"The diet of Yugur herdsmen is mainly dairy products such as buttered tea, tsampa, naipizi, and Qula. They usually have three teas and one meal a day. Hand-caught mutton, meat sausage, and 'dried fruit' are the Yugur people's favorite food. special flavor food." Su Jiu continued the great cause of popularizing minority culture.

This time, Su Jiu didn't list the traditional food of the Yugur herdsmen in the live broadcast room at all, and directly announced the production process in the live broadcast room. People with a certain foundation can make the corresponding food after two more attempts.

For example: After slaughtering a sheep, mince the neck meat and tenderloin, mix with fried noodles and condiments and put them into the fatty intestines, which are called "meat sausages".Chop lamb liver, lungs and other internal organs, add fried noodles, green onion and garlic and other seasonings, and roll them into rolls with belly oil, which is called "dried zhiguo".The meat sausage and "dried fruit" are cooked and cut into thin slices, poured with garlic juice and vinegar, fat but not greasy, and can be eaten hot or cold.

The sales situation in Jiuxiang Alley made Su Jiu pay more attention to the promotion of food and wine, so she generalized the rest of the culture of the Yugur herdsmen, but the food culture was explained in detail.

As more and more delicacies were explained in the live broadcast room, Su Jiu turned on the questionnaire function and planned to put them on the shelves according to the survey results.The viewers in the live broadcast room don’t care whether they usually buy things or not, they are still very active in filling out the questionnaire. After all, it is very cost-effective to get 10 trading coins within a few minutes.

Swiping collected more than 700 million questionnaires in total, and Su Jiu arranged for the ball to be counted and handed over to himself.After looking at it, Su Jiu found that many delicacies overlapped, but this is normal, after all, many people have similar tastes.

With the counted dishes, it was much easier for Su Jiu to prepare food. She simply followed the counted list, preparing for the first fifty and the last fifty. As for the shelves in Jiuxiang Alley, she started to put the most popular dishes on the shelves. Sell.

The effect of the trial sale was not bad. Su Jiu felt that she could get a questionnaire from time to time in the future, after all, she did not lack the trading coins.

Gu Ye always felt that the game plane was about to reach the countdown time, so he said to Su Jiu: "Should we first ask the people in the game plane what their needs are in the live broadcast room, and don't come here again like the previous ones?" It’s exhausting, and there are even many who say that they forgot to buy this or that, so they earn much less.”

Su Jiu thought for a while and felt that what Gu Ye said was quite reasonable: "Then I will give you a list first, let's count the waves according to the list first, even if the countdown time comes late, it will not have much impact." The list she prepared All the above commodities need merit points, and she really has no shortage of trading coins now. For her, the biggest role of trading coins is to pay the high shipping fee.

Gu Ye obviously also guessed Su Jiu's purpose, so he simply added a number, and selected some products from Wanjie Mall that he thought would be used in the game plane.In fact, he and Su Jiu have always been wondering why they can only buy goods from Wanjie Mall, while other hosts can obviously buy things from their small shops.

In the end, after thinking about it again and again, they decided that it might have something to do with the lack of a real upgrade of the Myriad Realms live streaming system.

After the counterattacks of the previous planes, the game plane is somewhat psychologically prepared for the operation of the anchor, but is there something wrong with the list of the anchor, why do they all need merit points?If it wasn't for the fact that they also counted some merit points for killing monsters, they really wouldn't dare to open the list posted by the anchor.

Open it up, it smells so good——

Su Jiu rubbed a handful of wool again, and then began to concentrate on preparing the order goods. Most of the mechanical life forms such as Su Yi can be prepared, but it will take some time. If they are during the countdown, they will definitely not be able to prepare so much Complete, and the conditions also allow the audience of the game plane to add orders at any time.

It's okay for the Sura plane, they just connected to the live broadcast room, and there is still some time before the countdown.The viewers in the Qing plane couldn't take it anymore, and they all strongly demanded that the anchors be treated equally, and they should not be treated differently.

Su Jiu was so annoyed that she simply gave them a copy of the list, and whoever wanted to buy it could place an order and pre-order it.

Gu Ye looked at the messy barrage, and said speechlessly: "The audience in the Qing Dynasty is really competitive, and they always demand that they be treated equally, so they will buy it. I haven't seen many people who place orders, but there are quite a few people who join in the fun. .”

Su Jiu said indifferently: "You care so much about what to do, it's just a matter of sending out a list. Tell Qiuqiu that when delivering the goods, the game plane will be shipped first. I have a hunch that the game plane Definitely clear the level before the Great Qing Plane."

Gu Ye agreed with an expression on his face. Naturally, the order of the game plane is more important, but he still picked out the part that can be directly obtained from Wanjie Mall and sent it to Daqing.

Su Jiu looked at the rapidly increasing merit points and smiled with satisfaction. The three fat sheep are still quite fat.After solving the minor friction with the Qing plane, Su Jiu continued to explain the Uzbek people.

"Nang is the staple food of the Uzbek people. It is baked with flour slightly fermented with salt water. Or add milk, clear oil, mutton oil or ghee to the noodles, which is called oil naan. There are also diced mutton, cumin powder, pepper Nangs made with flour, chopped onion and other condiments. In addition, there are Wowo Nangs, sliced ​​Nangs, etc. The anchor will play a section of the process of making Nangs by Uzbek people in the live broadcast room. Friends who want to learn can Be sure to watch carefully."

Su Jiu also likes to eat naan, but she only likes the most common naan, no matter whether it is oil naan or meat naan, she doesn't like it very much.

"'Naren' is a delicacy used by the Uzbek people to entertain guests, and it has the richest national flavor. Remove the cooked meat and chop it, add onions, peppers and yogurt, stir to mix, pour the broth, and eat with your hands. Pilaf is one of the special foods that Uzbeks use to entertain guests..."

Now it can be said that Su Jiu is not willing to sell ordinary products other than earning a little bit of merit. Firstly, she has no shortage of trading coins, and secondly, she lacks merit points.

Regarding this point, the Sura plane may not have much feeling when he just joined, but the Qing and game planes have deep feelings.Although the transaction volume in the live broadcast room has decreased now, the merit points earned by Su Jiu have increased.

So this time, she no longer sells the traditional Uzbek products on the shelves. Fortunately, she has put out a lot of high-grade products for sale, which allows the sales activities in the live broadcast room to continue.

At this time, Su Jiu carefully checked the statistics of Qiuqiu, and analyzed the situation of the Sura plane with Gu Ye.

Su Jiu frowned, and said: "The situation on the plane of Sura seems to be quite serious. The demons feed on all kinds of life forms. Now there is a loophole in the blockade outside the planet Sura, and the demons with low strength can actually pass through the loopholes." After getting in, the world consciousness seems to be unable to resist, which is really strange."

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