I became popular in Wanjie live broadcast

Chapter 165 Finding Inspiration

Chapter 165 Finding Inspiration
"Inspiration refers to the ability to communicate with each other without ordinary sensory organs, also known as remote perception. Or refers to the magical ability that arises suddenly in the unconscious. Or refers to the creative situation caused by the writer's emotions or scenery. The dictionary explains it as Inspirational thinking refers to the sudden and creative state of thinking that arises instantly in literary, artistic and technological activities.”

Qiuqiu emotionally explained the meaning of "inspiration" to the host. As for how to create inspiration, haha, it is just an intelligent life lacking in emotion, please don't embarrass it!
Su Jiu felt that this matter was embarrassing for her. She is a true science student, and literary and artistic things like "inspiration" are not suitable for her.

Gu Ye looked at Xianyu's paralyzed little wife speechlessly, and simply stopped going to work, and left everything to Assistant Li to handle.

Li Te, who has been dating his girlfriend, assists Yuyan: "..."

Gu Ye also knew that he did not behave properly, so he twirled his fingers in embarrassment and said, "Give you a raise!"

Li Tezhu immediately smiled, and said quickly: "Okay, boss. You can go to work, boss. Just leave these documents to me." His girlfriend is a little rich woman. If he doesn't work hard to make money, he seems to be a poor Ruanfan's little boy.Well, to tell the truth, he himself is very happy to eat soft food, but his girlfriend is not willing to support him, and even squeezes him from time to time.

"There is no money in the pocket, and the hero is short of breath." Li Tezhu shamelessly succumbed to Gu Ye's "money" ability, and he was not ashamed at all. After all, there are many people who bow their heads to money in this world, and he is not ashamed.

What is the inspiration?It's amazing, and there are different opinions.Wang Bo of the Tang Dynasty wrote in "Guangzhou Baozhuangyan Temple Stupa Monument": "Leave me with the wisdom of the mage, see the hidden holes, think about false causes, and hope for inspiration." The inspiration in the Bible refers to: the spirit of God uses a This supernatural influence exerted a supernatural influence on the writers of the Bible, thus assuring them that they were writing exactly what God intended them to write in order to convey His truth.

Gu Ye himself is quite talented in painting, and he knows some of the sources of inspiration for painters. In fact, this matter is not troublesome, just try one by one: "Many painters like to paint landscapes, don't we have a lot of landscape photos in our hands? And film and television materials, just put these materials on it, and those who need it will naturally buy it. In addition, the documentary you collected last time can also be put on the shelves to test the waters. There are many sources of inspiration, and no one can say Don’t know where they get their inspiration from, try more.”

Su Jiu nodded and said, "That's the only way to go. I'll put the picture of our Blue Star painting on it to see if it works." She remembered that Hong Layman in country Z had borrowed the styles of many painters from ancient and modern times, both at home and abroad. Created his own western meticulous painting and became a master of his generation.The artist who draws and repairs the plane is definitely much better than Jushi Hong, maybe he can master it and create his own painting school.

Gu Ye said that it doesn't matter, anyway, it's not a big deal to try more, some photos are only worth a few dollars.

Su Jiu thought that Qiuqiu could connect to the Internet, so he simply left everything to Qiuqiu.

Hearing that he had added a bunch of things for no reason, Qiuqiu curled his lips secretly in his heart. It is now extremely sober. The robots it bought at the beginning were all selected to have the quality of "hard work and hard work", otherwise it would have a bunch of lazy teammates who dragged its feet. It's scary to think about it, thanks to its foresight.Seeing that the live broadcast system of Wanjie is about to be officially upgraded, even though the host arranges many and complicated tasks, Qiuqiu still completes them meticulously.

Su Jiu, who was checking the background message, suddenly frowned, and read: "Hello, anchor, we, Languo, would like to order a batch of pork from you. The price will be based on your background price. The total needs..."

Gu Ye, who was in the process of approving documents, suddenly said: "Lan country is short of pork, this is really... um, it's surprising."

Su Jiu looked at the message and said: "I see that their message said yes, there was swine fever today, and many pigs died of illness. Of course, the dead pigs cannot be eaten, but pork is the most important meat in Languo. , the rest of beef, sheep, and dog meat are really rare, and people are not rabbits, so how can they not eat meat and only eat vegetables! If the fish in the live broadcast room is not too expensive, I guess they would like to order a batch of fish."

Gu Ye smiled triumphantly, and said, "Do you still blame me for studying black pigs?"

"I have never blamed you, it's just that you study the crossbreeding of golden fragrant pigs and black pigs, but what did you think at the beginning, raising the piglets in the upper air, and when the wind blows, the smell of pig feces will hit your face Come here, kill me—" Su Jiu rolled his eyes while talking, "If you pick a place far away, I can say you."

"It's too far away, so it's inconvenient to manage. Moreover, pig manure is a very important raw material for fertilizer. The growth of green rice in Lingtian depends entirely on fertilizer, and it's not enough if it's not fertile enough." Gu Ye paused and continued: "Don't look at you It is spawned by wood-type abilities, and it seems that it has little to do with Lingtian. However, every time the green rice matures, in addition to absorbing the wood-type abilities you output, part of the energy comes from the land. If you just absorb the energy in the soil If you don't fertilize it, over time, the spiritual field will become barren land, and no spiritual plants can grow anymore."

Su Jiu pursed his lips and said, "I know, I didn't say that fertilizer is not important, I just complained."

Gu Ye turned over the topic when he heard this, and said instead: "I feel that the black pig can be further optimized, but it can also be sold now. I asked Surte to use the optimized black pig to make some braised pork. Try it." As soon as the words fell, Su Er handed over a plate of braised pork.

Braised pork is a well-known popular dish, and all major cuisines have their own specialties.It uses pork belly as the main ingredient, and it can also be replaced by pig hind legs. Naturally, the best pork belly is used as the main ingredient in Suer’s braised pork. The fat and thin three-layer meat is mainly made of casserole. The meat is fat and thin, sweet and soft, rich in nutrition, and melts in the mouth.

Su Jiu ate most of the plate with green rice, licked his lips, and said: "I feel that the taste is more than ten times better than ordinary pork, but the taste is still not as good as Jinxiang pig. There is indeed a lot of progress Space."

"The weight is not good either. The original black pigs can grow to at least 500 catties, and the current black pigs are no more than 350 catties." Gu Ye was worried about the weight loss of the black pigs. Fortunately, after crossing with Jinxiang pigs, The estrus period of the black pig became more and more frequent, and there were two or three more piglets born in one litter.

Su Jiu felt that Gu Ye's weight requirements were a bit harsh. The heaviest Jinxiang pig weighed only a hundred catties. The offspring of the hybrid could not be affected by the weight of the Jinxiang pig. If it weighed more than 300 catties, he would be satisfied. .

(End of this chapter)

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