Since buying the holographic game "Zi Zai Xian Xia" from Su Jiu's live broadcast room, Wang Xueyun and other professionals began to evaluate it.After a period of understanding, Xia Guo's researchers finally came to a conclusion: with their current scientific research technology, it is impossible to achieve the real level of this holographic game. In addition, this holographic game has a certain effect on depression caused by lack of sunlight Very obvious therapeutic effect.

Wang Qing, the chief researcher, thumped his head in frustration: "With my current technology, I may not be able to research it in another ten years. It is really too difficult to be [-]% authentic——"

The others were somewhat depressed, and in the end Wang Xueyun clapped his hands to attract everyone's attention, and said, "Don't be so decadent, everyone, I asked the host, this holographic game is not produced by Blue Star, but from a technologically advanced The interstellar civilization, the other party's technology will catch up with us for more than 1000 years."

Wang Qing cleared his throat embarrassingly, and said, "Xueyun, can you ask the host if she sells the research and development program, and also ask about the patent of the game warehouse by the way." After finishing speaking, his eyes wandered a little guilty, They belong to different planes, so the anchor should be willing to sell them, right?
Wang Xueyun glanced at her boss in surprise, her heart fluttered wildly: "Ahem, I'll ask the anchor."

After receiving Wang Xueyun's video call, Su Jiu was stunned. She never expected that people in the Yongye plane would be so wild. This is to kick Kaya Federal Technology Co., Ltd.'s job. How dare you think about it!

"Sorry, Kaya Federal Technology Co., Ltd. said that they will not sell the copyright, and the anchor is just an ordinary porter." Su Jiu paused and continued: "However, Wang Xueyun, you can buy the right to use for 100 years at once. In this way, you can make money with "Zizai Xianxia"." As for what to do after 100 years, I'm sorry, Wanjie Mall didn't give an answer, and Su Jiu said she didn't know, but she felt that the Yongye plane should be able to do it after 100 years. Forge your own path.

Wang Xueyun was a little disappointed, but she also expressed her understanding. If such a powerful holographic game were replaced by her, she would not sell the copyright.Since this road is not going to work, they can only study hard by themselves, but they may be able to purchase patent rights such as game warehouses and other supporting facilities, and 100 years is enough for their scientific research team to thoroughly research related technologies.

Su Jiu looked at the new order from the Yongye plane, squinted his eyes happily, and ignored the waves of the Yongye plane: "Next, the host will introduce a traditional Daur dish - stewed tofu with cabbage foam, Tofu stewed with cabbage foam is made by separating the cabbage leaves and stems, and the leaves are made into cabbage foam, and the stems are cut and then mixed with peppers and salted vegetables. It is also a traditional pickle of the Daur nationality. It is pickled vegetables that can be stewed and fried. The operation is simple and the taste is salty and spicy. Interested friends can try to make it by themselves. Of course, the anchor also prepared [-] servings of stewed tofu with cabbage foam for everyone. The link has been uploaded. You can Going to place an order."

Stewed tofu with cabbage foam is a home-cooked dish with common ingredients, and it is easy to operate after listening to the anchor's introduction. Many people who love to eat think that it is not impossible to try to make a stewed tofu with cabbage foam.

"This is the end of the story about the Daur people. Next, the host will talk about the Salar people. The history of the ancestors of the Salar people moving from Samarkand in Central Asia has been confirmed by some historians in recent years. Their ancestors The tombs of Saint Galmang and Ahmang and the manuscripts of the Koran are still preserved in the Jiezi Mosque."

"The Salar ethnic group is one of the ten ethnic groups in China who believe in Islam. They strictly abide by the religious system and basic beliefs of Islam, practice the five rituals of chanting, rites, fasting, classes, and pilgrimage, and respect the Koran and hadith." Su Jiu stopped and took a sip of the blue gold honey water, "The anchor also prepared the Quran for everyone. Friends who believe in Islam can go and buy a copy. The Quran can become a reading material for Islam. superior."

When she first started drinking blue-gold honey water, Su Jiu was cautious, lest she waste the honey brewed by blue-gold bees. Now that the output has increased, she can directly use blue-gold honey water instead of boiled water. Su Jiu still expressed his reluctance to put it on the shelves in the live broadcast room, and now the daily drop of blue gold honey is put on the shelves to earn merit points.

Looking at the blue gold honey that was collected with great difficulty, Su Jiu reluctantly put a drop on the shelves.

Gu Ye looked at Su Jiu with a funny face, and said, "If you're so reluctant, just keep them all."

"No need!" Su Jiu shook his head resolutely, "How can we go back on our promises every day. Forget it, let's not bring up this heart-wrenching topic. I will continue the live broadcast."

"The staple food of the Salar people is usually made into flower rolls, steamed buns, pancakes, wonton buns, noodles, stir-fried dough and paste, etc. Meat is mainly cattle, sheep, and chicken. Pigs, dogs, donkeys, mules, horses, etc. are not allowed to ruminate Animal meat, the meat of all ferocious animals, blood, and self-dead things.” At this point Su Jiu paused, “Friends in the live broadcast room, have you noticed that many ethnic minorities have different meat diets? taboo. Here, the anchor wants to emphasize again that you don’t have to believe their taboos, but you have to respect their taboos, and don’t commit taboos in front of them.”

"The Salar people have a traditional specialty food called 'Billy Buy Sea'. Is this the first time you have heard of this name, and the anchor is also the first to know it, but the other name is 'Oil Stirring Tuan'. Are you familiar with it? Already? This special food made of vegetable oil and flour is the traditional food of the Salar people. Well, without further ado, the anchor will directly post the link, and friends who like it can place an order.”

Looking at the inventory, Su Jiu's mood became better and better: "The Salar people are different from most ethnic minorities. Generally speaking, their clothing is relatively uniform. In terms of color, men are mainly white and black, and red and yellow are taboo. and colorful costumes; except for occasions when women participate in religious ceremonies, women wear bright and colorful clothes, and black or purple waistcoats, which are even more charming and handsome, and quite distinctive."

"Come on, let's take a closer look at the clothes on the anchor. Do you think this style is very familiar? You guessed it! The clothes of the Salar people are basically the same as those of the Hui people. The difference is that the tops are generally wider and the waist is tied with cloth. "Su Jiu stroked his waist while talking, "The anchor knows that everyone can't bear to buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, let's not talk nonsense, [-] sets of Salar costumes, let's grab—"

"Like many ethnic minorities, the Salars have their own language, but no written language. The Salar language belongs to the Oguz language group of the West Huns branch of the Turkic language family of the Altaic language family..."

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