Chapter 430
The smiling and talking girl who surprised everyone.


She said the accusations and evidence were a joke?
Quan Jiayun continued with a smile: "Isn't it a joke? No one died, but they accused me of killing someone."

If the appearance of Huang Jianbo's body only aroused suspicion in everyone's hearts, then Quan Jiayun's subsequent words set off a huge storm in everyone's hearts.

not dead?

Who did she say was not dead?

Huang Jianbo?

How is it possible, what joke is she playing!
People have been dead for more than a week, how could they not die.

The Huang family and the jurors all opened their eyes wide, and the security bureau personnel standing beside them couldn't leave them. Everyone looked at the calm and calm girl standing there with unbelievable eyes.

Standing behind Quan Jiayun, Zhang Kang'an, Principal Zhang, at this time the guess in his mind finally came to the ground.

Sure enough, she really wanted to revive Huang Jianbo, something he had never dared to think about before.

Because he couldn't imagine the resurrection of the dead.

Everyone thinks almost the same as him.

Smarter people immediately thought of a possibility. Could it be that Huang Jianbo didn't die before, is this a game?
When Si Chengtian heard the girl's words, his eyes flickered slightly.

Facing everyone's questioning and unbelievable gazes, Quan Jiayun raised his eyebrows lightly, with a confident expression, "Why, do you find it hard to believe what I said?"

As he said that, Quan Jiayun put his palm on Huang Jianbo's forehead and patted hard.

"Student Huang, why don't you get up and explain this clearly?"

Pa, with this loud slap, Huang Jianbo lying there heard the sound of his heart beating, followed by a slow breath, and then Huang Jianbo's eyelids trembled slightly.

Most people in the court watched this scene almost holding their breath.

When Huang Jianbo opened his eyes, there was an uncontrollable exclamation from the quiet courtroom
Some even rubbed their eyes in disbelief, fearing that it was their own delusional illusion.

Alive, really alive.

Huang's father, Huang's mother, and all the Huang family members watched this scene dumbfounded.

Because this matter is too unbelievable, their brains will not be able to react for a while, just like puppets.

Others also watched this scene in astonishment.

After Huang Jianbo opened his eyes, he still felt an illusory feeling that his soul and body were indistinct.

Did he really come back to life?

Huang Jianbo raised his hand and looked up, then clenched his fist hard.

The touch of hands, the friction and temperature brought by it, the sense of reality is so strong.

Sure enough, she didn't lie to him.

For a moment, Huang Jianbo wanted to cry so much!
Huang Jianbo looked at the girl standing beside him, and stood up with his hands on the stand, and then he quickly stepped on the ground, and knocked his head three times heavily to Quan Jiayun who was standing there.

The sound of forehead hitting the floor was so loud.

Everyone looked at this scene and didn't know what expression to make.

Because everyone is still caught in the shock of the resurrection of the dead.

Since the judge dealt with the case, he had never seen anything. He sued for murder, but this dead man came back to life?

People from the Security Bureau had never seen such a thing, especially those who went to the scene to arrest Hui Quan Jiayun that day.

All of them looked at that Huang Jianbo in shock, trying to see something strange about him.

(End of this chapter)

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