Chapter 29
As soon as the morning arrived, Su Jiu turned on the live broadcast and directly connected to the end-time plane. As for the Qing Dynasty...the total population of the Qing Dynasty is about 2000 million. It's hard to make a decision for a while, if you can't afford it.

Qiuqiu thinks that the host doesn't need to have so many worries, but it also has to consider for the host: "Host, why don't you cast the sky in the Qing Dynasty, the worst thing is to screen out the unvirtuous people who have no merit in advance and let them go directly." These people can’t see the live screen.”

Su Jiu thought for a while and felt that Qiuqiu's method could indeed accumulate a wave of merit faster, and it was a bit slow to increase the number of people entering the live broadcast room bit by bit. If it was before, she might not mind making steady progress, but "Minor Virtue" The existence of "Cultivating God Art" made her unable to bear the slow progress.

She is not an indecisive person in the first place, so thinking over and over is only because it involves a lot of things. Su Jiu finally made up his mind: "I will do as you say!" If you work hard to accumulate merit, you will always have a chance to see it in the future, and maybe you can urge these people to do good.

At the same time, the Daqing plane and the Doomsday plane started the live broadcast at the same time, and the number of people watching the live broadcast room exceeded hundreds of millions in just 1 minute!Seeing Su Jiu's heart beating faster, she secretly said that fortunately, she was worried about the lack of goods these days and placed a large number of orders around and online. After looking at the inventory in the background, she thought it should be able to last for a while.

"Hello everyone, I'm the anchor Su Jiu, and we will be conducting a three-day live broadcast."

Su Jiu looked at the live broadcast screen in the sky in a daze on Daqing's side, and explained with a smile: "Because there is no live broadcast tool on Daqing's side, the Wanjie live broadcast room directly projects the screen into the air to form a sky curtain." .In addition, anyone who can see the sky is a person with meritorious deeds, so friends of the Qing Dynasty need not be afraid."

"Emiang, have you seen the sky? My daughter actually saw the sky!" Niu Gulu Dongzhu said excitedly to Niu Gulu Fujin.

Niu Gulu Fujin was also very excited, tightly holding the handkerchief in his hand: "Er Niang also saw it. Dongzhu, this is your chance, you must find a chance to build a good relationship with the anchor."

Niu Colu Fujin came from the Guerjia clan, and because of her relationship with the future princess and concubine, she knew about the existence of the Wanjie Live Studio early on.Since the day she found out, she has been looking forward to entering the live broadcast room all the time.She has a son and a daughter under her knees, and her daughter will live well no matter which family she marries into since she was a child, but she doesn't have to worry about it, but her only son has been in poor health because she was calculated to be born prematurely, and the imperial doctor shook his head. I've heard how the anchor's unpredictable methods don't make her heart flutter.

A while ago, I took my daughter to the countryside to give porridge to the countryside in order to accumulate merit, and now it seems that I have achieved my wish.

With tears in her eyes, Dong Zhu nodded with a smile: "I will. Don't worry, Er Niang, my brother will be fine." She knew of Er Niang's plan, but she didn't feel jealous, after all, the younger brother of the same mother But she will rely on her in the future, Dongzhu is not one of those ignorant ones who naturally hope for her brother to get better.

Niu Colu Fujin wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes with an embroidered handkerchief, and said, "Nurse Wu, quickly take out the things Ben Fujin prepared, Ben Fujin wants to recharge—" Thinking that his son would be treated soon, Now she just feels that her heart is full of energy.

Nanny Wu went straight to Fujin's small storeroom with a happy face, and the second elder brother under Fujin's knees stopped, and they, who are slaves, have more hope.

There are not a few people who have the same idea as Niu Colu Fujin. In the words of Prince Yinreng, the orphans in the capital have recently ushered in spring, and Yuyoutang receives donations from some big families every day. For this reason, His Royal Highness He often complained to Su Jiu in private.

Thinking of the "Manuscript of Qing History" in Kangxi's hands, Su Jiu felt that he could make a big move so that Kangxi would not blindly whitewash the peace.It was Kangxi's performance after learning the real history that disappointed her. Kangxi even brought back Dai Zi who was exiled to Shengjing, but he didn't intend to reuse him.According to the observation of Prince Yinreng and the eldest son of the emperor Yinti, although their Huang Ama began to pay attention to overseas countries, they planned to further curb the development of thermal weapons!
If Kangxi is really allowed to continue doing this, she is really not optimistic about the future of the Qing Dynasty, so Su Jiu plans to take Kangxi's face off.

Seeing that someone in the Qing Dynasty gradually mastered the method of barrage, Su Jiu said straight to the point: "Before the products are put on the shelves, let's talk about Emperor Kangxi first."

Emperor Kangxi!Hearing that the people of the Qing Dynasty were in an uproar, most of them still knew who the emperor was. As a woman, the anchor dared to comment on the king of a country, which really surprised them!

Someone in the hidden small courtyard in Jiangnan and other places laughed loudly: "The anchor should lift the fig leaf of the Tartar Emperor!"

Others who could see the sky responded one after another when they heard the words: "Happy, happy!"

Sitting in the Qianqing Palace, Emperor Kangxi's face was ashen. He had a premonition that the anchor would not say anything good. When he thought that he would be criticized nakedly in front of the eyes of the whole world, he wanted to pass out...

Prince Yinreng put on his clothes early in the morning and sat in the front yard of Yuqing Palace, looking at the sky solemnly, he was almost dying of laughter in his heart, Huang Ama, you have today, so the anchor should strip Huang Ama's fig leaf!
"I don't know if my friends in the Qing Dynasty feel that the building behind me is a bit familiar. Dangdangdang, the place where the anchor came today is the largest existing imperial tomb complex in our country - the famous Eastern Tomb of the Qing Dynasty! Among them Jingling Mausoleum is the joint burial tomb of Emperor Kangxi, Empress Xiaochengren, Empress Xiaozhaoren, Empress Xiaoyiren, Empress Xiaogongren and Concubine Jingmin. It was built in the 15th year of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty and was the first royal mausoleum in the Qing Dynasty to abolish cremation , Bury the corpse in the mausoleum of the coffin."

"Hiss——" The civil and military officials gasped when they heard the anchor's introduction. What happened to allow people to visit the mausoleum of Emperor Kangxi?After Kangxi, there were only three emperors, and the Qing Dynasty was only passed down for three generations. Did the Qing Dynasty die?
Looking at the smile on the anchor's mouth, Kangxi always felt that he might not be able to bear what the anchor was going to say next, so he started pacing involuntarily.

"Here is the floor plan of the Eastern Tomb of the Qing Dynasty. You can take a look. The tombs of ancient emperors are extravagant, and I don't know how much people's fat and people's anointing have been searched..."

"I should have taken everyone to see the mausoleum of Emperor Kangxi today, but it is a pity that it is not yet open for viewing. However, the Jingling of Emperor Kangxi is full of disasters. In the 12th year of Daoguang and the 31st year of Guangxu, Jingling caught fire twice without investigating the cause. Come on. In 1945, a group of bandits quietly set their sights on the Eastern Tomb of the Qing Dynasty, and these 300 people stole the Jingling Tomb of Kangxi. Are you happy? Are you surprised?”

"Huang Ama!" The princes and brothers were startled, and his own Huang Ama fell down clutching his chest.

"Preach the Imperial Physician!" Prince Yinreng immediately asked He Zhuzi to announce the Imperial Physician, and secretly smacked his tongue. The anchor's firepower was so fierce that Huang Ama couldn't bear it!sharp!

(End of this chapter)

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