It can only be said that Su Jiu's luck is very good. The residents living on the desolate star she drew because of too much radiation, except for a few management personnel sent by the federal government, are all mentally violent and on the verge of mental collapse. Junxiong.These military heroes who have retreated from the front line have no shortage of all kinds of rare ores except Yuanjing, and this is the opportunity for Su Jiu to make a fortune.

The military heroes who have just arrived in the deserted star are lucky to say that those military heroes who are already on the verge of mental collapse don’t care whether they will be deceived or not. After all, they have nothing to be deceived except money, so what Su Jiu said As soon as the mental power pacifier was put on the shelves, they emptied it in seconds.

A thousand bottles of mental power pacifier brought Su Jiu [-] points of merit and a large amount of trading coins at once. If she didn't have the energy to refine the potion now, she would want to fuck her for another month.

Hughes looked at the green pacifier and uncorked the bottle and took a sip. Layton next to him was startled and said angrily: "Hughes, you are too reckless, you should at least test it before drinking it. You feel like you are How about it?"

Hughes grinned indifferently: "No matter how bad it is, it's just a mental breakdown. Well, don't worry, I feel great now."

Layton carefully looked at his friend's expression and found that he did not appear to be in pain. He breathed a sigh of relief: "You are too reckless. Stand still. I will test this so-called mental power sedative for you. Is it of any use?"

"I feel that the spiritual domain is gently brushed by a gentle force, and the whole body is very relaxed and comfortable. This potion is really useful. Unfortunately, the anchor is limited in purchase. If I can grab a few more bottles, my mental riots will probably disappear."

Layton ignored his friend's muttering, and took out the tester to check it carefully for his friend. The whole worm was shocked: "Hughes, you feel right. The monitoring results show that your mental domain that was on the verge of collapse has been healed. At present, the mental violence has been alleviated by 20.00% five." At the same time, he also began to feel sorry for the restrictions on the purchase of anchors.

As soon as the 20.00% five data came out, Hughes, who had already felt it, was also very excited. He was able to walk out of the deserted star alive: "Quick, let's contact other worms to see if the effect on other worms is also so obvious." If so, he must tell those comrades who are on the verge of collapse and tell them not to give up.

The soldiers on AS-0001 Desolate Star are the most serious group of mental violence. Hughes and the others don’t need to ask about the anti-sky effect of the spiritual pacifier produced by Su Jiu, which has already caused a sensation in the entire AS-0001. Fortunately, the star network inside Desolate Star AS-0001 was completely isolated from the outside world due to special circumstances, otherwise it would cause an explosion-like sensation.

The military heroes of AS-0001 Desolate Star originally came here to wait for death quietly, but the appearance of Su Jiu’s live broadcast room gave them hope. Fortunately, they still have reason to control everything in Desolate Star , but the major families have eyeliners on the deserted star, and it is estimated that they will soon learn of this exciting news.

The military heroes of the entire AS-0001 Desolate Star united to hold an internal meeting, and finally unanimously decided that the medical insect Layton and Marshal Bolton, the highest military rank, would contact the anchor in order to buy a large amount of mental power sedatives.

Seeing the private messages sent by the military heroes, Su Jiu turned around excitedly, her plan was successful: "No problem, I can sell the mental power pacifier to you first, the price is not easy to deal with, we This is already the lowest price, but if you trade with energy stones, I can offer free shipping." The shipping fee is not a small amount, and Su Jiu thinks that this policy is quite favorable for him.

Marshal Bolton said that there is no problem with this. There are a lot of energy stones on the AS-0001 desolate star: "Does the anchor need all kinds of intelligent robot bugs? The technology of our insect planet is quite advanced." After speaking, he sent it to the anchor A profile of a bunch of high-tech intelligent robot bugs.

Although the technological level of the Doomsday plane is far superior to that of Blue Star, it is still some distance away from the intelligent and automated robots that Su Jiu wanted, but the technology of the Zerg plane is obviously higher, and these intelligent robots of the Zerg have human and insect forms. There are two forms, the human form is all good-looking, and the insect form is also very beautiful and cute, which really suits her aesthetics.

"I want sixty highest-level intelligent robot bugs first, including fifty agricultural robot bugs that are proficient in agriculture, and ten chef robot bugs that make gourmet food." Su Jiu thought that he could try it out in Dongtian Paradise now. If it's good, Then consider using it on evergreen farms. "Marshal Bolton, calculate the transaction currency you need."

When Marshal Bolton heard that the anchor had only ordered sixty intelligent robot bugs, a look of disappointment flashed in his eyes, but he was very knowledgeable about the Zerg robot bugs, and the anchor would definitely place an order: "These highest-level intelligent robot bugs The minimum selling price of each item is 50 worm coins. After researching the exchange ratio of worm coins and live room trading coins is almost 1:1, the host can just give me 3000 million trading coins. In addition, I can issue a copy The number of mental power pacifiers needed by each army hero, if it can be obtained, I hope the anchor can sell the medicines as needed."

If Marshal Bolton hadn't lied, Su Jiu would be on the side that took advantage of this deal. As for the later proposal, it would be harmless to her except for some troubles. Then Su Jiu nodded and said, "Yes."

There was a touching smile on Marshal Bolton's handsome face, which made Su Jiu feel very dazzling. It is said that the selection of appearance in the process of Zerg reproduction is really powerful, but ugly ones are not qualified to keep bug cubs, after all, females Insects are a group of guys who look at their faces.

Su Jiu said that she just likes good-looking ones: "I have a batch of food rich in aura in my hand. After you Zerg eat it, it can also relieve mental violence, but it is much less effective than mental pacifiers. "

Marshal Bolton's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he said gently: "Then get some of everything, and the anchor doesn't need to give me trading coins, just exchange all these trading coins for food."

Su Jiu was choked for a moment, Chong, you were thinking beautifully, if she dared to do this, Daqing and Doomsday would be a big mess: "I'll give you 100 million trading coins of food first, you guys try it first, if It works, and I will order again later.”

Marshal Bolton was a little dissatisfied, but he didn't dare to refute the anchor casually, what if he annoyed the anchor and couldn't buy mental power pacifiers.

Seeing the other party nodding, Su Jiu quickly selected some green rice, Qingjiang fish and wine and sent them over.

Although the audience in the Qing and Doomsday planes couldn't hear Marshal Bolton's voice, they could still hear the anchor's voice, and it was precisely because they heard that each of them felt a sense of urgency in their hearts. Feelings, they began to think about what could attract the anchor in their plane.

For a while, Su Jiu welcomed the love of many viewers, and Kangxi, who had always been carrying it, couldn't help but seduce the anchor with the imperial meal, and Xia Yu even introduced a bunch of mutated plants to the anchor...

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