The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 379 The Warden Has Arrived

Chapter 379 The Warden Has Arrived

This voice seems to belong to the warden?
Gong Tianfeng got up, glanced at the girl who was still sitting on the upper bunk, got up and opened the curtain.

Li Ge stood alone outside the cell, with no prison guards behind him.

Originally, he didn't need to come to inspect, but when he was looking at the method of opening the spirit, he had some doubts, and by the way, he wanted to come to see her, so he came over.

As soon as the curtain was drawn, Li Ge could see the scene in the cell clearly through the light from outside.

The girl was sitting upright on the upper bunk, her fair and delicate face was permeated with sweat, like a beauty fished out of the water, exuding a special moist feeling.

She is practicing?

Immediately, this thought flashed across Li Ge's mind.

He remembered that what she practiced was her own qigong method.

Since this qigong method was made public in the military academy, it has also been made public inside the military department.

The pros and cons are all mentioned above.

Lee, who can cast spells, is a different path of cultivation.

The disadvantage is that there are only exercises in the qi refining stage, there is no follow-up, and the qi refining stage is only equal to the first level of warrior.

So after the exercises were made public, everyone chose not to learn them.

Originally, he didn't think about learning it before, because he always felt that it was better to concentrate on one aspect, and learning miscellaneous things would be equivalent to distraction. For example, he would not learn a lot of martial arts indiscriminately, and only focus on what he thinks is killing people. most able.

But after seeing Quan Jiayun herself and seeing her cast a spell, he became interested in this qigong method.

I didn't expect to see her practicing this time.

Li Ge suddenly became interested.

He flipped the switch of the cell and walked in.

Gong Tianfeng looked at this mighty warden, feeling a little afraid in her heart, because she had heard that he was still in prison before.

But Gong Tianfeng did not forget what Quan Jiayun ordered.

Although she couldn't speak now, she knew in her heart that if she couldn't handle this matter well, she would never have the chance to follow that girl again.

Great for girls.

Today's Gong Tianfeng admires him a lot.

So she suppressed her fear of the warden, stood in front of Li Gebi and swiped at Li Gebi, her eyes stared at Li Ge even more sharply, as if as long as Li Ge dared to step forward, she would fight to the death.

Li Ge understood Sister Feng's hand gesture immediately and told him not to touch her.

He chuckled lightly.

The daughter-in-law is really capable, and she easily subdued the Phoenix group, and she seemed quite loyal.

"Don't worry, I won't touch her, I'll just take a look."

Li Ge also had no intention of driving the two out.

He jumped lightly and sat on the top bunk of another bed, then leaned back on the bed, changed into a relaxed and comfortable posture, just supported his head with his hands, and looked at her with a half-turned body.

Quan Jiayun has no time to pay attention to the external situation at this moment.

Her consciousness is divided into two, both of which are doing very important things.

Now, after a few hours, the five cyclones in her dantian were compressed into a small ball the size of five babies' fists under the pressure of the rapid rotation, which no longer looked like gas.

The aura was squeezed to such an extent that it finally began to undergo a qualitative change.

That is the most important step in building a foundation, transforming liquid.

This step is even more critical.

In particular, Quan Jiayun practiced the Supreme Primal Chaos Sutra, and refining five types of aura with different attributes, naturally it was more difficult than others.

Sweat seeped and dripped, and continued to ooze.

Looking at her like this, Li Ge felt sorry for her difficulty in cultivation, so he wanted to wipe off her sweat.

Immediately, he propped himself up and stretched out his hand to her.

 one more

(End of this chapter)

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