"Seafood resources are really rich. I think I may have guessed wrong. People in Mercury may not be short of food." Su Jiu held a squid as thick as her forearm and said, "Maybe they just lack fruits and vegetables?"

Gu Ye studied for a long time, and suddenly said: "The marine life has mutated——"


"Do you see that these seafood are much bigger than those on Blue Star? You must know that the data obtained by Qiuqiu shows that before the global oceanization, the marine life on Mercury was about the same size as that on Blue Star." Gu Ye pointed to the huge body on the ground. Seafood, said: "Then the only situation left is that the marine organisms have mutated."

Su Jiu thought about it silently, squatted down and cut open the fish's belly with a knife, and found a small blue bead. He picked it up and looked at it: "This bead contains energy, it should be similar to a crystal nucleus." energy stones."

Gu Ye also got a small bead and observed it: "Water power is very rich, Su Jiu, don't you think this is like the legendary demon pill."

"Indeed." Su Jiu nodded.

"Humanity's evolution probably hasn't kept up—"

Su Jiu also agrees with this. You must know that there are not a few human beings living in the entire Mercury, but the seafood she collects from so many people is still very little, which only shows that there are very few human beings who are capable of catching marine life.

"The merit points provided by the plane of the last days are gradually increasing. It seems that the black source tree is also very important to them, but I feel that the purpose of salvation cannot be achieved by relying on the black source tree alone. face is different."

"Don't worry, we still have time to think about it slowly, not to mention that Long Xiaguo and others are studying the reasons for the end of the world. If we work together, there will always be a day when it will be realized."

"If everyone gave a little love, the world would..."

Listening to the howling song in Qiuqiu's mouth, Su Jiu wished he could slap it to death: "Don't make trouble! I plan to collect more water-repelling beads in the game plane. If there are water-repelling beads, people on Mercury will go into the sea easily. few."

Gu Ye added: "The skill cards of the water system should also be collected more intensively."

The two of them took inventory of the sold goods while chatting. After this inventory, Su Jiu found a problem.

During the live broadcast, she was patronizing and busy, and as long as the goods were sold out, she would continue to put them on the shelves. Anyway, the inventory was just replenished: "I always thought that the taste of the bugs was strong enough, but I didn't expect Mercury to be too late. I actually like eating stinky tofu!"

Seeing that Su Jiu's eyes were wide open, Gu Ye shook his head amusedly, and teased, "Don't you also like to eat stinky tofu? In fact, there are quite a few people who like to eat stinky tofu seriously, otherwise Wang's stinky tofu Tofu won’t sell as well.”

Su Jiu pursed his lips in embarrassment, and said, "It's just that stinky tofu is a small non-staple food after all. It's so strange that almost everyone likes Mercury people like it."

"What's so strange about this, I remember that I once went to a small planet in my previous life, where all the people were addicted to spicy food, and they couldn't enjoy any kind of spicy food, and they ate chili peppers for every meal, and sometimes they even ate them for three meals Steamed buns dipped in chili." Gu Ye said that Su Jiu made a fuss, since the federal nutrient solution still has the flavor of chili.

"Ahem, then go prepare another batch of stinky tofu, and buy Wang's stinky tofu, and sell it again in two days." Su Jiu has eaten a lot of stinky tofu, and Wang's stinky tofu tastes the most authentic. .

Gu Ye looked at Su Jiu in surprise: "I thought you would ask Su Er to study making stinky tofu."

Su Jiu rolled his eyes angrily, and said angrily: "I'm not crazy, it's true that I like to eat stinky tofu, but it doesn't mean that I like to smell the smell of stinky tofu all day, let alone you don't think Is the fairy-like Paradise Paradise not suitable for stinky tofu?" When she thought of the stinky tofu smell in the Paradise Paradise, she felt a little unbearable in her stomach - she wanted to vomit!
Gu Ye raised his eyebrows and smiled: "It makes sense, hahaha——"

Seeing this, Su Jiu just realized that Gu Ye was teasing himself just now, and rolled his eyes speechlessly: "You're not naive—"

Worried about annoying people, Gu Ye straightened his expression and said, "I'll go shopping, you live broadcast first."

"Let's go." Now the purchase of goods is basically all handled by Gu Ye, and I occasionally go to Taotao.com to buy some new things that I am interested in, and add some novelty items to the live broadcast room by the way.

Su Jiu did not continue to lie down, and resumed the last live broadcast: "Shui people taboo red and yellow in clothing, especially the hot colors of red and yellow, and like blue, white, blue, and three cool colors. This It is very strange, especially in the eyes of many ethnic groups, red is the existence of wedding dresses, which must be worn on holidays. The Aquarium has a unique aesthetic view of clothing - simple, generous, and practical. The Aquarium does not like brightly colored clothing. But I like light and elegant colors. The anchor has put [-] pieces on the shelves in the background. These are all made by Su San in a hurry. If you like it, you can go to place an order directly. Restock."

As Su Jiu's live broadcast lasted longer, not to mention the viewers in the end-apocalyptic plane began to pick up on the appearance of clothing, even the Daqing plane and the game plane began to selectively buy clothing.It's been a long time since Su Jiu saw this kind of treatment as soon as the clothes were put on the shelves. Mercury people are really awesome, and he secretly sighed that the spending power of the new plane is strong.

Qiuqiu suddenly said from the side: "Host, do you want to use the remaining merit points to extract a new plane?"

"Go away!" Su Jiu glanced at Qiuqiu angrily, this prodigal son wanted to empty her account, never mind.

Su Jiu turned around and continued the live broadcast: "Shuishu classics are masterpieces of folk knowledge, beliefs and cultures of the Shui people. They are known as the 'Book of Changes' and 'Encyclopedia' of the Shui people. In addition to primitive beliefs, it is also compatible with many aspects of the philosophy of the Shui nationality, literature and art, language and characters, offensive and defensive formations, ethics, production and life..." After explaining the classics of Shuishu in detail, Su Jiu put them on the shelf A batch of water books.

People who are chasing like Kangxi quickly bought a copy. After all, all the books in the live broadcast room need to be purchased with merit points. In the words of the anchor, "knowledge is a priceless treasure, and the value of books can only be reflected with merit points."

There have been many books on sale in the backstage of Su Jiu's live broadcast room. Even if these ancient books can't be sold out this time, she doesn't care. They just keep selling them on the shelves. Anyway, there are always people who like to read books and are willing to buy them.

"The creation myths and legends of the Shui nationality are the literary creations of the ancestors of the Shui nationality in ancient times. They mainly revolve around themes such as the formation of heaven, earth, mountains and rivers, the formation of the sun, moon and stars, and the origin of human beings, animals and plants. They are the most glorious and splendid in the history of Shui nationality literature. Works. The most famous ones are Man, Dragon, Thunder and Tiger Fighting for the World, Yin Gong trampled on the world, brothers and sisters of the remnants of the prehistoric people recreated human habitation, etc. Next, the host will show you the cartoon "Human Dragon, Thunder and Tiger Fighting for the World", please feel the unique Shui nationality. Literary charm."

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