Be a good mother-in-law

Chapter 17 Evil mother-in-law 17

Chapter 17 Evil mother-in-law 17
"Mom, why are you killing the chicken again?" After eating the noodles, Luo Lizhen packed up the dishes and went to the kitchen to wash them, just in time to see Lycoris killing the chicken.

The old hen that lays eggs at home is about to be killed.

"You are weak, you need to make up more." Lycoris did not lift.

Ruo Lizhen stroked her swollen belly, but she didn't speak any more.

Thinking about it, my mother-in-law is still very eager to have a grandson, and she is finally pregnant, so it is normal for her to attach such importance to her.

After washing the dishes, I went to help.

"I don't need you here, I have time to tidy up the room, so I can sleep well at night." Lycoris rejected her.

Luo Lizhen paused, nodded, took her luggage and went back to her room.

The room was very clean, even very little dust (it's hard to be completely dust-free in a masonry house), exactly the same as the last time I came back for the New Year.

She couldn't help being a little moved.

This time I came back suddenly, and I couldn't send a letter to the family in advance. It is impossible for my mother-in-law to take time to clean up the room. It must be because of the frequent cleaning.

This was a misunderstanding, Shi Suan didn't know the exact date of their return, but he could guess that it would be within a few days.

In the original plot, several women in the village became pregnant while working, and they were all persuaded to come back when they were six months old.

Lifting off the cleanly washed mosquito net, the mat has been laid out, and the pillow is folded squarely in the middle.

There was a pile of high ones beside her, and Luo Lizhen reached out to pick up one, which was a beautiful dress.

The style with high waist and big swing, the skirt is so big that it can easily accommodate her big belly.

I picked up a few more, all of which were high-waisted and swinging styles, only the color and some details were different.

Every one was beautiful, even more beautiful than the dresses she had seen in the mall outside.

Underneath, are the baby's diapers and small clothes.

There is nothing special about the diapers, and there is no style of small clothes, only the fabric is soft, and the thread ends are hidden in places that cannot be touched. What surprised her the most is that the colors are very pink.

Light red, light blue, light yellow...

Like it's for girls.

Very puzzled.

Putting down her little clothes, Luo Lizhen left the room and went to the kitchen, "Mom, what are the skirts and children's clothes on my bed?"

"The skirt is for you. It's hot, and I'm more afraid of the heat if I have a big belly. It's cool to wear a skirt. The small clothes and diapers are for my future granddaughter." Shi Suan looked up at her with a calm tone.

"Granddaughter?" Luo Lizhen was stunned.

This hasn't been born yet, how do you know if it's a man or a woman?


The point is that the entire brigade, almost all individuals, are desperately trying to have a son, or desperately want their daughter-in-law, granddaughter-in-law, daughter, or granddaughter to have a son.

How do you see the mother-in-law like this, but I really hope that she can have a daughter?

Personality has changed drastically, you used to like boys, but now you like girls?

That's why he suddenly treated her and Yufeng so well?

"Mom," Luo Lizhen asked tentatively, "If it's not a granddaughter, but a grandson?"

"Is there a difference? Not all children."

"So, do you prefer boys or girls?"

Lycoris thought for a while, "As a woman, I prefer girls, but I also feel that women have to suffer a lot in life, and I hope you will have a son."

Luo Lizhen looked at her, thinking of her past experience, her nose couldn't help but feel a little sour.

The mother-in-law has indeed suffered a lot in her life.

Lycoris: "Don't be burdened, I will treat boys and girls the same, but for your baby, I dreamed that it was a girl, so I made light-colored clothes for it. In fact, even if it is a boy, it doesn't matter if it is pink or soft. .”

(End of this chapter)

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