news came out from inside.

At a glance, he saw the bearded and travel-stained soldier standing outside the door. Li Ge didn't know Quan Zhengcheng because he had never attended a military meeting.

Li Ge glanced at the military badge on Quan Zhengcheng's shoulder, leaned against the wall next to him, and said with a cigarette in his mouth, "I am, Colonel, what are you trying to do?"

Quan Zhengcheng frowned slightly as he looked at this mixed-race man full of banditry.

Is he the warden here?
However, Quan Zhengcheng didn't have time to deal with the issue of banditry or not.

He looked at the warden and said in a deep voice, "I want to see a suspect who is locked up here. Warden, see if you can accommodate me."

Li Ge puffed out a puff of smoke, and replied casually: "I'm sorry, Colonel, I can't help you with this. You should know that this is not allowed. Before the military court, no one can see the suspect."

"I know, I can take a look from a distance, I just want to make sure her safety."

Of course Quan Zhengcheng knew this, but he couldn't feel at ease if he wasn't sure about his daughter's safety.

This is the notorious big prison.

She is a girl, no matter how powerful she is, how can she beat so many stinky men with one punch.

So Quan Zhengcheng at this meeting can be said to be very anxious.

He had already thought about it, if the warden disagreed, he would risk being demoted and convicted, and he would break in even if he forced himself to do so.

Li Ge looked at the unconcealable anxiety in the eyes of this tough soldier, and his rare compassion moved.

Of course, it is also because of such a thing, it is not difficult for him.

Li Ge lazily said: "How about this, report your name, and I will confirm it for you."

"Quan Jiayun." Seeing his intention to let go, Quan Zhengcheng immediately reported his daughter's name.

Ha, Quan Jiayun?
Li Ge was startled when he heard the name, he almost choked the cigarette down his throat, he squeezed the cigarette, coughed twice, his eyes fell directly on Quan Zhengcheng's face, with a bad premonition in his heart.

He confirmed again: "Who are you talking about?"

(End of this chapter)

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