Chapter 71 Inverse Cross Paradise

Mirror Ghost was stunned for a moment: "Do you know who I am?"

"I know." Quan Heng lowered his hands and held the beads with a calm tone, "The child who was trafficked to the amusement park in 2013."

There are only mirror ghosts and players in this toy house, so one can imagine who those dead children are.

The mirror ghost was silent for a moment, and his appearance changed—from Taoist attire to an ordinary plaid shirt and black student pants.

She has a very handsome face, and she looks about eight or nine years old.

"The clown npc in front of the dollhouse is a monster from your camp." Her tone was not a question.


"We haven't found the map for so long because there is no map in this dollhouse. In other words, the 'maps' we have collected are actually clues to the ceremony of the Reverse Cross Paradise."

"...Yes." The boy nodded.

"The suppression of ritual offerings has been loosened. What are the consequences?"

"Our dead faces are mirrored on children of similar age."

The boy paused and answered frankly, "Back then we were poisoned to death in the god summoning ceremony. If someone is projected to die, it is also a phenomenon of mercury poisoning."

"So, as long as I clear the game, I can completely let your souls go." Quan Heng pondered for a while, "All the pollution transmission will also disappear."

The boy moved his lips and said in silence for a while: "If the game is cleared, we can leave, but Xiao Wu may not."

Quan Heng paused, his eyes darkened: "Because Mu Jing is the most suitable 'savior'?"

The boy's pupils shrank suddenly, and he raised his head suddenly: "——you knew Xiao Wu's identity a long time ago?!"

Quan Heng touched Qingrun's Buddhist beads, and gave a soft "hmm":
"After all, you are a child, and acting is full of loopholes."

In front of careerists who really play with people's hearts, it's not enough to look at.

"...that's the reason."

The boy nodded, and after a few seconds of silence, he said softly, "But there is also a way to take him out, that is... the way3 of Ben."

After he finished speaking, he carefully looked at Quan Heng's expression.

There are generally three ways to end the plot when running a group game——

way1-Dead way, crash way, end of map exploration, player death or confinement;
way2-Daybreak way, the way of dawn, the map exploration is completed, and the player logs out successfully;

way3-Crepuscular way, twilight way, map exploration interrupted, player abstained and logged out.

Quan Heng's pupils turned slightly, but he didn't answer: "This should be in the mirror, let me go back."

The mirror cannot be physically entered, and if it is later, Song Jingyun should offer incense to her.

"...Okay, just pass through the mirror behind you."

He stretched out his finger in frustration, seeing that Quan Heng was about to step away.

" it Quan Heng?"

The child suddenly plucked up the courage to say, "Sister Quan, Xiao Wu likes you very much, please don't hate him."

Quan Heng looked at him, somewhat unexpectedly.

"Xiao Wu is different from us, he came here voluntarily."

The boy took a deep breath, and his fingers twisted together nervously behind his back,
"Do you know a puppy? He's like a puppy, I'm not, not a derogatory term." He explained a little flustered.

"I know," Quan Heng said softly, calming down gently, "Puppy is never a derogatory term."

The boy pursed his lips and nodded, his emotions were soothed by her words.

He looked down at his feet, and said softly, "Xiao Wu was born with different eyes, so he has been rejected by his parents and elders since he was a child. His family didn't drive him out because of the comments from his fellow villagers, but they didn't care about him. I The place where he originally lived was not far from Xiaowu’s house, and he could always see other children bullying him on the way to school.”

Children are like a piece of white paper waiting to be rendered, and their subtle malice and discrimination are often more naked than adults.

In fact, they don't know what's wrong with different pupils, they only know that "different" is a small number of aliens, which can be oppressed and vented.

"Xiao Wu's parents didn't allow him to sleep with his brothers at home, so they drove him out of the house." The boy moved his feet and kicked off the yellow paper that fell by his feet. Sleeping with him is his only friend—you should have seen him."

"I've seen it." Quan Heng nodded slightly.

"He is really having a bad time, but I dare not help him, all those who help him will be isolated by their partners, I..."

The boy opened his mouth, but in the end he just lowered his eyes and fell silent.

"You just said that Mu Jing came here voluntarily," Quan Heng asked softly, persuasively, "Can you tell me the reason?"

"...Well," the boy nodded and whispered, "Because he wanted a real family, he made an exchange with Unknown."

"The other party told him that as long as he maintains the reversal ceremony for ten years as a sacrificer, he will give Xiao Wu a real family member—a family member who will truly love and love him."

Quan Heng's hand that slowly moved the beads paused slightly.

"He has been waiting for you for ten years," the boy bowed, his words choked up, "I beg you, don't hurt him, he is really a very good boy."

Quan Heng lowered his eyes: "I see."


Song Jingyun anxiously walked back and forth a few times before squatting down in front of Quan Heng.

The other party leaned against the wall with their eyes closed, and hadn't responded since just now.

"Damn it," Song Jingyun said angrily, "if he wasn't still alive, he would be the same as my customer in the funeral parlor about to lay his coffin—it looks quite peaceful."

After Song Jingyun finished speaking, he turned his head, waited patiently for less than three seconds, took out a few pieces of yellow paper, shook them in front of Quan Heng, and shouted loudly:

"Quan Heng—!! Are you dead—"

Quan Heng slowly opened his eyes.

"—I can't die is scaring me, I'm going!"

Song Jingyun was startled, he turned his mouth 180 degrees when he spoke, and threw the burning yellow paper out in fright, flustered for a while, and touched his nose a little guilty under Quan Heng's gaze.

"Ahem... What's the matter with you? As soon as the light flickered, you fell down directly."

It's always right to strike first.

"It's nothing, I was pulled into the mirror by the mirror ghost." Quan Heng explained.

"Then you said it earlier, didn't you just get caught by the ghost of the mirror—what did you just say?!" Song Jingyun was coaxed by Quan Heng's indifferent tone, and then reacted with a chill down her spine, and wanted to hit her with a wine gourd when she was stressed!

Little bastard, can you stop saying it as easily as "I went to pick a little flower by the side of the road"!You picked a cannibal overlord flower for me and came back! !

"You were pulled into the mirror by the mirror ghost?!"


"Then why is your body still outside?!"

"The only thing that can enter the mirror is the human soul. Isn't there a folk legend that mirrors can absorb human souls? You should know better than me."

"I know something about knitting!" Song Jingyun was furious, "If you catch a zombie, you won't let Yujian fly!! After the founding of the People's Republic, Huang Daxian is not allowed to become a master, so don't go out into science with me!"

Quan Heng: "..."

[Hahahahaha Song Jingyun's ability to hate people has not diminished at all, that is to say, he was holding back before not hating Quan Heng. ]
[I just said that I have to pretend at the beginning, I just wait for the day when Song Jingyun can't help it, I know it will be funny hahaha]
"Are you comfortable after the fight?" Quan Heng laughed, and lifted the hand holding the bead, "Shun Shun Qi, come with me to the terminal."

Song Jingyun: "Do you know how to get there?"

"Well," Quan Heng replied quietly, "Go down."

(End of this chapter)

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