I became popular in Wanjie live broadcast

Chapter 4 The first live broadcast

Chapter 4 The first live broadcast
The unit price of the Brilliant Golden Peach Tree is only 3 merit points!
Su Jiu didn't expect that he would see peach trees from Wanjie Mall, he was even surprised, and sighed: "I didn't expect that there are flowers, fruits and trees in Wanjie Mall—"

Qiuqiu felt that the Wanjie live broadcast system was underestimated, and said unconvinced: "The Wanjie live broadcast room is connected to hundreds of millions of interfaces, and the products in the mall can be said to be all-encompassing. The reason why I didn't see it is probably because there are too few merit points." So it's not that the Wanjie live broadcast system is not awesome, but the host is too inferior!

Being ridiculed by Qiuqiu, Su Jiu didn't care, she has always been like this, never caring about things that she doesn't care about.This is both good and bad. Many of her friends would lament that they thought she was indifferent after getting acquainted with her. In fact, they felt that Su Jiu was always indifferent.

After clicking on the promotional video of the Brilliant Golden Peach Tree, Su Jiu was instantly fascinated.

A stretch of bright golden peach trees continuously forms a beautiful sea of ​​golden flowers, and being in the middle of it feels like falling into a fairyland, which is so dazzlingly beautiful, Su Jiu has already begun to imagine the scene of planting bright golden peach trees in an area of ​​Changqing Farm.

The peach petals of the bright golden peach tree shone with fine golden light under the sunlight, like golden flowers adorning the branches. The peaches are big golden peaches as big as three fists, which are similar to the big golden peaches of Lanxing today. The difference is that it is not only beautiful but also delicious. In all fairness, it is even more delicious than the original sweet peaches in Changqing Farm. The soft and delicate flesh is very suitable for making birthday peaches for the elderly.

Su Jiu simply placed an order and bought one, and then the live broadcast system notified that there was an extra bright golden peach tree in the system's backpack.

Qiuqiu was taken aback by the host's actions: "Does the host stop thinking about other things?" How could it remember that the Blue Stars like to pick and choose when buying things.

"I have a total of 3 points of merit. It's useless to see too much. It's better to buy peach trees that are useful to Evergreen Farm."

According to Lei Jiaming's design, only one of the three mountains will be planted with bamboo, and the rest will be planted with peach trees and other fruit trees.Su Jiu felt that the smallest mountain could be filled with brilliant golden peach trees, but what was lacking now was merit points, so Su Jiu brought tools to the foot of the hill after thinking about it.

After carefully watering the Brilliant Golden Peach Tree, Su Jiu began to output wood-type abilities to the peach tree.

With the input of wood-type abilities, the bare and bright golden peach tree completed flowering and fruiting in a short period of time.After experiencing the situation of Peach Tree again, Su Jiu smiled with satisfaction. The benefit of awakening the memory of her previous life is that she is more proficient in the use of supernatural powers. This time she did not damage Peach Tree's lifespan.

"Qiuqiu starts the live broadcast!"

"Received!" With a voice, the live broadcast room opened, and the live broadcast interface was reduced to one-third, which is more convenient for live broadcast.

"The Changqing live broadcast room is open——"

As expected, after 1 minute of the live broadcast, there was still no one in the live broadcast room.

Seeing this scene, Su Jiu didn't think there was anything wrong, so he climbed to the peach tree two or three times and picked a big golden peach, wiped it with a wet towel and ate it immediately.

Qiuqiu couldn't calm down, it spun around in a hurry, the sunflower's petals seemed to wilt: "Host, don't you have a three-year anchor year, why don't you watch any of them? This is unscientific!"

"Why is it unscientific? The time of my live broadcast is not fixed, and naturally there are not many fans, so wait patiently for a while." Not to mention that the bright golden peach is so delicious, she regretted putting it on the shelves in the live broadcast room.

"No, I'll go to the Doomsday Plane to have a look." Qiuqiu decided to invade the Doomsday Plane's live broadcast system and left without waiting for Su Jiu's reply.

Su Jiu shrugged casually...

"The anchor's food is delicious! Tell me, the anchor, how does it taste?" The cute Xiaotuanzi is Su Jiu's old fan, and she will definitely be there every time Su Jiu broadcasts.The cute Xiaotuanzi, whose real name is Lin Minmin, is a standard rich second generation with leisure and money. The reason why she has such a special liking for Su Jiu's live broadcast is probably because she is an out-and-out face control, and Su Jiu's face value Definitely ceiling level.

Swallowing the pulp in his mouth, Su Jiu wiped his mouth carefully, before replying: "The pulp is soft and delicate, suitable for all ages, but I think one person should not be able to eat it, everyone can eat it with family or friends. Meng If the cute Xiaotuanzi wants to buy it, just place an order, and the anchor does not include postage!"

The cute Xiaotuanzi was immediately amused. It was the first time she heard that the goods in the live broadcast room did not include free shipping: "Did the little sister of the anchor accept the advertisement? We can't patronize the food and talk about the postage!"

