Chapter 2 Back to the Farm
The parents passed away suddenly, and another uneasy uncle publicized that the Su family owed a lot of debts. The workers of the construction team were worried that the project funds would be owed. The contractor Wang Jianshe privately asked Su Jiu if he could settle part of the payment first.Similarly, Su Jiu was also worried that the engineering team would be fooled, so he settled the payment directly according to the progress. Seeing this, the engineering team relaxed and worked hard.

Changqing Farm originally only had three bungalows, which were used to house the workers and store machinery and equipment. The workers left as early as three months ago. The reason was not because they couldn’t pay their wages, but because they were pulled away by Boss Jin. Let's go, this Boss Jin is the one Su Youcai said he wanted to buy Changqing Farm.

It was rumored that Boss Jin was from the Jin family, an old aristocratic family in the capital, but Su Jiu felt that the other party might have contacts in the capital, but he was definitely not a member of a great family.After all, Su Jiu is also a high-achieving student at the University of Science and Technology of China, and knows many children from aristocratic families. Based on her understanding of those people, they would not come to this kind of place to build an orchard!Boss Jin's so-called background is mostly bragging.

The fact is just as Su Jiu thought, the Jin family can only be regarded as a third-rate family in the capital, and Jin Yaozu, the boss of Jin, is a side branch of the Jin family who doesn't have many connections.As soon as he came to Zhuxi Town, he set his sights on the Evergreen Farm of the Su family. "The leak in the house happened to rain all night, and the boat was late and the headwind" described the real experience of the Changqing Farm in the past two years.

The three mountains of Changqing Farm are covered with bamboo forests, and Su's father has not moved much.The reason why they bought it together with the three mountains at the beginning was just for preferential policies. The peaches of Changqing Farm have been sold in bamboo baskets made of bamboo in the bamboo forest these years, which is a major feature of Changqing Farm. Mainly.

The peaches produced by the peach tree optimized by Su Jiumu's abilities are as big as the fists of two adult men, with thin skin and plenty of flesh, sweet and juicy.In previous years, when the peaches were ripe, there was no need for Su's father to search for buyers, and a large number of fruit merchants would come to buy them, and the peaches from Changqing Farm would not worry about selling!

It is precisely because the peach trees in Changqing Farm have been optimized by Su Jiu that there are signs of old age and death in the past two years.In fact, this can’t be blamed on Su Jiu. When she first optimized the peach tree, she didn’t understand the characteristics of wood-type powers, and as a result, she used too much force to directly shorten the lifespan of the peach tree. The teacher entered the laboratory and knew nothing about the difficult situation at home, and could only say that fate is fate.

Of course, this is only one of the reasons, more because of the advanced technology and the prevalence of various ripening agents.Originally, Changqing Farm relied on the taste of peaches to win. However, when other orchards used ripening agents and other products, the appearance and taste of peaches soared, and the price was still cheap. Take advantage.

Su's father's idea is right. It is very feasible to transform Changqing Farm into a farmhouse.

Every year when the peach blossoms of Changqing Farm bloom, countless tourists stop outside the farm. It has to be said that Chinese people have a special feeling for peach blossoms. "Suddenly came across the peach blossom forest, with hundreds of steps across the bank, no miscellaneous trees in the middle, delicious grass, and colorful fallen flowers." Tao Yuanming's "Xanadu" casts a layer of mystery on Taoyuan, and the peach trees in Evergreen Farm Isn't pervasiveness the paradise in reality?

Now there are peach trees crumbling all over the ground inside the high wall, Su Jiu's heart suddenly sank when he saw it.Most of the peach trees were killed and injured, and the cleaning alone was a huge expense. No wonder Boss Jin would take advantage of the fire to loot, the situation is not optimistic——

"Boss Xiao Su is back, is he in good health?" Wang Jianshe, the contractor, hurried over to say hello when he saw Su Jiu coming back.

There was a smile on Su Jiu's face: "Boss Wang, how is the progress of the project?" She plans to live in Changqing Farm this time, and she doesn't know if the small villa designed to live in it has been renovated.

