Chapter 146 Gourmet Plane
Taking advantage of the special session of the game plane, Su Jiu ruthlessly cleaned up a wave of wine in the brewing cave. The highest level of these wines was only past the green grade. They are not willing to sell, those are all the goods from Jiuxiang Alley.

The viewers on the game plane were grateful for the heroism of the anchor, and successively sold a lot of high-level skill cards. This is really a wonderful misunderstanding.However, the lowest level of all the winemakers in Dongtian Paradise is the orange product, and most of them are in the yellow product, so they are not bad at buying.

When the special session ended, Su Jiu didn't feel as tired and paralyzed as before, and he secretly rejoiced that he had done a good job of preparing this time.

Looking at the gift in his hand, Su Jiu smiled slightly. The world consciousness of the game plane is quite interesting.Every planet has its unique charm, and the game plane naturally has it. Although no living animals can be collected, Su Jiu has collected all the delicious raw materials on the game plane.This time the world realizes that the gift includes plants it didn't collect, and even some animals that taste amazing.

These things are worthless, but the world awareness of the game plane is definitely intentional, and it suits what it likes. Both Su Jiu and Gu Ye have a better impression of the game plane.

A group of people worked in a hurry, and then arranged everything. When Su Jiu thought of the delicacies made by certain animals, he salivated greedily, and there was a trace of pity in his eyes. It is a pity that these animals are all kept for breeding. , If you want to eat it, wait until they multiply. Fortunately, the time flow in Dongtian Paradise is relatively fast, and this day will not be too long.

Su Jiu pursed his lips and said, "I hope the new plane is also an interesting one, and Goddess of Luck will bless me!"

"噗嗤" laughed out loud, and Gu Ye said amusedly: "Shouldn't we ask the God of Trading to bless us?"

"Oh, that's right. The Goddess of Trading just made a mistake. Please bless me for drawing an interesting plane." Su Jiu closed his eyes and prayed for a long time before he cruelly clicked the draw button.

"This is a food-loving planet. Because they love to eat, they have developed all kinds of food. It can be said that the food culture of this planet is far superior to that of Blue Star. However, because they love to eat, most of the indigenous people on the planet They are all obese, and they want to lose weight, but they can’t control their mouths. So far, various diseases caused by obesity can no longer be ignored, and if this continues, the lives of planet residents will be shortened.”

After Qiuqiu introduced the new plane, he whispered secretly in his heart, full of curiosity about the new plane, how delicious it is, and was trapped by obesity.

Su Jiu blinked, did her wish come true?A planet full of food, Blue Star's always popular food may be frustrated, Su Jiu can only sigh helplessly when he thinks of this.

On the contrary, Gu Ye felt that this was an opportunity, thought for a while and said, "Jiujiu, I remember that you collected a lot of beauty and body remedies from Empress Kangxi, and the lotus leaf tea among them is for weight loss."

After calming down, Su Jiu also felt that this might really be an opportunity. She collected the lotus leaf tea from Concubine Yi. It is said that the famous Concubine Concubine of the previous dynasty succeeded in losing weight by relying on this secret recipe; besides, She also received several useful weight loss prescriptions from the famous Yongzheng mother-in-law De Concubine; there are also weight loss prescriptions from other concubines.

There are all kinds of recipes. After a rough calculation, there are no less than dozens of prescriptions for weight loss. Su Jiu was shocked.It seems that weight loss has been an eternal topic for girls since ancient times.

Su Jiu is suddenly full of confidence in helping new audiences lose weight, oh, the new plane is called the food plane.

Gu Ye helped Su Jiu find out all the secret recipes, looked at them one by one, and said: "These recipes can be recognized by the Wanjie live broadcast system, I am afraid they all have magical effects."

Su Jiu also agrees with this point. At the beginning, she used the system's detection function to collect this kind of secret recipe, and she also paid a sum of merit points for it. Fortunately, the amount is not much, and finally found a lot of secret recipes that are not cheap. .Overall, she still earned.

"The research in He Xiaorong's hands has just come to an end. I will show her the secret recipe later, and let the laboratory integrate the secret recipe. It is best to research the most effective prescription." Su Jiu is still very relieved of He Xiaorong's ability. , plus the group of senior brothers and sisters in the laboratory, no surprises, it will definitely produce results within half a year.However, Su Jiu didn't let things go completely, for example, she handed over the secret recipe of lotus leaf tea to Su Er for research.

Hearing this, Gu Ye laughed and said: "If this is successful, the Gu Group will have another blockbuster product." At the beginning, when they knew that they had given up their marriage and married an ordinary girl, most of the wealthy circles were waiting to see what happened to them. It's a joke, now that there is one person, there is no one who doesn't envy himself.

Looking at Gu Ye's smile, Su Jiu obviously also thought of the new name "Golden Baby" given to him by the wealthy circle.

It’s amazing to say that the business of the studio that Mrs. Li started at the beginning has been tepid, but since Su Jiu joined, the studio has become popular frequently, and it will make headlines several times a month. Those who don’t know think they work The headline annual subscription business has been run in the office.

Mrs. Li felt that Su Jiuwang, she didn't see that since the Gu family married Su Jiu, the market value of Gu's group has been getting higher and higher.I don't know how this matter was spread, and the more it spread, the more outrageous it became. In the end, the rumors made Su Jiu, the person concerned, doubt whether he was a lucky star who came into the world.

Gu Ye told Su Jiu not to worry too much. There are few people in the wealthy circle who are not superstitious. Even if she said that this matter has nothing to do with her, others would not believe it. It is not harmful to her anyway, and Mr. Gu also thinks that this granddaughter-in-law is The lucky star of the Gu family, the old man is very proud of this, and feels that he has a unique vision.

Su Jiu pursed her lips, and could only accept this "compliment". It can be said that apart from the early death of her parents, her life couldn't have been smoother. She deserved the title of "Fu Xing".As for those who spoke sour words, Su Jiu thought they could not eat grapes and hated sour grapes, and did not take it to heart.

The audience on the gourmet plane is quite unique. Originally, Su Jiu thought that they were used to eating gourmet food and would not like Blue Star’s gourmet food. As a result, the gourmet food sold in the live broadcast room was sold out as soon as they went online.

Su Jiu: "..." She was wrong. People who love food like to explore new food, so they operate on a regular basis.

Gu Ye gave Su Jiu a funny look, but Su Jiu still underestimated the foodie's mobility!
Su Jiu really didn't expect the food in the live broadcast room to be so popular, so he simply asked the chefs except Su Er to work overtime. .

(End of this chapter)

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