Chapter 443 Saying Hi
Under the situation of being surrounded and monitored by the security bureau, Tu Wuyue couldn't say no.

Soon, Mo Li and his group followed Tu Wuyue to the basement.

When he saw the bloody man, Li Li turned his eyes and looked at the woman beside him in surprise.

Didn't see it!
The sample is pretty tough.

Tu Wuyue replied calmly: "Brother-in-law has become a little crazy in cultivation, and he was a little crazy to hurt people, so I asked me to tie him up."

As he said that, Tu Wuyue untied the mysterious rope that bound He Jingzhou, and put it away.

Even if He Jingzhou broke free from the shackles of the black rope, his whole body was injured and he couldn't stand properly, so he just sat there, looked at Mo Li and said with a smile: "Director Mo, what's your business?"

At this time, he really felt that Li Li was a lucky star from the sky.

No matter what Li Lilai did, in short, this was his chance.

Li Li stood there, watching the extremely embarrassed He Jingzhou accuse him of crimes.

When he heard about Huang Jianbo's resurrection and Quan Jiayun's acquittal.

Both He Jingzhou and Tu Wuyue were shocked.

Neither of them expected this reversal.

But soon He Jingzhou became happy, and it was not bad to go to prison.

At least he can temporarily escape Tu Wuyue's imprisonment in prison, and then contact his father and ask him to help him get it out.

At that time, we will slaughter May again.

Thinking about his next plan, He Jingzhou slowly raised his hands and looked at Mo Li and said, "Director Mo, I have no objection, I will go back with you."

Mo Li clicked his tongue a little bored.

She still wanted He Jingzhou to resist arrest, but seeing He Jingzhou's appearance, he could not resist arrest even if he wanted to.

Mo Li could only handcuff He Jingzhou and return to the game.

Before leaving, Mo Li smiled and glanced at Tu Wuyue.

After Mo Li left, Tu Wuyue's face darkened.

How did Huang Jianbo come back to life? Huang Jianbo was able to die because she concealed herself and gave Huang Jianbo a heavy blow.

She was sure that she had destroyed Huang Jianbo's internal organs.

In that case, death is certain.

After Huang Jianbo's death, she also confirmed that he did not leave until he died.

Therefore, Huang Jianbo should say that there is absolutely no possibility of living.

But now he happens to be alive.

Thinking of what Li Li said before, Tu Wuyue's eyes narrowed.

Interesting, very interesting.

It seems that this matter has something to do with that little girl Quan Jiayun.

She didn't think Huang Jianbo could have such ability.

Tu Wuyuehong made a tick, and smiled like a flower on her face as beautiful as peaches and plums.

Previously, Quan Jiayun ruined He Zhenghao with the black dragon liquid, which caused He Zhenghao to suffer a big fall. Although she felt that the other party was a little clever, she didn't care too much.

This time, Tu Wuyue felt a little interesting.

Is it Quan Jiayun?
It seems that one day she will find time to go to the meeting.

Find out what method she used to bring the dead back to life.


When He Jingzhou was brought back to the Security Bureau by Li Li, Quan Jiayun had already returned to Quan's house.

Because it was Tuesday, the juniors all went to school, and the seniors were busy with work.

Therefore, Quan Jiayun's return was not warmly greeted.

"Mom, we're back."

Quan Zhengcheng yelled as soon as he entered the door, but the old lady at home was the only one who took a look at the few people who came back, then turned her head away, and had no intention of talking to Quan Zhengcheng and Quan Jiayun at all.

Seeing this scene, Quan Zhengcheng bumped into Quan Jiayun lightly and said in a low voice, "Say hello to your grandma."

(End of this chapter)

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