Kangxi looked at the green rice and healing milk that the people below helped to grab, his face darkened, and he said angrily: "What's the matter, didn't I ask you to recharge?" It is rare for Kangxi to regret the small amount of green japonica rice. If he had known that green japonica rice was so difficult to buy now, he should not have distributed it generously to the ministers.

Liang Jiugong was also in a dilemma. He didn't expect that group of people to be so fast: "The anchor has set a limit. People in the last world often play with electronic equipment such as live broadcasts. Their speed is not usually fast. Most of the green japonica rice is given by them. Robbed."

Kangxi also knew that the people of the Qing Dynasty did not have an advantage over those in the end of the world. Who would let them have advanced technology and play with high-tech and high-quality products?Venting his dissatisfaction, Kangxi made Liang Jiugong stand up with a big wave of his hand, so as not to be an eyesore: "What's the situation with Niu Gulu's?"

Liang Jiugong naturally knew what Long Live God wanted to know, and said what he knew respectfully: "Niu Guluge ordered a batch of bright golden peaches from the anchor. It is said that this kind of bright golden peaches are often used as birthday peaches. .”

Kangxi pondered for a moment and knew what was going on. Ten days later would be Niu Gulu Baoshan's 65th birthday. This batch of bright golden peaches must have been prepared for the birthday banquet.Thinking of the fruits and flowers he saw off the shelves from the backstage, Kangxi felt that it was necessary for him to contact the other party.

"Hello, anchor, I would like to order a batch of bright gold peaches, the price is negotiable."

Su Jiu didn't expect that Kangxi, who was started by her, would come to her again. He probably got the news from Gege Dongzhu for wanting the Brilliant Jintao. He insisted on who to do business with, but he just agreed, and he also promoted Bauhinia by the way. High-priced peaches such as jade peaches, powdered snow peaches, ice snow green peaches, etc.I don’t know if it’s because the first time she promoted was the Brilliant Golden Peach. Everyone recognized the Brilliant Golden Peach and others, and it’s not like they couldn’t sell other peaches. Peach, Flour Snow Peach, Bing Xue Bitao are all better than Brilliant Gold Peach, but they just don’t get popular.

Kangxi didn't feel that the anchor was trying to trick him, after all, it was almost a consensus that the things in the live broadcast room would not worry about selling. After listening to the anchor's introduction of these three kinds of peaches, he asked for a hundred of them one by one.

There are quite a lot of these three kinds of peaches in the warehouse. Kangxi will deliver the goods as soon as the order is completed, and Su Jiu will ship them here.

The light purple color of Bauhinia jade peach is covered with patterns, just like the best purple jade, it has a unique flavor that cannot be described.

The powdered snow peach is pink like a peach blossom, but it is very similar to the dessert Xuemei Niang, with a sweet taste.

Bingxue Bitao snow white with a little bit of emerald green, it makes people feel cold when looking at it, and the taste is also refreshing.

After Kangxi tasted one by one, he nodded secretly in his heart. As expected, it was strongly recommended by the host. It was much more delicious than the peaches that were enshrined at the bottom, but thinking of the peaches that were more expensive than the other, Kangxi was a little reluctant to share with others, but the fruit was not Others are delicious when they are fresh. He thinks he is a generous king. In the end, Kangxi did not keep all of them. First, he gave one to each of the concubines and four concubines in the harem, and then gave one to his trusted courtiers. The batch, and good brother Fuquan and others also divided a batch.Four hundred peaches looked like a lot, but Kangxi didn't have much left after dividing them up in a circle.

Kangxi, who had experience once, hurriedly ordered a peach with the anchor. He was worried that the peach would spoil the taste if he delivered it early, so he asked the anchor to send him [-] peaches for each live broadcast. As for the trading currency, he paid in full directly.

Su Jiu felt that if he mentioned this ordering mode in the live broadcast room, it is estimated that many local tyrants would wave tickets to order with her, but this way is not very convenient for him.Thinking of Qiuqiu who was so idle every day, Su Jiu asked, "Qiaoqiu, have you praised enough for the merits of buying the body?"

Qiuqiu paused, and said, "Let me see, oh, just over 1 points is enough, anchor, do you want to buy more things?"

The corner of Su Jiu’s mouth twitched, she is a moonlight clan, and Qiuqiu is making her a sunlight clan, forget it, after all, Qiuqiu can do a lot of things for herself after she has a body: “I don’t have anything to buy recently, what do you have? Recommendable?"

Talking about this matter, Qiuqiu suddenly became energetic: "Yes. Although you don't need to snatch resources like those monks in the world of cultivating immortals as the anchor, you still need magic tools. I suggest that the host can buy natal magic tools from Wanjie Mall. , preferably the kind that binds the soul, after the host dies in this world, the natal magic weapon can still be reincarnated with the host's soul."

This kind of natal magic weapon is not cheap at first glance, Qiuqiu is trying to squeeze her dry, but what kind of natal magic weapon should she choose?In her previous life, she used biological mechas to fight against star beasts. This mecha combines the advantages of wood-type abilities and is specially prepared for wood-type abilities.Now she can't choose a bio-mech too, can she?

Seeing that the host couldn't make up his mind, Qiuqiu simply called out the natal magic weapon that could be bound to the soul, and introduced: "The host doesn't need to rush to draw conclusions, we can take a look first."

Su Jiu thought about it too, if she decides that there will be no accidents, this natal magic weapon will follow her forever, but she can't just make a decision casually, gradually Su Jiu's mind is immersed in Qiuqiu's introduction.

"This one is somewhat similar to the Rainstorm Pear Blossom Needle in your novel, but it is even more powerful. As long as the host's soul is strong enough, it can kill a hundred enemies with one enemy, instantly stabbing the enemy into a hornet's nest."

"Yeah." Su Jiu felt that this magic weapon was quite good, very suitable for group attacks.

"There is also this one. Doesn't the host like all kinds of flowers? This magic weapon is quite special and can create a real illusion. The illusion is full of flowers and trees, and the lethality is also very strong, but it requires a strong formation level."

Su Jiu frowned, she had never studied formations at all, and it seemed that this magic weapon was not suitable for her, so she shook her head at Qiuqiu.

Qiuqiu deleted the introduction of the magic weapon, and continued to introduce: "This magic weapon is very special, it is half a plant."

Can the plant still be half?Su Jiu suddenly became interested, and raised his chin to signal Qiuqiu to continue explaining.

"The host should know that some plants with spirituality can be subdued and become plant pets. The main raw material of this natal magic weapon is a mutant bloodthirsty magic vine. The magic weapon perfectly integrates the ability of the mutant bloodthirsty magic vine. The blood-sucking upgrade also has its toughness and splitting." After talking, Qiuqiu added: "Host, I think this one is more suitable for you."

The first three Su Jiu really felt that this one was more suitable for her, but she still wanted to compare other magic weapons, so she let Qiuqiu continue.

Qiuqiu made a selection early in the morning, and then introduced six natal artifacts that are more suitable for the host.

Su Jiu took a difficult look at the three natal artifacts he picked out: "Qiaoqiu, can there only be one natal artifact?"

It never occurred to the host that he didn’t even have a natal magic weapon, so he started to want three, but Qiuqiu still patiently explained: “It stands to reason that there can only be one natal magic weapon, but some hosts with very powerful souls can bind more than one. One. The hosts of some of Qiuqiu’s seniors have bound more than one natal magic weapon, and the one with the most bound nine pieces!”

Nine pieces!Su Jiu exclaimed, "It's amazing!"

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