Chapter 472
One spoke, and the other two also hurriedly spoke.

"I have it too."

"I have it too."

Deng Gang took a look at his younger brothers, then turned to look at Shi Yifei and said, "Boss Shi, it seems that my younger brother will also take care of your business, you won't refuse it!"

Shi Yifei's heart was bleeding, but he was still smiling.

"will not."

Ten minutes later, Deng Gang and his party walked out of the small room with a happy face.

The people in the hall looked at Deng Gang's dark and red face, and knew that Jiangshan Tower had satisfied his appetite. Seeing this scene, everyone could only envy and hate.

Although Deng Gang bullying men and women is very arrogant, but who gave him the strength and background.

Even if everyone hates this person, they dare not refuse.

Just when Deng Gang and his group walked to the middle of the hall, Quan Jiayun stood up, and while she was walking forward, she said to a little white mouse running around on the ground: "Xiaobai, stop running around! .”

"Come back quickly, do you hear me?"

"If you are disobedient again, I will punish you when I catch you later."

The lazy, mellow and charming voice rang out one after another.

This sudden outburst immediately attracted the attention of many people.

They looked at this handsome boy, and then at the little white mouse on the ground, the corners of their mouths twitched slightly.

This boy's hobbies are really special!

While escorting Shi Yifei, when he saw Quan Jiayun's figure, his pupils dilated suddenly.

Quan Shao! !
Seeing Quan Jia Yun Shi Yifei was overjoyed, but he didn't go up to him immediately, after all, Quan Shao never said that he would reveal his identity, so Shi Yifei didn't dare pretend that he was the boss behind the scenes.

And what Quan Shao is doing now is a little weird? ?
Deng Gang and his group also glanced at this side. When they saw Quan Jiayun, Deng Gang paused for a second on Quan Jiayun's face, and then swept across Quan Jiayun's flat chest. cut a sound.

Damn, she looks strong enough, but she's not a bitch.

Deng Gang then withdrew his gaze.

At this moment, the disobedient little white mouse on the ground rushed towards Deng Gang.

Deng Gang was upset when he saw that the young man was not a woman, and when he saw the dead mouse rushing towards him, he raised his foot and kicked it.

In an instant, with a squeak, the little white mouse turned into a pool of bloody rotten meat.

Deng Gang felt disgusted and slid hard on the ground next to him a few times, and didn't raise his eyes to see Quan Jiayun's expression at all. It was a sign that he obviously didn't take Quan Jiayun seriously.

The others looked at this scene without any superfluous expressions.

In the warrior area, if the strength is not strong enough, it is quite normal to be bullied.

What's more, the one who died was just a pet. This seemingly weak and handsome young man didn't seem to have much cultivation, so he probably had to accept his fate.

This is the subjective impression of these warriors.

In fact, when Quan Jiayun appeared in men's clothing, his bones were fine-tuned with secret techniques, and his face was slightly taller than normal, and his facial lines were also a little tougher.

It also makes her look more handsome than in school.

However, no matter how it changes, in the eyes of these muscular male warriors who are popular in body training, Quan Jiayun, who is 1.7 meters [-] and has an indistinguishable fair skin, is still a slender and weak boy.

Especially today, Quan Jiayun is wearing a white casual attire, with a pair of exquisite decorative unilateral glasses on his eyes. Apart from his lazy and leisurely temperament, he is also more refined and gentle.

So everyone thought that this beautiful boy would accept his fate.

(End of this chapter)

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