The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 448 Long time no see

Chapter 448 Long time no see
Everyone in the hall looked at Quan Jiayun.

Especially the young soldier who was sitting next to Chu Yihan Quan Yuqi looked at the girl walking down the stairs with burning eyes.

Seeing the reactions of the people around her, Quan Yuqi secretly bit her lip.

She touched her face subconsciously.

Now Quan Yuqi's face is completely healed, there are no scars on her face, she is still that pretty little beauty.

But looking at Quan Jiayun's porcelain-white skin that seemed to radiate light, Quan Yuqi was still envious to death.

"Jiayun, come and say hello to your uncles."

As soon as Quan Jiayun came down, Quan Zhengcheng immediately called her to meet her.

Because they are all old friends of Quan Zhengcheng, basically these people have met the original owner before.

However, the number of times I have seen it is not many, just once or twice.

Especially when the original owner failed to refine his body and developed a lot of pimples, he almost met guests as soon as he could avoid meeting them.

Quan Jiayun was not afraid of anything, and stepped forward to say hello.

Quan Zhengcheng's friends are all active-duty soldiers, there are major generals and majors below.

Among them, the one with the highest cultivation level is a major general named Jiang Jinyan, who is a strong man of the third rank and second rank.

Because of this, Quan Jiayun took an extra look at him.

Jiang Jinyan also looked at Quan Jiayun, and said with a smile: "It is said that the Eighteenth Change of the Women's University is true, but I haven't seen it for two years, so it looks like this. If I saw it outside, I wouldn't recognize it .”

"Don't talk about you, even I can't recognize you."

What can Quan Jiayun say about this kind of ridicule, and he can't push back like a little beauty, only smile.

"By the way, today you brother Jiangnan heard that I came to your house as a guest. He said he wanted to meet you and ask you two questions, so he followed me. Do you still remember your brother Jiangnan?" Jiang Jinyan smiled and said to Chu Yihan who was sitting The young soldier beside Quan Yuqi pointed.

It was a young soldier with good facial features and a heroic spirit. He was at a high-spirited age, so he had a high-spirited appearance.

Hearing this, he smiled at Quan Jiayun.

"Sister Jiayun, long time no see."

Quan Jiayun glanced at the young soldier before.

There is only a vague shadow of a young man in the memory of this person's original owner.

Obviously, it was only when the original owner was young, Quan Jiayun smiled slightly and said: "It's been a while, so long that I don't remember it at all, but I will remember it when I saw it today."

Her humorous words immediately aroused everyone's laughter.

Jiang Nan also laughed.

After a few words of pleasantries, they began to sit down.

Just as Quan Jiayun's hand touched the chair and was about to pull it away, the other hand beside her pulled it away for her. It was none other than that Jiangnan.

Facing the other party's courteous behavior, Quan Jiayun smiled and sat down calmly.

Chu Yihan sat down beside Quan Jiayun.

As soon as he sat down, Jiang Nan looked at Quan Jiayun and said, "Sister Jiayun, I have some doubts about the qigong method you created yourself. I wonder if sister Jiayun can explain it to me."

Almost everyone, such as Jiang Jinyan and Zhang Kang'an, turned to Quan Jiayun when they heard this.

Although none of them have practiced this qigong method yet, they are all very concerned about this qigong method, and they have read and understood it, and they have some doubts about this qigong method.

So when Jiangnan asked, everyone paid close attention.

Seeing everyone staring at her intently, Quan Jiayun glanced at Jiangnan and said, "Ask."

(End of this chapter)

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