Chapter 407

Quan Jiayun withdrew his consciousness and smiled lightly.

Although the magic circle for this fan sacrifice is extremely simple, Qiao Chunqiu's refining technique is still good, and the materials are all second-grade. She can then refine this white feather fan sacrifice to the level of a middle-grade spiritual weapon.

If it's taller, it won't work. This material only looks like this, and it can't withstand more sacrifices.

However, it is almost enough to refine to the middle-grade spirit weapon within the cultivation base of the foundation-building period.

Anyway, Quan Jiayun didn't think about using this fan as his talisman, as long as he could use it at this stage.

Quan Jiayun put down the white feather fan, and saw the sword.

Quan Jiayun had used that sword once before, but she hadn't looked at it carefully before, and now she took a closer look at it.

The sword is very thin and short, with a branch of plum carved on the hilt, which looks extremely elegant.

In terms of material, this sword is naturally not as good as the one she bought in Ruyihui.

That one has the top-grade material of star glass refined iron in it.

However, the material of this sword is not bad. Several formations and seals are sacrificed in it, among which there are spirit restraining formations and invisible seals. This is the reason why this sword can do sneak attacks.

If it wasn't for her strong spiritual sense, it would be difficult for ordinary foundation-building monks to find this sword, and it's no wonder that Fu Yiran had killed many monks with this sword in the past.

Next, Quan Jiayun looked at his storage bag again.

The storage bag is also a magic weapon. The space formation is practiced on the cloth bag, so that it has the function of storing many things.

Fu Yiran's storage bag is the lowest-grade one in Canglan Star, and you can buy it with 20 yuan of low-grade spirit stones.

And the things inside were even more shabby.

There are no talismans, no spirit stones, only some first- and second-order monster materials.

In addition, there are some medicinal materials and a few pills, in short, they are all shabby things that Quan Jiayun doesn't look down on.

Quan Jiayun clicked his tongue lightly.

What a poor man.

If other monks knew about Quan Jiayun's complaints, they might vomit blood.

In fact, what Fu Yiran owns, especially those two high-grade magic weapons, are already quite rich in today's comprehension world, and some casual cultivators are even poorer.

Quan Jiayun put away these things, glanced at the distance, and his eyes moved.

Soon, she had a flash of phantom, and she had nothing to do to tease the little milk dragon.

As expected, the little milk dragon couldn't stand being teased, and once teased, it blew up again, which greatly pleased Quan Jiayun's body and mind.

While the little milk dragon was annoyed, Quan Jiayun laughed and walked away, the little milk dragon stomped his feet in anger.

Then, she went to see Lei Yi's progress.

Lei Yi was practicing, and when he saw her phantom, he immediately stopped, facing her and said respectfully: "Master, I'm ready to advance to the third level."

Quan Jiayun didn't say much, just looked at him with a smile in his dark eyes.

"Okay, let's get started."

Quan Jiayun just sat leisurely on the branch and watched him advance.

As Lei Yi progressed, thunder came from the sky soon.

When a second-tier martial artist advances to third-tier, it will also attract catastrophe.

Even in a magical treasure like the small world, the heavenly way in the dark can sense and destroy these people who want to seize the good fortune with the sky.

However, the Heavenly Tribulation for a warrior to advance to the third level is not as much as the Thunder Tribulation for a monk to advance to the Golden Core.

Quan Jiayun's advanced method for Lei Yi is not how to find a way to resist these sky thunders, but to use these sky thunders to temper his body.

In this way, Lei Yi's body will be much stronger than the warriors of the same period if he uses the sky thunder to temper his body.

(End of this chapter)

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