I became popular in Wanjie live broadcast

Chapter 135 Mercury clearance

Seawater pearls of various qualities are directly piled up in a warehouse, and Su Jiu is a little bit overwhelmed. This is a technological breakthrough in the Mercury plane, and the salvage of seawater pearls has become easy?
Finally, let Qiuqiu select the highest quality seawater pearls to keep, and the rest will be handed over to Su Qi to make pearl jewelry.

The king crab, which was as big as a washbasin in front of him, tasted delicious after only simple cooking. Su Jiu said that she could eat a whole one by herself.Su Jiu nodded secretly in his heart. Regardless of the apocalypse in the Mercury plane, the quality of the sea water on the planet is really good. The mutated king crab is better than the one in the cave. Fortunately, she bought a whole warehouse of mutants this time. King crab, this thing is really worthless in Mercury.

The flagship product of the live broadcast room, green japonica rice, reappeared again. Su Jiu had to feel the busyness when he first bound the live broadcast room, holding the crystal nucleus in one hand, while constantly giving birth to round after round of green japonica rice.

In addition to the glutinous rice, which is in short supply, all kinds of vegetables have also become popular, especially many vegetables that are not suitable for cultivation in Mercury are extremely popular.Su Jiu was very grateful that the time flow in the Paradise of Paradise was far faster than the outside world, which made her birthing business less difficult. The addition of the two made the business reach a strange balance point.

With the efforts of Gu Ye and others, the pre-orders placed by the Mercury people began to be delivered one after another, but the Mercury people still didn't seem to feel that it was enough, and they started a new round of pre-orders.

The time has not yet expired, so Su Jiu will naturally not give up these orders. Fortunately, Gu Ye has many talented people under his command, and there are many mechanical lives awakened in the cave, so they can barely supply them.Su Jiu simply broke away from the production, and only kept producing raw materials such as various grains and vegetables.

The Mercury people didn't expect the anchor to be so powerful, so they quietly asked: The anchor's supply ability is so strong, they were deceived before!
The loyal Li Tezhu looked at the list in his hand in a daze. Didn't he just finish it yesterday? Where did the order come from today? I always feel that the president has a secret.Li Tezhu felt as if a kitten was stepping back and forth. He was extremely curious and wanted to observe it, but he was worried that curiosity would kill the cat. There was only one word - "entangled".

It's not that Gu Ye didn't see the abnormality of Li Tezhu, but some things always need someone to do it. Li Tezhu followed him as soon as he graduated from university. There is absolutely no problem with his character and work ability. Sooner or later anomalies will be discovered.It's just that he didn't expect Li Tezhu to be so sharp, and he deserved to be the one he single-handedly picked up.However, even if Special Assistant Li finds a problem, he will never leak the secrets. Assistant Li in the CEO's office is notoriously strict.

All the purchases and shipments have been handed over, Su Jiu now only cares about the growth of crops, and ignores the rest, and is obsessed with farming.When Su Jiu woke up from farming activities, the countdown on the panel was almost cleared.

Su Jiu always felt that the ten days this time were much shorter than the previous few times. Gu Ye shook his head amusedly. There was no change, but Jiu Jiu was addicted to farming and forgot the passage of time.

With the closure of the Mercury plane, Su Jiu once again received the gift of world consciousness - the heart of the ocean.The heart of the ocean can subtly change the quality of sea water, which can be said to be a rare treasure.

Qiuqiu happily stepped on his feet and said, "Host, are you sure you don't want to open a new plane?"

"Don't open it, let's upgrade Dongtian Paradise!" Su Jiu felt that since his intuition told him to keep connecting with the three planes, he had to give it a try anyway.

With the operation of the ball, the planes connected to the live broadcast room officially became three, and Su Jiu also completed the counterattack mission of the three planes.

The main system that has not appeared for a long time reappeared: "Because the host Su Jiu completed the counterattack mission of the three planes, the branch system can now be bound in advance, and the Wanjie live broadcast system can be upgraded. The upgrade time is 3 hour, the host Su Jiu can choose the upgrade start time."

Su Jiu let out a breath, and said excitedly: "The Wanjie live broadcast system can finally be upgraded." A flash of clarity flashed in his heart, as expected, the condition for upgrading is to help the three planes successfully counterattack.

Gu Ye was also a little excited: "What is the form of the upgraded system? Can it be directly established as a branch system under the name of the Lord of Trading system?"

Su Jiu naturally hopes to be assigned to the God Master System of Cheng Trading as soon as possible. Through Qiuqiu's diplomatic work, she has a little understanding of the Wanjie System. Every time she upgrades, her previous glory will be cleared. The sooner she transfers to Cheng The more beneficial it is for her future development to be under the name of the Lord of Trading system.

"Of course I hope that the sooner the better, it's a pity that this kind of thing depends on what the main system will do."

Gu Ye knew that they could only wait for now. The Myriad Realms live broadcast system was too low-level. Their understanding of the Myriad Realms system and others all came from their own reasoning and ball diplomacy.Generally speaking, their understanding of the Myriad Realms system is really limited.Of course, he had the same thoughts as Su Jiu, the sooner the better.

"Forget it, let's stop guessing, I'll upgrade first." Three hours said it quickly, Su Jiu decisively clicked the upgrade button.

Gu Ye nodded and said, "You've been busy for a long time. I'll take you out for a stroll. The major brands in the mall have already started to release new ones. You can just take this opportunity to change your wardrobe."

Su Jiu twitched the corners of his mouth: "..." As a girl, she naturally likes new clothes, but she has no shortage of clothes at all, not counting the ones Su San and others sewed for her. Give her clothes often.It can be said that many clothes in her closet were worn only once and then thrown aside. She is not a star and needs to attend various banquets, and the dress can only be worn once. Now she does not need to buy any more clothes.

Gu Ye obviously saw the refusal on Su Jiu's face, and sighed helplessly. Not only is their family not short of money, they should be rich.His wife was so diligent and thrifty in managing the family, he was a little dumbfounded: "You really can't shirk this time. It has been a year since you married into the Gu family. According to the tradition of taking care of the family, a newlywed needs to spread out in the circle after one year of marriage. communication."

Su Jiu vaguely remembered that He Xiaorong had mentioned to her that the newlyweds of the Gu family had a one-year assessment period. After passing the assessment, they would be led by their husbands to re-enter the social circle and walk on behalf of the Gu family.Since she is married to Gu Ye, she will naturally not express dissatisfaction with this. In fact, the wife's diplomacy is still very necessary.

In this way, she really bought clothes again. Although she doesn't like comparisons, comparisons are common in the wealthy circle. At that time, everyone else will wear this year's new high-end clothes. If you are wearing last year's, others will definitely look down on her, and even look down on her. Secretly ridiculing Gu's family behind her back, after all, her background is really not enough in the circle of top wealthy families, some people will inevitably not have the mentality of watching the excitement.

It was obvious that Gu Ye was also aware of the challenges that Su Jiu would face next, so he shook his hand and said, "Thanks for your hard work."

"It's not hard, it's my duty." Since she is married, she has to take on the responsibility of the Gu family's mistress.

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