Wang Jianshe scratched Xiaoping's head and said, "What kind of boss am I? Boss Xiaosu can call me Uncle Wang if he thinks it's appropriate. The small villa named Taoyuan has been renovated, and the furniture has been put away two days ago. Now you can call me Uncle Wang." Just pack your bags and check in."

A while ago, he violated the agreement and asked the little girl for wages, and he was really ashamed and flustered, but he couldn't help it. The uncle of the little boss came over every three days and said that the little boss couldn't pay the wages. Bai Gan made everyone in the base panic, and they couldn't do their jobs well.He found the small boss out of helplessness, and he didn't expect the small boss to be so generous and pay the bill directly according to the progress of the project.

Wang Jianshe felt very sorry, and the people under him also felt that they had bullied other children after the incident, so they simply installed all the furniture and other things that the Su family's parents had contacted before they arrived, hoping to make up for it.

The small villa has three floors. Since it is built against the mountain, the scenery on each floor has its own advantages and disadvantages.Entering the gate, there is a small path paved with cobblestones. On both sides of the path are a row of stone benches. On the stone benches, there are bonsai flowers and trees in various shapes, which is pleasing to the eye.Turn the path to the left and you will see a moon gate. Enter the moon gate and you will be in the yard on the first floor of the villa.

Walking into the villa, you can see the clean and reflective floor. Su Jiu's eyes warmed up, and he thanked Wang Jianshe: "Uncle Wang, you are welcome to none of us. You can call me Su Jiu or Jiu Jiu. I haven't thanked everyone yet." The guy is helping with the cleaning, and I will treat you to a big meal in a few days."

"No, no, no." Wang Jianshe waved his hands again and again: "We are all familiar with it. It won't take much time, and you will spend it where it is needed."

This person is really an honest person. No wonder the nearby merchants like to use him. Su Jiu thinks that if she plans to expand Changqing Farm in the future, she can continue to cooperate with him, and she already has a preliminary idea in her heart. She just waits for Wang Jianshe to complete the project. .

Su Jiu casually put the suitcase into the bedroom and then went into the study. The computer, desk, ledger, etc. in the study were all brought in from the original small office. Fortunately, Father Su bought a complete set of huanghuali furniture back then. Overall it looks quite upscale.

Su Jiu casually opened the account book and started to calculate the accounts. Even though she didn't study accounting, it was no problem to calculate the accounts.

From the books, it can be seen that Evergreen Farm has actually started to go downhill three or four years ago, especially in the past year, the farm's income and expenditure have been clearly unbalanced, and the losses have become more and more serious.From the expenditures in recent months, it can be seen that Su's father bought a lot of ornamental flowers and trees, but due to the recent frequent rainstorms across the country, the seller's delivery is delayed and it is estimated that the goods will arrive in the next two days.

Seeing this, Su Jiu was very relieved, if she had arrived a few days earlier, she would not have time to take care of these flowers and plants.

There is nothing worthy of fame, and Lei Jiaming is really talented in architectural design. Under his plan, the transformed Changqing Farm not only makes reasonable use of the original geographical advantages, but also has the characteristics of classical gardens.


"Ding! The host is scanning...

Name: Su Jiu

Age: 18 years old

Special Ability: Wood Ability

Merit: 103 points in total; 3 points left

Live broadcast system name: Changqing Live Studio
Live broadcast range: unlimited

Ding!Host scanning is over, welcome to Wanjie live broadcast room, Wanjie live broadcast room is wonderful because of you. "

Just when Su Jiu was about to take a break, a clear mechanical sound sounded beside his ears.Immediately afterwards, an interface with a size of one square meter appeared in front of Su Jiu, with ten elegant large characters printed on the top of it: "Ten Thousand Worlds Live Studio, Live Streaming to Ten Thousand Worlds"! ! !

 Open a new article!
  How about the daily change~ Please collect and sprinkle flowers~

(End of this chapter)

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