The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 467 Did You Forget Something

Chapter 467 Did You Forget Something

Although Si Chengtian didn't look up, but after listening to these words, he could imagine what her expression looks like now, it must be cold and full of energy...

Si Chengtian's hand holding the tableware paused for a moment, then returned to normal.

It wasn't until the sound of Quan Jiayun's footsteps reached the door that Si Chengtian raised his head and glanced at her back.

With just one glance, Quan Jiayun's back disappeared in front of the door.

Si Chengtian withdrew his gaze and continued eating breakfast in silence.

Looking at the dining room that became silent again, Zhong Manru looked at Si Chengtian and asked, "Miss Quan doesn't seem to like the style of the room very much, should I hire someone to change it today?"

When Si Chengtian heard this, he remembered the conversation last night.

Then he said softly, "Do as she wishes."

Zhong Manru laughed.

While Si Chengtian was still having breakfast, Quan Jiayun walked towards the parked car with brisk steps.

Wu Hailong leaned against the car door, looking at the girl who was coming from a distance, his mood could be described as subtle but not resentful.

The first time they met, the other party thought that his attitude of inviting people was not good enough, and that arrogant attitude made him feel uncomfortable, thinking that she was a mere student who didn't take him, a general's orderly, seriously.

But now he is responsible for picking her up.

The gap between before and after naturally made Wu Hailong feel delicate but not angry.

He didn't understand why the general took a fancy to such a supercilious girl like her, and even made out with her in the car. In his opinion, Lieutenant Colonel Qin Yufei, who is beautiful, powerful, and considerate, is more attractive With a general.

I don't know what the general thinks.

While Wu Hailong was thinking about it angrily, Quan Jiayun walked up to him.


Wu Hailong said something hard.Then he pulled the back door and got into the cab by himself.

Wu Hailong thought that he was thoughtful enough, and he didn't have anything to criticize, but it happened that he met Quan Jiayun.

Seeing his reluctant attitude, Quan Jiayun laughed, she lazily leaned against the car door, looked at the back of Wu Hailong's head with a relaxed look and shouted: "Second Lieutenant Wu."

Wu Hailong turned his head to look at her with such a lazy look, and frowned slightly.

"Miss Quan, do you have any orders?"

With a playful smile in his eyes, Quan Jiayun asked lazily: "Did you forget to do something?"

Forgot to do something?
Hearing this, Wu Hailong looked at the girl vigilantly, wondering what trouble she was looking for.

"whats the matter?"

Quan Jiayun looked up at the medal on his shoulder playfully.

"I don't need to remind you of this kind of thing, you are a soldier."

Wu Hailong subconsciously followed her gaze to look over her shoulder. He couldn't react immediately, but he wasn't too stupid. Looking at the medal on his shoulder, he soon understood what the other party was implying.

He immediately remembered that she was awarded the military medal by the general himself.

With this thought, his face turned even darker.

In terms of military merit medals, the opponent's military rank is now higher than him, and in the army, people with low military ranks will salute to show respect when they see high-ranking people.

Wu Hailong was silent for a second, and could only get out of the car again, and respectfully saluted Quan Jiayun.

"Don't forget next time."

Quan Jiayun glanced at him with a half-smile, then got into the car and slammed the door.

Wu Hailong looked at the closed car door, pursed his lips, and sat back in the car.

(End of this chapter)

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