The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 474 Brotherly Love

Chapter 474 Brotherly Love
The young man who broke in didn't see the mocking expression on Deng Gang's face. After speaking, he turned around and grabbed Quan Jiayun's arm again, trying to pull Quan Jiayun away.

However, when the young man moved, Deng Gang gave him a wink.

His little brothers quickly suppressed the young man with each hand.

The young man didn't resist, he bowed his waist, raised his head to look at Deng Gang in the pain of his arm, and smiled cautiously: "Master Deng, is there anything else?"

Deng Gang stretched out a big hand that was as black as his face, and patted the ordinary facial features of the young man vigorously, saying: "What's the matter? Just say a word like that, and you want to take him away in front of me. Who are you? Hmm?"

The young man still smiled cautiously, "Master Deng, my brother really accidentally offended you, I will compensate my brother for the mental damage of offending you, and you will spare him a lot this time."

Even if Deng Gang had seen too many expressions of the young man begging for mercy, it still made him happy every time.

He loves the feeling of being in awe.

He raised his eyebrows, glanced at Quan Jiayun next to him and said, "Yo, what are you talking about? Compensate me? But your brother wants me to compensate him."

The young man immediately replied: "It's nothing, he just lost his mind for a while, Mr. Deng, please forgive him this time!"

"Forgive him? Yes, if you let him kneel down and lick my shoes clean, I will spare him."

Deng Gang raised his chin arrogantly and raised his leg.

Hearing this, the young man's face changed, and he looked at Deng Gang in astonishment.

Although he knew that this person was extremely evil, he never expected that the other party would make such an insulting request.

Then he looked sideways at Quan Jiayun who was standing beside him, and saw that handsome young man's face was still calm, without anger, fear, or panic.

Looking at such a young man, the young man couldn't say anything to persuade him to do so.

How could such a noble and clean boy do such a thing like licking his shoes? ?

The young man pursed his lips, looked at Deng Gang pleadingly and said, "Master Deng, this is too... how about if you look at this, how about I pay more compensation?"

Deng Gang was condescending and looked at the young man with disdain.

"Do you have the capital to bargain with me? I always say the same when I speak, don't you know that?"


This sentence made it even more difficult for the young man to answer. He looked at the thin and handsome young man next to him, his eyes flickered for a while, then he looked back at Deng Gang, swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said, "If not, I will replace you." Lick my brother!"

As soon as these words came out, Quan Jiayun, who was standing by the side watching the play, had a flicker of surprise in his eyes.

From the time when the young man popped up unexpectedly, and then begged for her mercy sentence by sentence, Quan Jiayun was not moved by the fact that the other party stood up for her, but felt that this young man was really ridiculous.

I have no ability, and I don't even know whether she is good or evil, so I stand up and forcefully stand up for her.

Well intentioned, but frankly, quite annoying.

She didn't like this guy.

Now that she heard the young man's words, she finally turned her eyes somewhat sideways.

This good guy is good enough.

Another Wu Jiawei?

When Quan Jiayun looked sideways, Deng Gang was surprised, and then clicked his tongue.

"Okay, shit, this is enough brotherhood!!" He said and looked at Quan Jiayun, "Hey, boy, your brother is willing to lick your shoes for you. What do you think, let your brother do it for you!" Do you lick?"

(End of this chapter)

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