Chapter 643 Calm Talk
When Si Chengtian saw her, his eyes flickered slightly, he nodded, and then quickly walked to the passage leading to the basement.

Quan Jiayun looked at his back, naturally he didn't chase after him so ignorantly.

She sat down on the chair next to her, turned on the Internet and wandered around, waiting for dinner.

When the table was almost set, Si Chengtian came out from the basement. He quickly washed his hands and sat over. Quan Jiayun glanced at him, but didn't ask him anything.

When Si Chengtian looked at her, his eyes jumped, and in the middle of eating, he asked casually: "Do you think it is possible for a monster to turn into a human?"

Quan Jiayun knew that Si Chengtian was testing her again.

She looked up at Si Chengtian and smiled, "Of course it's possible."

Si Chengtian looked at the smile on her face and said, "Why?"

Quan Jiayun said: "There is no reason for this. Humans can evolve, and it is not impossible for monsters to evolve into humans. After all, the IQ of third-level monsters is not too low."

When Si Chengtian heard Quan Jiayun's well-reasoned words, he didn't say much, but echoed lightly: "That's right."

Quan Jiayun looked at Si Chengtian, and asked casually: "Why did General Si suddenly think of asking this, did General Si encounter a monster that turned into a human?"

Si Chengtian was silent for two seconds, but he didn't hide it from her.

He looked straight into her eyes and said, "Yes, it's the little milk baby who has become popular recently. His original body was a dragon."

Quan Jiayun made an appropriately surprised expression.

"A dragon? He's actually a dragon."

Si Chengtian stared at her expression for two seconds, really couldn't tell whether her surprised expression was fake or not, he thought, maybe it doesn't matter if she really doesn't.

Si Chengtian took out a piece of dragon scale, put it on the table, and pushed it towards Quan Jiayun. .

Quan Jiayun reached out to pick it up, looked around, and said with a look of love: "Is this the dragon scale? It's the first time I've seen this thing, it's really beautiful."

Si Chengtian: "..."

Quan Jiayun then said: "General, did you kill this dragon?"

Si Chengtian said lightly, "It ran away."

Quan Jiayun deliberately exaggerated and said: "The general ran away, so how powerful is this kind of monster that can turn into a human being? It can't be that half of our human world has been invaded by alien races!"

When Quan Jiayun mentioned this question, when Si Chengtian came back all the way, he thought about how many such monsters that could transform into human form had entered the human world.

But after thinking about it, Si Chengtian didn't think it would be too much.

Because this kind of monster that can transform into a human form is very strong, even stronger than him. If it wasn't for the use of small atomic bombs in the military base, he would not be able to hurt the opponent at all.

With such a powerful strength, if there are too many monsters, the monsters can directly raze the entire southwest base.

So Si Chengtian decided that it wouldn't be too much, and it was absolutely impossible to exceed five fingers.

Si Chengtian thought so, so he naturally answered.

Hearing Si Chengtian's answer, Quan Jiayun smiled secretly, it's no wonder that Si Chengtian is firmly seated as the number one leader of the sixth district, his mind is indeed not confused at all.

It's not just a warrior with force but no brains.

After that, the two didn't talk about anything.

After the meal, Quan Jiayun returned to the room, closed the doors and windows, and entered the small world.

(End of this chapter)

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