Chapter 424
But the shock was the shock, the people in the court reacted very quickly, everyone immediately stood up and saluted Si Chengtian.

Of course, Quan Jiayun was not included in these people.

Now that she was handcuffed again, she couldn't do such things as salute, so she winked at the paralyzed general.

Si Chengtian's eyes naturally did not miss the scene of her blinking.

But as if he didn't see it, he saluted everyone, and then sat down at the backmost seat.

Seeing this scene, the seven judges suddenly became a little nervous.

It has never happened before that General Si came to hear such a thing. They must behave well.

However, why did General Si come here?

Is it for this student?After all, the other party created the Qigong method.

Because they couldn't figure out the intention of the general's sudden appearance here, several trial judges looked at Quan Jiayun who was sitting down, and felt a little uneasy in their hearts.

While several trial judges were anxious, the Huang family was happy.

Because everyone in District [-] knew that although General Si was cruel, he was the most upright person. With the General around, these judges would never dare to cheat in the slightest.

While everyone was thinking about it, the court officially opened.

The presiding judge routinely read the opening remarks and litigation speeches.

On the big screen next to it, the whole process from Huang Jianbo's provocation to Quan Jiayun's beating began to be shown in the school cafeteria.

Si Chengtian has watched this video several times, so when he saw it again, his face didn't change at all.

But for the Huang family and the Quan family, it was the first time they had seen this video.

Although there was no sound in the video, the school put subtitles at the bottom of the screen based on the student's confession, which basically restored the actual situation that day.

The Huang family saw their outstanding and sensible son provocative again and again, their faces were full of disbelief.

Although they heard that it was his son who provoked him first, they didn't believe the school's rhetoric at that time.

Because they believed in their son.

So now when they saw this video with their own eyes, they were shocked.

Because facial expressions and body language don't lie.

That arrogant and domineering, looks very annoying, is their son the trouble to find the other party?

The Huang family looked at a loss, because they didn't understand why their son would do this.

Especially when seeing that outstanding son being completely suppressed and beaten by Quan Jiayun, the expressions of the Huang family were even more indescribable.

Although I know that there are many people who are better than my son in the military academy.

But the picture of such a slender woman hanging and beating the man still looks so heartbreaking.

Others, such as the on-site juror, Director Mo Li, Quan Zhengcheng, Quan Zhengfeng, Chu Yihan, and the others were staring at the fight on the screen, for fear of missing any details.

Looking at Quan Jiayun's flowing skills, they were as shocked as those students at that time, and they still had some unbelievable doubts.

Quan Zhengcheng: Is this really my daughter?
Quan Zhengfeng: Is this really the eldest niece?

Chu Yihan: Is this really my cousin?
Li Li: No wonder Li Ge wants to warn her.

When Quan Jiayun stepped on Huang Jianbo's chest on the screen and pushed him back to the ground, there was no other sound in the courtroom except breathing.

Many people couldn't help looking at Quan Jiayun.

(End of this chapter)

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