Chapter 896

Mianmian's home is in Qubei City, some distance away from the mountain city.

If you drive there, it will take about two and a half hours. Of course, you don’t want to take so long. There are also civil aviation planes, but this time point is gone, and it can only be available tomorrow morning.

In this regard, Mao Mianmian respected Jiang Shanxue's opinion.

If Jiang Shanxue didn't want to leave tonight, she could go back first and wait for Jiang Shanxue to go tomorrow.

But Quan Jiayun didn't want to wait until tomorrow, as long as she wanted to do anything, she would do it right away.

Because once the time is delayed, something may happen.

Just like fluffy.

She really wanted to know where and why Lingzhi was cultivated.

This kind of thing can't wait, because Mao Mianmian has already unveiled this spiritual herb at the exchange meeting tonight.

She asked Mao Mianmian cryptically before, if Mao Mianmian had not sold this herb openly before.

If she sold it, it would be very unscientific for no monk to discover this.

In the end, Mao Mianmian's answer confirmed Quan Jiayun's guess.

This is indeed the first time that Mao Mianmian took it out for public exchange, because she thought this herb was not too old, so she had been cultivating it all the time, and had only used it for her family or in herbal diets.

This time, she felt that these herbs had been planted for several years, and she got the invitation letter, so she wanted to try her luck.

Under such circumstances, how could Quan Jiayun delay until tomorrow.

Because it was too late, these spirit herbs might be gone.

If she were someone else, she would know where there is a large piece of spiritual grass, and what secrets exist.

It might be time for the closest person to take action now.

So Quan Jiayun naturally didn't want to delay on the road for so long.

So when they arrived in the downtown area, Quan Jiayun gave Mao Mianmian a reason to take another road, and told Mao Mianmian that he would see you later in Qubei City.

Mao Mianmian naturally has no objection to this.

Quan Jiayun got out of the car, paid the female driver enough tips, then found a place, and drove to Qubei City in a small world.

Soon, after half an hour, Quan Jiayun arrived at Mao Mianmian's home in Qubei City.

Hairy's home is not in the city center, but a place near the edge of the city wall.

This area, before the end of the world, was a small village.

After the end of the world, it once fell into hell.

Later, it became a gathering place for refugees who had nowhere to go, because they couldn't go because of the good places inside.

Later, the Huaxia Kingdom was established.

Under the policy of building a city wall to defend against monsters, this place has finally been surrounded by Huafen.

After entering the circle, because there are fields and soil here, ordinary people in this area are naturally responsible for the task of growing food and vegetables.

Because in the last few years at that time, although human beings had monster meat to eat, vegetables were extremely scarce.

Later, under the leadership of General Si, it expanded further, enclosing a large outer city wall.

Therefore, between the inner city wall and the outer city wall, there is a large amount of land that can be planted.

Therefore, under the shortage of land resources in the base, some houses were built here.

There are not many pieces of land left today.

This place is a bit like a small town in the suburbs now, and the original people in the big yard still retain some land.

This is the case at Mao Mianmian's house. In the front is her herbal restaurant, and in the back is her herb garden.

When Quan Jiayun arrived, he glanced at the signboard on the door.

Baishou Hall.

(End of this chapter)

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