Looking at He Xiaorong, who had lost a lot of weight in just ten days, Qiuqiu secretly sighed: As expected of the person chosen by the host, he is really hardworking.Fortunately, the host is also working very hard for the natal magic weapon, otherwise it will become a lemon essence by now.

Because of the guide element, Su Jiu has now directly entered the honeymoon period with Long Xiaguo officials. Except for a small amount of guide element in her hand, which will be put on the shelves on the live broadcast platform, most of them are wrapped up by them.

After dumping the pickup truck into the garage, Su Jiu swung his hand at the door of the carriage and put all the goods inside into the backpack grid, without her having to bother to sort it out. The backpack grid automatically sorts the goods into boxes, saving both worry and effort.

Seeing that the host has filled all the grids in the backpack, Qiuqiu couldn't help but say: "Host, do you want to open the third plane first?"

Hearing this, Su Jiu was stunned for a moment, and asked strangely: "Qiuqiu, haven't I already opened up three planes?" The Blue Star plane, the Qing plane, and the Doomsday plane are indeed three!

A guilty conscience flashed in Qiuqiu's heart, and he explained: "Because the host has not started the live broadcast of the Blue Star plane for three months, the connection between this plane and the live broadcast system of Wanjie has been disconnected, so the host can only give the live broadcast to the Qing Dynasty. Two planes, the plane and the doomsday plane, live broadcast."

As soon as Su Jiu heard it, she knew that it was Qiuqiu's fault. She really didn't live broadcast in her own plane very much and deliberately avoided using the Wanjie live broadcast system to broadcast live in her plane, but this was not the reason for Qiuqiu to kill first and play later.

A stern light flashed in Su Jiu's eyes, he looked at Qiuqiu coldly, and said: "I didn't know that if I didn't live broadcast on this plane for three months, the link between the system and this plane would be broken. You must know! Now that you know, Why didn't you tell me!" Now she was full of anger, Qiuqiu's autonomy was too high, no wonder the Creator God only produced a batch and gave up.

Seeing that the host was angry, Qiuqiu didn't bother to hide, and hurriedly said: "It's not that I don't want to say yes, it's because the system has regulations, and the purpose is to eliminate some lazy hosts." Although in this matter it did affect the host's Judgment, but it's definitely for the good of the host.

She probably believed this. A ball with such a high degree of autonomy would definitely have a way to circumvent system rules and exploit loopholes. Since it didn't say anything, the current situation is what it likes to see.

Stared at by the host, Qiuqiu hurriedly asked for a detour: "I admit that I have selfish intentions, but the advantages of extracting a new plane definitely outweigh the disadvantages, and now that the host has left the newcomer group, the planes extracted again are no longer limited to the blue star position. plane parallel space."

No longer limited?Su Jiu couldn't care less about getting angry with Qiuqiu.Thinking of the last month or so that the moon has been urging her to go shopping online every day or go to the wholesale market in the county town to fill up the backpack grid that has never been filled, Su Jiu said immediately: "I think you have planned it beforehand." , otherwise why would you let me stockpile so much.”

"Hey! Qiuqiu knows that nothing can be hidden from the host." Qiuqiu flattered the host after offending the host.

The corner of Su Jiu's mouth twitched, she really didn't want to hear this kind of earthy flattery, but Qiuqiu's knowledge is limited and she always repeats this sentence, and I am too embarrassed to let the other party learn the knowledge of flattery, so I can only listen to it every time with a stomach ache .

Seeing that the host did not intend to continue to pursue his own responsibilities, Qiuqiu happily circled around: "Host, the system provides loan business, and the first loan can enjoy an interest-free loan of 100 million merit points. 100 million is just enough to draw new money. From the plane, what is the host still hesitating about?"

Su Jiu tried her best to ignore Qiuqiu's brainwashing and began to think about how it would be more beneficial to herself. Since it is an interest-free loan, she can only have three planes in a short period of time according to Qiuqiu's introduction. This time she will draw a new plane. It can be regarded as taking advantage of the loopholes in the system and only one chance to double the chance to extract a new plane. Next time, it is estimated that if a plane is abolished without live broadcast for three months, it is impossible to have the opportunity to extract a new plane.

Although Su Jiu hasn't understood the system's rules about extracting new planes, the little guy Qiuqiu is absolutely clear, as it said, she and it are one, and it will never harm her.Blue Star's biggest advantage lies in the well-developed agriculture and animal husbandry. If the extracted new plane lacks food, it will be an opportunity for Su Jiu. If the other party does not lack anything in the new plane, it will be a waste of merit.

After calming down, the more I think about it, the more I feel that the Wanjie live broadcast system is treacherous. Using random selection to extract new planes will most likely result in useless ones, but in Su Jiu’s eyes, there are no useless planes, just like the Qing Dynasty. It is difficult for it to provide itself with a large amount of merit points under the normal operation of the plane, but if you can change the history of the late Qing Dynasty, you can still get a huge amount of merit points and transaction coins.

In general, no matter what plane it is, it depends on how the host operates.

Su Jiu spread his hands and said, "Qiaoqiu, don't you want me to buy the natal magic weapon as soon as possible to integrate with my soul? I don't have the ability to do both."

Qiuqiu felt that he was going to be turned into a puffer fish, Sunflower jumped up and down on the screen, angrily said: "Host, can't you try to have both, don't you humans have a very popular saying called ' Children only make choices, adults naturally want both, why can't you have both!"

The corners of Su Jiu's mouth twitched, these words were nothing more than self-indulgence from netizens, the world of adults is much more complicated than that of children.Su Jiu sighed helplessly, and she found that the number of times she sighed has skyrocketed since she bound the Wanjie live broadcast system: "Qiuqiu, have you ever heard the old saying 'You can't have both,' you must be a human being." You have to learn to choose.”

Qiuqiu was stunned, it found that no matter what it said, the host was right, and it was angry with Qiuqiu.

Seeing that Qiuqiu was going to be pissed off and felt completely vented, Su Jiu changed the subject and said, "I'm going to dig out the wine in Dongtianfudi. The latest batch is estimated to be hundreds of years old, and it will definitely sell well. The price." Speaking of which, she has never sold the wine she brewed.

"Host, should we extract a new plane first?" Qiuqiu thought for a while, but he still needs to open up new markets first, increase revenue and reduce expenditure, since it is impossible to reduce expenditure, naturally open source!

No matter how much you don't want Su Jiu, you can only choose to draw a new plane. Fortunately, there are interest-free loans: "Draw!"

The same turntable as in the past appeared in front of Su Jiu, and Su Jiu silently thanked the gods and Buddhas in the sky...

The larger the virtual ball is, the bigger it cracks, and it says that the host's luck is amazing: "This is a planet inhabited by Zergs. Wow, it's actually a desolate star in the territory of Zergs. The radiation on the planet is very serious. The entire planet Only 1000 million people."

"Then why are you getting so excited?" The black star where Su Jiu used to live was not much different from the wild star, with scarce resources, she felt that she was a bit unlucky this time.

Qiuqiu glanced at the host who was in the midst of blessings and didn't know how to be blessed, and really wanted to give her a head-on blow...

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