Chapter 25 Miaojiang Secret Coffin
Qi Siming wiped his mouth clean, and looked helplessly at Quan Heng who was still suppressing his smile:

"If it doesn't work, you'd better keep laughing."

"It's okay, senior." Quan Heng relieved the small shaking of his shoulders, and raised his chin slightly with a smile, "Look, those three people are more sad than you."

Qi Siming followed her gaze and looked at the three people who looked at the three people who were mourning deeply in front of the little bumpkin——

Lu Xiaoman's eyes were full of tears, and he felt sincerely: "I didn't eat a bite, and it just went away."

"Huh...huh?? Nonsense!" Lu Qiusheng next to him condemned, "You obviously ate a duck wing while roasting, and I saw it!"

"Hey, why are you talking about this now." Song Jingyun said like a good old man, "The deceased is gone, so mourn."

The remaining two people tilted their heads to look at him together, their eyes full of condemnation.

"Cough cough." Song Jingyun coughed dryly on his lips, patted the dirt on his buttocks, took out three toothpicks from his pocket, and pulled another piece of paper money.

"Brother Duck has worked hard."

Confidently bowed, Song Jingyun stuck the toothpick in the small mound, and finally, because it kept falling over, he simply stuffed it against the duck's beak, and then satisfactorily offered a good incense: "In the next life, you must cast a good tire, don't do it. It’s unlucky to have a drake.”

"What's the matter with the drake?" Lu Xiaoman raised his head with a serious look, "It's also very sacred to be a duck! I like to eat ducks the most!"

Qi Siming: "..."

These few are not in sync with the thinking of normal people at all!
"...Ah, yes." Song Jingyun squatted and nodded, pulled out the toothpick from the grave, and picked the teeth with a clean pick, "Roast duck delivery, the mission must be fulfilled."

"You still say!" Lu Xiaoman was annoyed, "Where's our special item?!"

"When did I take your special items?" Song Jingyun was confused.

"It's that duck egg!" Lu Xiaoman said loudly, "That's what our chief used to make ducklings!"

"That, I didn't bring it." Song Jingyun slapped his head and suddenly realized that the long taoist priest's hair was a little loose, and the wooden hairpin was askew. "I just put it in the gossip lover."

"Really?" Lu Qiusheng was suspicious.

"Really! If you don't believe me, search! It doesn't have the curvature of a duck's egg." Song Jingyun got up and patted his pocket, turned around with an open face, "Huaxia people don't lie to Huaxia people! I really didn't bring it in."

Only then did the two of them half-believe.

Quan Heng watched him switch the left and right hands of a pure white egg like a magic trick behind his back, he was stunned that the angle of view did not let the two see it.

This Taoist priest is really dishonest.

Song Jingyun turned around and saw Quan Heng standing behind him who didn't know when, she was stunned for a moment, and silently mouthed to her as if begging for mercy: "Give me a favor."

Quan Heng laughed silently, "Have you finished drawing the cards?"

"I smoked it. I smoked it while I was running." Song Jingyun was the first to respond. He was born with sword eyebrows and starry eyes. Card."

He didn't mean to hide it at all, and smiled calmly in the eyes of everyone, with the corners of his lips and canine teeth pressed against his thin lips, revealing some evil: "The tomb robber who smoked is on the same road with all the archaeologists, but The roles are different."

Quan Heng slightly bent his lips, "Really? That's a pity."

This person clearly wanted to use this attack to blow up another tomb robber.

But this trick is not suitable for fighting alone, there is a certain risk, unless other people...

"I'm an archaeologist," Lu Xiaoman raised his hand, like a good student in junior high school answering a teacher's question, "So is my brother."

"But we are only here to get our special items, and we will [abstain] bail after completing the role mission. There will be a training match with the Banner of the God of War later, and the chief asked us to solve it in one game. If it is an equivalent replacement... probably 24 hours here."

Lu Qiusheng rubbed his chin, "This time's role mission should not conflict with ghost cards."

——Unless other people's role tasks do not conflict with the joker cards, or they don't want to compete for the top three in the wealth list, they will directly take the abstention route to pay game currency bail. Connectors have this authority.

