The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 399 Your Backhand?

Chapter 399 Your Backhand?

The young man roared and poured most of the spiritual power in his dantian into the magic weapon, and the fan in his hand suddenly rose against the wind, and the wind blades that he fanned out also increased several times accordingly.

In an instant, most of the cafeteria was filled with violent wind blades, and they all flew in the direction of Quan Jiayun.

At the same time, a sword was quietly shot out from his left sleeve, and when the sword fell into the sky, there was no sound.

In the young man's mind, even the aura shield of a monk in the late stage of foundation establishment couldn't stop his monstrous blow that was infused with most of his spiritual power.

Even if the opponent has so many Vajra Talismans, it is useless.

Because the opponent's is only a first-order diamond talisman, how dare he compete with his high-grade magic weapon.

He will be able to break her defense.

Of course, the young man was not so angry that he lost his mind, thinking that by doing so, he could kill a monk in the Foundation Establishment Period.

So he quietly sacrificed his other magic weapon.

This sword is inconspicuous in the wind blades all over the sky, because the sword is wrapped in the wind, and the tip and hilt of the sword cannot be seen at all. It can be said that it is a sword that hides its shape.

This is the backhand of youth preparation.

Even if the other party was lucky enough to resist the attack of the wind blade, with his spirit sword behind him, he could still take the opportunity to take her life.

Facing the wind blades all over the sky, Quan Jiayun's expression was still so indifferent.

With a urge of spiritual power from her fingertips, the stack of Vajra Talismans in her hand instantly turned into layers of golden masks to cover her.

These layers of golden masks buffered her time.

While the powerful wind blade broke through layers of vajra shields, her spell was completed.

A fire barrier spanning the entire room blocked her in front of countless wind blades, burning them.

Looking at this scene, the young man was slightly startled.

Her operation time is a bit fast!

Ordinary monks do not borrow talismans and magic tools, but only rely on the spiritual power in their dantian to mobilize the elements of heaven and earth to cast spells, which takes a corresponding amount of time.

Such a large fire barrier would take at least 12 seconds to complete, but she only took six seconds, what an amazing speed! !
The next second, the young man curled his lips into a cold smile.

It doesn't matter if the operation is fast, anyway, he will know all her secrets soon.

When the young man smiled, the sword released by the young man from behind the fire barrier, from behind Quan Jiayun, silently and lightning-like directly aimed at Quan Jiayun's unprotected vest.

This sneak attack, the young man has succeeded many times.

Few monks can escape.

Because the sword is invisible, even the fluctuation of spiritual power is minimal.

This time the young man also thought that there would be no accidents.

Because it was obvious that the girl's attention was all on the wind blade in front of her.

Just resisting the wind blade is enough to exhaust her mind!
Just when the young people are proud of themselves.

In the next breath, the smile on the young man's lips froze.

Because when the spirit sword was about to pierce Quan Jiayun's vest, the temperature around the spirit sword, or the range of Quan Jiayun's vest, suddenly dropped, and an ice wall formed there instantly, and the spirit sword was frozen by this ice Living.

The originally invisible sword appeared in the ice.

The young man opened his eyes wide in astonishment.

Isn't she a monk who practiced the fire attribute technique?Why make ice spells?

The ice freezing technique can only be used by monks who practice water attribute skills, and it is a high-level spell. Why did she do it?

Is she a dual cultivation of water and fire kung fu?
But not right.

Water and fire are mutually restraining attributes, and there are no exercises for the two attributes of water and fire.

Quan Jiayun looked at the astonished young man with a smile and raised his eyebrows: "This is your backhand?"

(End of this chapter)

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