"Tajiks have a fine tradition of respecting women. If you go to someone's house together as guests, or attend a wedding, funeral, festival, etc., the host will regard the oldest woman among the guests as the most honored guest, and ask her to enter the door first. People enter in the order of females first, then males, older ones and younger ones..." Su Jiu showed several relevant pictures and materials, and said: "The Tajik people are really a gentlemanly nation."

"Tajik dances in various forms, including eagle dance, custom dance, imitation dance, puppet dance and song and dance drama, among which the eagle dance is the most famous. The following anchor will send you a video in which young dancers are dancing It's the Eagle Dance."

The eagle is a symbol of heroes in Tajik folklore, and the eagle dance is mostly a couple dance.During the dance, the dancers bend their knees and shrug their shoulders, simulating the movements of an eagle spreading its wings, flying, and circling.

After the singing and dancing stopped, Su Jiu said with emotion: "The Tajik people, like the Han people in ancient times, are deeply rooted in male superiority and female inferiority. On the wake night and funeral day of their family's funeral, relatives, friends and fellow villagers will come to mourn and accompany them, but Women are not allowed to approach the cemetery. In addition, the superiority of men and women in funerals is also reflected in the depth of the tomb. The depth of the tomb for men is about two meters, while the depth for women only reaches to the chest..."

"That's the end of the story about the Tajik people. Friends who want to know more about it can go to the background of "A Brief History of the Tajik People." Su Jiu slowed down and continued: "Today the anchor will explain something about the Pumi people. The story, the Pumi nationality is one of the ethnic groups with a long history and ancient culture in China. The national language is Pumi language. There is no native language, and Chinese is commonly used. The anchor personally feels that the reason why the Han nationality develops so well is inseparable from the Chinese language , everyone can think about the gap between the nation with writing and the nation without writing.”

"The Pumi people's traditional diet includes stone-baked cakes, sheep stomach boiled meat, and wooden barrel cooking. It sounds weird, but the taste is not bad. In addition, the anchor of the traditional famous wine 'Sulima' unique to the Pumi people is also broadcasting live. There are a whole ten thousand altars on the shelf."

After scanning the barrage, he found that someone was asking about the Wine Festival. Su Jiu thought for a while and said: "Just now the anchor saw someone asking whether the Wine Festival will be held, of course it will be held, but the anchor has only saved 50 jugs of fine wine now , Wait until you have accumulated 100 million altars before starting."

Bullet screen 1: The anchor quickly uploads the link, we don’t want the Wine Festival anymore, we want to drink now!

Barrage 2: Anchor, we don't hold a wine festival...

Bullet screen 3: Anchor, the sale starts today——


Su Jiu never expected that she would be surrounded by bullet screens after she said the progress. Looking at the pile of bullet screens asking her to serve the wine as soon as possible, she felt a little uncertain, should she put it on the shelves now?

Gu Ye looked at Su Jiu's tangled look and wanted to laugh, but fortunately he held back, otherwise his little wife would be annoyed: "Naturally, it conforms to public opinion." These fine wines are going to be sold anyway, sooner or later What's the difference? There will always be no drinks left in the live broadcast room.

After thinking about it, Su Jiu felt that what Gu Ye said was reasonable, and she was halfway through the preparations, so she could hold the Wine Festival in two.Well, just do it!
"Okay, okay, everyone, don't post barrage anymore. In response to the call of the masses, the anchor decided to put the 50 jars of fine wine that he had saved up on the shelves!" Mobilizing the atmosphere, Su Jiu said solemnly: "The fine wine that is on the shelf today There are 1 types in total, and these are all voted by everyone bit by bit, and they are all favorites of everyone on weekdays. 2, 3, [-], let’s grab—"

Su Jiu looked at the empty warehouse, thinking that she still underestimated everyone's spending power: "The inventory is emptied, the anchor is really out of stock, next time the anchor will prepare more."

The audience in the live broadcast room saw that the anchor really couldn't bring out any more wine, so they all took a breath, and kept asking the anchor to stock up as soon as possible.

Su Jiu had to promise again and again that he would stock up as soon as possible: "The anchor will share with you a special method of making pork—pork fat. Pork fat is a special way for Pumi and Mosuo people to process whole pigs. After the pig is slaughtered, the bones and internal organs are removed, salt and pepper are used to make marinated meat, and then the pig skin is sewn together to form pig fat. Because it looks like a pipa, it is also called "pipa meat". Pig fat is the best gift from Pumi people Gifts. There are no fine wines, but everyone can buy Pu’s charming premium pig fat, friends who want to buy this time must be quick, the anchor will not replenish the stock in a short time.”

When the anchor said this, the audience in the live broadcast room suddenly became nervous, and as soon as the link was connected, their fingers poked quickly.

Seeing that the inventory was emptied again, Su Jiu quickly changed the subject: "Men in Pumi's historical costumes braid their hair, wear Tibetan hats, sabers and felts, earrings, sleeves on their left hands, and bare feet. Women wear thin braids on their shoulders. , a lot of jewelry, wearing skirts, and barefoot. Generally, before the age of 13, regardless of gender, they wear a right-front linen gown. Boys don’t wear pants, and girls don’t wear skirts. Girls keep a braid in front of their hair accessories, and tie red and green beads on them. Boys keep braids in front of the head and on the left and right sides, and do not wear beads; the clothing of adult men is roughly the same everywhere, mainly wearing linen jackets..."

"The host has prepared a hundred traditional pumi sabers for everyone, and you can place an order if you like it."

"The Pumi people have a very special custom - the power of the uncle in the Pumi family is very prominent. The power of the uncle is the same as that of the parents. Every year, the nephew goes to the uncle's house to pay New Year's greetings, and the nieces and daughters also go after wearing trousers and skirts at the age of 13. When visiting the uncle, the uncle will give clothes, ornaments and even large livestock. The uncle has the right to interfere with the marriage of the nephew, especially the niece. The uncle's family has the priority to marry. After the married woman dies, she must first report to the uncle's family. Hanging with a white felt, the son-in-law has to bow and flatter. This uncle is really no different from his own father. From the above information, everyone can see that the Pumi people are also popular among the Pumi people. As for the dangers of inbreeding, the anchor has already I’ve said it countless times, so I won’t emphasize it here.”

According to Su Jiu's knowledge, there are still many Qing people who do not believe in evil and continue to kiss each other.Su Jiu didn't know what to say anymore, so he didn't bother to pay attention to these fluke people. After all, you can wake up a sleeping person, but you can never wake up someone who pretends to be asleep. These people can only wait for reality to wake them up. Awake.

"The anchor is not saying that the customs of the Pumi people are not good. If the uncle is of good character, then of course there is no problem. If it is a scum in the world, then it is too pitiful to be a niece. Okay, then the anchor will talk about Pumi nation's achievements in literature."

"The Pumi people have created many imaginative, beautiful and gorgeous folk literature works, among which the number of myths and legends is relatively large, and the age is relatively old. Such as "The Flood", "The Opening of the World", "The Story of Catching Red Deer", "Gadami "..."

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