Chapter 746
Si Chengtian looked at her eyes that were brighter in the dark, and didn't open his mouth, but said with his eyes to stop making trouble.

He really doesn't have a sweet tooth.

Quan Jiayun smiled sweetly, leaned forward, tapped the green ball on his lips lightly, and said, "Refused once or twice, or is it that General Si's reserved refusal is actually waiting for you?" Shall I feed you? Huh?"

"Then tell me how you want me to feed you?"

I don't know if it's because her voice is so touching.

Or because he has an evil heart.

When Si Chengtian heard her slightly teasing words, he followed her words in sync and thought about the scene for a while.

If it was really her feeding him, it would be okay to eat some sweets.

After all, eating sweets can kill a lot of people...

When Si Chengtian was thinking more, Quan Jiayun had a psychedelic look at his boss Chengtian. Seeing Si Chengtian's appearance was obviously a little different from usual, the corners of his mouth curled up, and he smiled lightly. one time.

It seems that Si Chengtian also inhaled the pink smoke.

If she didn't make a mistake in her judgment, that pink smoke should be made of a rare fox monster gland scent plus a kind of pollen, which can make people hallucinate.

In other words, inhaling this kind of smoke can magnify a person's inner thoughts and thoughts, and naturally make people enter hallucinations.

This hallucinogenic thing is extremely useful in fighting.

It can be said that if it was not Si Chengtian who inhaled the pink smoke, but another first-tier warrior, second-tier warrior, or someone whose mental power was not strong enough, he might have already figured out the north, south, east, and west.

Completely caught in all kinds of illusions, where is the ability to fight.

It meant that Si Chengtian's mental strength was strong, so he couldn't see anything unusual, but when he was guided by words, he became a little dazed.

Quan Jiayun smiled lightly: "You really want to, that's not going to happen, you didn't agree to be my boyfriend, there's no way."

When saying these words.

Before Si Chengtian's brain realized what it meant.

Quan Jiayun's subordinates pressed hard, and immediately the pill entered Si Chengtian's mouth, and in an instant, a fragrance like fresh grass mint spread from his mouth.

Si Chengtian's mind suddenly perked up, it was a very refreshing feeling.

He woke up from the previous state in an instant.

It's not sugar!

In an instant, Si Chengtian came to his senses, he raised his eyes to look at Quan Jiayun and said, "Did I get caught by that smoke just now?"

"It's time to react."

Si Chengtian looked at her, not knowing what to say for a moment.

Because he still remembered what he was thinking just now, even though it was about the smoke, it couldn't be said that he didn't have any ghosts.

Si Chengtian was silent for a moment before saying in a deep voice, "Thank you."

Quan Jiayun said with a smile: "No need to thank, the pills will count as money, and I won't trade at a loss."

Si Chengtian followed suit and said, "What is this elixir?"

Quan Jiayun didn't hide it from him when he arrived, and said bluntly: "Qingxin Pill, it has the effect of dispelling confusion."

This kind of heart-clearing pill, as the name suggests, is to clear the heart and clear the brain, and it generally has an excellent effect on dealing with the hallucinations and poisonous miasma of the fantasy powder.

As Quan Jiayun said, he put his hand in his pocket, turned around and walked out.

Si Chengtian didn't ask her why she had this pill, after all, it involved personal privacy.

He took a step and followed her pace.

While walking around, Si Chengtian suddenly realized that by the way, she seemed to have said something just now that he didn't agree to be her boyfriend, so he couldn't do it.

Suddenly, Si Chengtian's pupils widened.

she means...

Suddenly, Si Chengtian had the urge to agree to her,

He really wanted to agree and see how she reacted?See if she really has a trace of sincerity?But when he wanted to ask impulsively, when he thought of the days after his mother lost his lover, Si Chengtian put away that impulsiveness again.

Just like that, the two walked out.

(End of this chapter)

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