Su Jiu had never sold goods live before, so he could only imitate the words of other anchors who sold goods and said, "No! The anchors don't bring goods. The peach tree behind me is called the Bright Golden Peach Tree, which is a mutant variety of Changqing Farm. It’s a family business. In addition, the number of bright golden peaches is limited, so hurry up if you want to buy them.”

The cute Xiaotuanzi didn't expect that this big golden peach belonged to the anchor's house. The golden peach tree behind the anchor is really beautiful. It's a pity that there is only one tree, otherwise she would like to buy one and plant it in the garden of the villa. Now it seems that it is It's over, but as a loyal fan of the host, she still hurriedly sent a group message to ask her friends to cheer the host up.

A group of old people soon came in the live broadcast room, looking at the bright golden peach tree behind Su Jiu, there was a lot of discussion, even though this group of people were well-informed, they had never seen such a beautiful peach tree, and even several of them were not short of money. The master's son sent a private letter to Su Jiu expressing his desire to buy a peach tree.

"There are no peach trees, but there are five hundred bright golden peaches. If you want to buy them, hurry up and place an order." Seeing so many private messages, Su Jiu had no choice but to stop them, asking her where she could get the bright golden peach trees. She still lacks it herself!
Dajin peaches are not cheap, 500 yuan a piece.

Many visitors in the live broadcast room felt that the anchors were crazy about money, and some of them were of low quality and even abused them.

Su Jiu will not be used to these people, anyone who scolds her will be blacklisted, and she has been doing this since she started live broadcasting back then, and her old fans know her habit.

The last 666 big golden peaches basically went into the pockets of the cute Xiaotuanzi group, a group of rich second generations who are not short of money at all. New varieties like bright golden peaches don’t mention a 999, it’s just a reversed [-] , they are also willing to spend the money.

In fact, those who bought it definitely made a profit. Brilliant Jintao is not only beautiful in appearance, but its nutritional value far exceeds that of traditional peaches. The pulp contains protein, fat, sugar, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin B, and vitamin C. It is ten times as much as ordinary peaches, and it has a unique effect of nourishing yin and promoting body fluid, invigorating qi and moistening lungs.

So it is said that if you buy it, you will earn it. Those who bought it later went to Su Jiu to buy the Brilliant Golden Peach. Of course, this is all for later.

Seeing that the [-] brilliant gold peaches were sold out, Su Jiu decided to download the broadcast: "Why don't we live broadcast here today?"

As soon as Su Jiu was going to broadcast, some fans who were licking their faces in the live broadcast were anxious: "Don't leave, anchor, let's take a look at the surrounding environment—"

Su Jiu suddenly thought that Changqing Farm would be transformed into a farmhouse in the future, and the fans in the live broadcast room were her potential customers, so she immediately stopped broadcasting: "Since everyone wants to watch it again, let's continue. Because of various For this reason, the income of Changqing Farm in the past two years has not been very satisfactory. At present, the host is undergoing a large-scale transformation of the farm. In the future, Changqing Farm will be transformed into a farmhouse. If you are interested, you can come and play—"

After speaking, Su Jiu started to wander around the farm. First, he took everyone to see the mountains full of bamboos, and then began to watch the progress of the entire Changqing Farm's transformation.Lei Jiaming's reconstruction of Changqing Farm refers to some of the design principles of Suzhou gardens. Although the interior decoration of Taoyuan Villa is full of modernization and high technology, its exterior design is a typical classical building.

After all, the area of ​​Changqing Farm is limited. To stack mountains and manage water, plant flowers and trees, and arrange garden buildings in a limited space will really test the designer's level. However, Lei Jiaming has lived up to Su Jiu's expectations at all. It makes people "get the pleasure of mountains and rivers without going out of the city, and enjoy the fun of forests and springs while living in the downtown area", and achieve the artistic realm of "although it is made by people, it looks like the sky".

Su's father named the garden "Xianju Forest" before his death, which means the garden where immortals live. Looking at the still bare Xianju Lin, Su Jiu seemed to see his parents standing here and chatting with the designer, with a smile on his lips , Gently explained: "Xianju Forest imitated the design of Suzhou gardens, and now it doesn't look elegant and quiet. It will change a lot when the flowers and trees ordered by the anchor are planted."

The viewers in the live broadcast room also watched with gusto. Some of them lived in nearby cities and planned to come and play for a few days after the anchor’s farmhouse was finished. The rich second and third generations like the cute Xiaotuanzi expressed that they were waiting for the opening. Come join me when it's time.

Although they are all ordinary friends on the Internet, Su Jiu still has a good impression of the cute Xiaotuanzi and others, so he readily agreed.As for what else the farmhouse sells besides the melons and fruits produced by Changqing Farm, she is somewhat thinking about it. These days, all handmade ones are expensive, and she can get a lot of handicrafts from the end of the world when Qiuqiu is done.

 With little hands, I collect them a little bit, and with my little hands, I brush up the tickets with a little bit——

(End of this chapter)

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