Chapter 119

"Last time I didn't have time to tell you about the special food of the Blang people. Today, the anchor will talk a little bit. The Blang people like to drink a drink with unique ethnic and regional characteristics—sour tea. The method of making sour tea is also very simple. First boil the fresh tea leaves and put them in a cool place. After the tea leaves turn sour, put them in a bamboo tube, plug it tightly, then wrap the bamboo tube with bamboo shoots and bury it in the soil, take it out after three or four months, and it will become sour tea."

"About sour tea, friends who like sour tea can try it in private. I have to say that the Blang people really like 'sour' food. Not only do they like to eat sour fish, sauerkraut, and sour bamboo shoots, but even the tea they drink is sour. Tea. Although the host likes to eat sour fish, pickled cabbage, and sour bamboo shoots, sour tea is still unbearable. There is a very famous dumpling in the Sichuan province of Z country——spicy dumplings. The so-called spicy dumplings refer to dumplings filled with red peppers!"

"Hahaha, it's red, and it's very spicy at first glance. The anchor didn't dare to try it at all, but a friend of the anchor ate a whole plate of spicy dumplings without changing his face. Do you think it's awesome, the anchor I think so too, but since then, the anchor has never dared to let her order again."

The audience in the live broadcast room was also giggling. The dumplings stuffed with chili peppers were not usually spicy. Looking at the anchor’s daily eating habits, he knew that the host would definitely not enjoy it. Of course, some curious people said that they would try the power of spicy dumplings later.

Su Jiu was speechless for a while. She really didn't know what to do with this kind of thing. She wanted to know that it was spicy dumplings, but she didn't eat anything, which made her mouth burn afterwards and had to drink tea to remove the fire.

"Many cool men and beautiful women in modern times like to tattoo all kinds of patterns on their bodies. Today we mentioned the ancient custom left by the ancestors of the Blang people - tattoos. When the Blang men were 4 or [-] years old Tattoos are performed, and various patterns are tattooed on the limbs, chest, waist, abdomen and back. There are many patterns, which can be roughly divided into four types: scale spines, word spines, shape spines and fern spines. The shape is like fish scales but not completely like fish scales; the character thorns are arranged in a table according to the so-called "spell" or witchcraft needs, and thorns are stabbed on the body; most of the shape thorns are animal figures, common ones are dragons, tigers, lions, elephants, etc.; Fern thorns are shaped like the pointed leaves of young ferns. No matter what kind of thorns they are, they are all composed according to the needs of 'spells' and witchcraft, which is quite mysterious."

Su Jiu selected a few representative pictures and sent them to the live broadcast room: "These pictures are the most common tattoo patterns of the Blang nationality, with unique mysterious colors of ethnic minorities. The other pictures are popular tattoo patterns in modern society. Those who are interested in tattoos can try it, but it is very painful to wash it off after tattooing, so everyone must think carefully before tattooing."

"The folklore works of the Blang nationality are rich and colorful, and have been handed down orally, and have been handed down to this day. Among them are the myths of the creation of the world "Ai Silu Mengkun", the myths of totems and ancestors "Cutting Wood to Adults" and "Hulusheng", and the myths of cultural origin "Fire and Stone", the national migration epic "People from Mengmao", "From "Honglenan Three Blacks"" and so on. These literary works directly or indirectly reflect the historical situation of the Blang people. In addition, the long narrative poem "Dao Gao "Lang", tells the story of the tragic love between the boy Brown and the Dai lady, which is sad and moving, full of national characteristics."

"Similarly, all the books mentioned by the anchor just now are for sale in the live broadcast room. Friends who are interested in the stories of the Brown people can place an order to buy them." Su Jiu put the books on the shelf after finishing speaking, and then said: "About Brown Let’s stop here about the Maonan people, and then we’ll explain the Maonan people.”

"According to the genealogy of Tan, the main surname of the Maonan nationality, the ancestor Tan Sanxiao moved from Wuling County, Changde Prefecture, HUN Province to Maonan Tumiao during the Jiajing period of the Ming Dynasty. He intermarried with the local people and multiplied to form a national community. For the Maonan nationality There are few historical records, and the genealogy records in the local annals inscriptions are also unknown. It is generally believed that the Maonan nationality has a relationship with southern ethnic groups such as Buyi, Mulao, and Gelao, and they all developed from the Baiyue branch of Lingnan. If there is more detailed information over there, you can send a copy to the anchor, and the anchor will count the transaction currency for everyone." Having said that, Su Jiu actually has no hope for this, the royal family will not pay attention to the sparsely populated Maonan ethnic group, but Maonan people may not have written records, after all, the earliest can be traced back to the Ming Dynasty.

When Kangxi heard this, he paid attention to it. If he could send someone to find the information that no one in the future could find, he would not be recorded in the history books in the future. Kangxi was inspired to be "one emperor through the ages" Get started quickly.

At this time, Su Jiu naturally would not have imagined that he would actually get some unknown ethnic anecdotes from Kangxi in the future.

One of the biggest characteristics of Maonan people's eating customs is "use sour for all flavors".I like pickled sour meat, sour snails, and sauerkraut, all of which are traditional delicacies for entertaining guests.There are many sour foods, especially the "Mao Nan San Acid" which is the most famous, that is, "Ban Xing", "Suo Fa" and "Weng Simmer".

The longer the "bellow wake" is marinated in the altar, the more delicious it will be.It is a symbol of Maonan people's deep enthusiasm to treat guests with "wake up belly".Su Jiu had already prepared a batch of "waking belly" before, and all of them were on the shelves at this time.

"Suofa" is a snail soup with a unique sour taste.Its production method is to dry-fry the cleaned snails with lard. After they are thoroughly cooked and fragrant, pour them into an altar while they are hot and seal them for three months before uncovering and eating.It's rare for Su Jiu to think of the Zerg plane again. Those local tyrants like to eat snail powder very much. If they sold "Suofa" back then, they would have gone crazy.

Gu Ye accidentally heard Su Jiu's whisper, his eyes flickered, he felt that there should be planes similar to the Zerg plane among the merchants in Wanjie Mall, otherwise it would be difficult to explain why the other party has so many planes similar to the Zerg plane specialty.They will successfully join the God of Trading in the future, and may have the opportunity to establish contact with the Zerg plane.

In fact, what Gu Ye could think of, Su Jiu naturally thought of it too, but she felt that it would be a matter of her next life, maybe she would not remember this relationship by then, and it would not matter whether she contacted or not. .

The last dish of "simmering in a urn" is a kind of sauerkraut altar in salt water, which can prevent fruits and vegetables from going bad after a long time.Su Jiu simply showed the production method in the live broadcast room. Whether it is the Qing Dynasty or the game plane, it is necessary to store vegetables, melons and fruits for a long time. Of course, she also put a hundred altars of "urn stewing" on the live broadcast room.

"The Maonan nationality and the Blang nationality have similar tastes. Both ethnic groups like to eat sour food. Think about it carefully, is it possible that some other ethnic minorities also have similar tastes..."

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(End of this chapter)

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