Perhaps prompted by the Mongolian prince of Khalkha, countless Mongolian tribes waved beef, mutton, gems and other things to the anchor to exchange for supplies.

Su Jiu picked some good-quality beef jerky and started to eat, nodding in his heart while eating, as expected of the cattle running on the Mongolian prairie, the beef produced is delicious.

The viewers in the doomsday plane were almost crying, and asked the anchor to order beef jerky on the screen, and they wanted to eat it too!
"The anchor saw that friends in the last days also want to eat Mongolian beef jerky, no problem, the anchor will give you the link." Su Jiu left almost 100 catties of beef jerky, and the rest of the beef jerky and mutton were all put on the shelves.

"I grabbed beef jerky!"

"Wow, I didn't get the beef jerky, but I got the mutton."

"Why didn't I grab anything, the anchor will come again!"


The barrage in the Doomsday Plane is very lively, Su Jiu thinks that he can come to this kind of event a few more times in the future, as long as these people don't dislike the high shipping cost.

Thinking of the shipping fee that always made her feel distressed, Su Jiu couldn't help asking Qiuqiu: "Qiuqiu, is there any way to reduce the shipping fee? I don't believe that the cost of black hole teleportation is really so expensive." Cazorla galaxy also has black hole teleportation Technology, as long as both parties purchase the black hole teleporter at the same time, the power stones consumed during the transportation are very small, otherwise the Federation will not have almost one.

Qiuqiu didn't expect the host to follow the delusion of buying and selling intelligent life, and then pay attention to the shipping fee of the Wanjie live broadcast system. He is really courageous.However, when he thought of the transaction coins that had just been distributed by the Wanjie Live Broadcasting System, Qiuqiu also twitched in distress: "All the hosts of the masters I know are [-] points from the Wanjie Live Broadcasting System, and the hosts charge [-]/[-]." The shipping fee, but it may also be that the leaders I know are too low-level and know too little inside information."

Su Jiu was a little frustrated, and then he asked a little bit unwillingly: "Is there really no way? Qiuqiu, can you contact the higher-level leaders?" The intelligent customer service is a branch of the butler system, and it is the lowest level of existence. .

Qiuqiu and the host are one body, one prospers and the other loses. It naturally hopes that the host can go further: "The high-level leaders are very arrogant, so they don't want to talk to our low-level leaders. If it weren't for my situation It's a bit special, and I can't even enter this class now. However, there is a preferential policy, after opening three planes, the shipping fee for each new plane's Myriad Realms Live Streaming System will be [-]% cheaper."

"One percent?" Su Jiu complained silently in his heart that the Wanjie live broadcast system is really stingy, so that the profits he gets each time will be less, but fans from other planes are probably more willing to trade with her, Instead, her income will not decrease.At present, what she is more concerned about is whether to extract a new plane.

Hearing the host's whisper, Qiuqiu's heart moved. It remembered that there was a one-time luck-enhancing prop in Wanjie Mall. Based on its understanding of the host, the other party would draw a new plane soon, and it could be used at that time. props.

Su Jiu, who was in deep thought, was interrupted by a sudden video call. Su Jiu saw that it was Admiral Fang, and hurriedly connected.

"Anchor, do you have any garbage decomposition items in your hand? The end of the world needs to be rebuilt, but now the outside is full of zombies and mutant animals. If you don't pay attention, someone will be injured or even killed. We are wondering if there is any A kind of machine that can break down the originally abandoned buildings into materials."

The last time Su Jiu saw Admiral Fang's hair was still dark, but this time it was more than half white.Su Jiu sighed inwardly. If it was possible, she would be willing to help. After all, the coming of the apocalypse has a lot to do with environmental pollution. What's more, his Changqing Farm, Dongtian Paradise and even Gu Ye's Wufu Planet all need waste decomposition machines. Admiral Fang's call this time reminded her.

"Qiuqiu, check if there is a waste decomposition machine in Wanjie Mall, preferably one that can decompose waste into raw materials, or produce finished products."

"Okay, host." Qiuqiu began to search in a smooth motion: "There are quite a lot of garbage decomposition machines of this type in Wanjie Mall. The host can take a look."

Taking a look, Su Jiu took a deep breath: "All of them need merit points!"

"Host, decomposing garbage is a matter of earning merit." Since it is a machine for earning merit, it is not too much for people to collect merit.Qiuqiu continued to perform his duties, and explained: "Currently, the top three models are more suitable for the host."

The three waste decomposition machines use solar energy, electric energy, and energy stones as power sources respectively. Su Jiu touched his chin, thinking secretly which one he should buy.

At the end of the world, you can choose solar energy and electric energy, but the price of these two is not low, even far more than the energy stone-type garbage decomposition machine, Su Jiu couldn't make up his mind for a while, thinking that the things he bought would be used by them, Su Jiu simply doubled the price of all types of garbage decomposition machines and let the other party choose.

Admiral Fang didn't expect the host to actually have a way to get a garbage decomposition machine, and thanked the host repeatedly: "Thank you, host, we may need some time to study it here."

"No problem, your eyes are fine, you can contact me at any time." Everything is in Wanjie Mall, and Su Jiu is not stockpiling goods in his hands, so he is not in a hurry to ship them.

Su Jiu studied these machines from the beginning, and secretly praised: Qiuqiu's vision is quite powerful.As far as the most powerful function is concerned, it is the waste decomposition machine in the magic world. Its function is as mysterious as the game world. Exactly not.

Qiuqiu didn't expect the host to be an invisible game fan, so he could only persuade him: "The host can buy an energy stone and solar energy type first. If you really like the magic garbage disintegrator, it's not impossible to buy it, but you need to buy it from Wanjie Mall. Crystal, or the host draws a new plane, which happens to be the magic plane."

Su Jiu reluctantly glanced at the magical garbage disintegrator, shook his head, and said, "Forget it, you can give me two energy stones first, and then buy solar energy after returning to Changqing Farm." One on each side of Wufu Planet.

As soon as the words fell, two garbage disintegrators appeared in Dongtian Paradise.Su Jiu dug a hole to bury all the kitchen waste in Dongtianfudi, and it happened that there was still unprocessed garbage in the kitchen, so Su Jiu simply asked Gu Ye to dump it into the garbage disintegrator.

I saw that the garbage disintegrator flashed a green light and then stopped working, and pieces of hard lumps called flower fertilizers were spit out.

"Low-grade flower fertilizer." Gu Ye frowned and remained silent for a while, then said, "If we have a high-quality flower fertilizer formula, we can also produce it, but we need to add materials here."

"Qiuqiu, does Wanjie Mall sell recipes?" Su Jiu's tone was very certain despite the question.

"Yes." Qiuqiu replied with some helplessness, the host is also true, and it's not the first day that he knows the nature of profiteers in Wanjie Mall.

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