"The ghost card and other teammates don't necessarily have a conflict relationship." Qi Siming explained in a low voice, "If there are five people, it is very likely that the ghost card has more tasks, and it is easy to become a 'ghost'."

Quan Heng nodded, these things KP mentioned in the novice literacy.

"Keeper reminded us that we can't stay here at night," Quan Heng said, "The way has been found, let's go to the Miao Village first."

"Walk, walk, wait until Hei Tian meets the mountain ghost."

Song Jingyun lifted the corner of the Taoist priest's clothes, and the paper money on his body was dangling, revealing a palm-sized ghost exorcising mahogany sword, with a serious face, "I am most afraid of ghosts."

"..." Lu Qiusheng frowned in disbelief, "A Taoist priest is afraid of shit!?"

"Really. I didn't even apply for a Taoist certificate because I was afraid of ghosts." Song Jingyun emphasized, "The most basic trust between people, why can't you empathize with me?"

"Let's go first," Quan Heng chuckled, "Senior Song, how much do you know about Miao Jiang's burial?"

"You're welcome, just call me by my name," Song Jingyun walked beside Quan Heng, thinking, "The burial system in Miaojiang is similar to that in the Central Plains. There are funerals, sitting in the hall at night, and killing cows to sacrifice to heaven. It's just that burial is very difficult. Stick to nature, burial in the ground or directly in the water, only the Gu kings of the past will enter the mountain to seal the coffin."

"Gu King?" Quan Heng fiddled with the Buddha beads, thinking of the Gu worm that Lao Tuo's family traded with Quan Lin.

"Yes, Gu insects in Miaojiang are poisonous all over the world. The people who are the most powerful in raising Gu in several villages are called Gu kings. They usually use their own blood to sacrifice Gu, and directly raise the Gu insect king in their bodies. In critical moments He will sacrifice himself to take Gu to protect the village.

"When the Gu King dies, no one can control the Gu insects, so the clansmen will seal the corpse and hide it in the mountains. They offer sacrifices every year, and I heard that the corpse can last for a thousand years."

Song Jingyun scratched his head: "But this happened hundreds of years ago. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, we were not allowed to become prostitutes, and the party secretary of Miaozhai village has long since prohibited me from learning Gu. The work of poverty alleviation has not been done well yet. Have time to engage in this illegal thing."

What you said... makes sense.

"Look, the Miao village is right in front of you!" Lu Xiaoman pointed to the misty gate of the bamboo village not far away, and he could see a boy and girl herding cattle. The silver ornaments were exquisite and shone brightly when the girl turned her head.

"Hey! Sister over there——hmm!"

"Keep your voice down, my dear brother, do you remember that we were kicked out by others?!"

Lu Qiusheng grabbed Lu Xiaoman, who was greeting others, covered his mouth and lowered his voice to warn.

Lu Xiaoman nodded, signaling his brother to let him go quickly.

Fortunately, the young couple who were talking about love in front were so immersed in ambiguity that they didn't notice their backs.

"who are you?"

Suspicious voices suddenly sounded behind them, and when everyone turned their heads, they saw the people from the village who appeared behind them at some unknown time.

Quan Heng first saw the long, flowing hair, which was fixed with exquisite silver jewelry.Wearing a light purple Miao youth costume, the wide sleeves are embroidered with special and complicated patterns, which looks like a unique totem.

The young man was born beautiful, with eyebrows and eyes reminiscent of the elegant water in Miaojiang, and like a thin cloud on the peak.

There is a very light fragrance on the body, like the fragrance of an unknown flower.

"Hello, I heard that the sacrifice in your place is about to start." Quan Heng turned his eyes lightly when he smelled the fragrance, "For foreigners to come to gain knowledge and do TV shows, I wonder if they are allowed in the village?"

"Really? So it came from the land beyond the river."

The young man smiled, and didn't seem to have any doubts: "It's okay, there will be foreigners visiting the village every year, but..."

As he spoke, he suddenly tilted his head to look at Quan Heng, and smiled faintly: "Did I meet you somewhere?"

(End of this chapter)

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