I became popular in Wanjie live broadcast

Chapter 7 The Lychees Are Here

Chapter 7 The Lychees Are Here
After returning to Changqing Farm, Su Jiu found that there were not only lychees but also [-] boxes of pure milk in the cargo box!what is this?What she bought was lychees, but the pure milk that was used as a gift was more than lychees. I don't know how the boss does business. Could it be that the other party is related to the milk seller?
Later, after hanging out with the owner of Xinxin Fruit Shop for a long time, Su Jiu finally realized that he had unintentionally revealed the truth. The boss’s husband was a milk seller. The reason why she gave away the milk at the beginning was because her husband bought too much and it was about to expire. It's really a surprise that a bunch of them were given away as gifts...

When the guy from the rice shop delivered [-] bags of fragrant rice, Su Jiu opened the live broadcast room. Of course, she only connected to the last world plane.

At the same time, the people who turned on their mobile phones to try their luck in the apocalyptic plane ushered in the good news-"The Evergreen live broadcast room you are following has started broadcasting".

The members of the "Sanqi Group" that Long Xiaguo had just established got up straight from their beds and quickly gathered in the office.

Zhang Li looked at the live broadcast and clicked his tongue: "I thought the host would not broadcast live again today. Didn't it mean that it will be broadcast tomorrow? Why is it so sudden?"

Captain Xia Yu glanced at the other party and said, "You don't care what the other party is, if she sells food in the live broadcast room later, you guys, hurry up, let's try to get more food."

The others nodded one after another. There is no way that there is a shortage of food this year. During the day, there were a few people in their team who were snapping up the food, but unfortunately none of them were in stock. The fragrant rice is said to be the new rice of this year, and it tastes delicious!
Su Jiu, who said that he would not broadcast the live broadcast at the moment, was also a little embarrassed: "Hello everyone, I am the anchor Su Jiu. I have delivered all the orders to all the friends who placed the order in the live broadcast room during the day. I wonder if you have received it?" She I just ordered delivery and all the rice at home disappeared. I heard from Qiuqiu that the black hole express is very fast and will definitely arrive within 10 minutes. It has been five or six minutes and I don’t know what’s going on there.

As a result, as soon as the voice finished, many customers who placed orders said "received", and Su Jiu felt relieved this time.

At the same time, more than ten bags of fragrant rice appeared in front of the members of the Panax notoginseng group, which they had snatched during the day.

The most impatient Zhang Li suddenly stood up and rushed over, shouting loudly: "The goods have arrived!"

Other members also circled around the rice one after another, and finally the captain Xia Yu made the decision to contact Minister Zhang to tell him that the goods had been received.

Looking at the snow-white rice, Minister Zhang blushed, his eyes were also red, and he kept shouting: "Okay, okay."

Others felt uncomfortable seeing Minister Zhang's appearance. At the beginning, many grain reserves were built underground. As a result, earthquakes continued in various places in the last days, and many granaries were destroyed. A heavy rain with toxins made them work hard. All the hard-earned food has become "drugs", and now it is impossible to drink.

Their armed forces in the capital are tyrannical, and their food reserves are more complete. The loss of food is not big, and there is no shortage of food now, but there are many people in other places who can't even eat a meal. They are all soldiers. Seeing themselves The guarded people are starving to death, how can I feel uncomfortable...

The birth of the Changqing live broadcast room gave everyone hope...

The researchers quickly tested all the rice, and the results showed that they were all qualified high-quality rice, and the laboratory burst into cheers.

The top leader, Mr. Shi, and others directly decided to recharge the live broadcast room to buy food. In addition, the members of the Sanqi team reached a friendly relationship with the anchor Su Jiu as soon as possible, and they wanted to go through the back door.No way, the anchor sold 3 bags of rice at once, which seems to be a lot, but you have to think about how many people in the world are robbing it!There were only [-] people when the anchor started broadcasting, but now there are more than [-] people. It is estimated that there will be more people tomorrow, and it will not be so easy for them to snap up from the live broadcast room.

Looking at the barrage, Su Jiu had to explain the reason for the temporary addition of a live broadcast: "Today, when I went shopping in the market, I accidentally found a lychee with a good taste. The anchor bought a hundred boxes on a whim. Lychee is not good to eat overnight. Yes, the anchor will just sell it. In addition, there are [-] boxes of pure milk tonight. Anyone who is interested can come and shoot. I will post the link now, and friends who need it can place an order directly now. "

As soon as the words fell, countless exclamations came from all over the end of the world.There is no way, the end of the world has been a long time, fruits that are not easy to store like lychees have long been out of stock, and now people can swallow their mouths when looking at a rotten apple, let alone such an expensive fruit like lychees.

After a lot of competition, the officials of Longxia Kingdom managed to snatch 27 boxes of lychees and 130 boxes of pure milk. The result is quite beautiful!If it wasn't for Su Jiu's purchase restriction, they probably would have grabbed even more.

Old Master Shi looked at the fresh lychees on the table, swallowed quietly: "How long have we not eaten this stuff?"

Admiral Gu also swallowed his saliva: "It's been almost a year." The last lychee of his family fell into the mouth of the little great-grandson. At first, the adults thought that they, adults, had tasted it anyway. If the little great-grandson couldn't eat it again I'm afraid I won't have to eat in the future. Who would have thought that there would be such opportunities.

"Anchor Su Jiu can buy so much at one time, I guess it's the season for lychees to go on the market in her place. Anyway, those broken coppers and irons outside can be recharged, so we can buy more." Mr. Shi reached out and picked a lychee and peeled it. Opened up to chew in his mouth, he said, "Peach seems to be at this time too, I remember there is a peach forest behind the anchor."

Seeing this, other people picked up lychees and ate them one after another. General Fang, who was the most particular, ate three of them and stopped: "The fruit contains a lot of nutritional value that is not found in rice and flour. We really need to buy more. How is the Sanqi team talking with the anchor? If it really doesn’t work, I will go to the battle in person.” The things that the anchor puts on the shelves alone are a drop in the bucket for the entire Longxia Kingdom.

The members of the Sanqi team who were mentioned are now busy making friends with Su Jiu. The people of country Z are naturally full of love for soldiers, and Su Jiu is no exception. She has a natural affection for soldiers with black hair and black eyes like herself. The two sides chatted Pretty good.

After receiving the notice from above, Xia Yu hurriedly sent a private message to the anchor: "Anchor, our chief wants to order a batch of peaches from you. In addition, you can see if you can get more food and vegetables. Don't worry about the price, we will definitely not treat you badly. "

"Yes. Do you need pork? There is a pig farm in our town. If you need it, we can deliver it tomorrow." Su Jiu's goal is not to earn merit points, let alone to sell food. She can also harvest gold and other good things, and she doesn't lose at all.Thinking of his wood-type abilities, Su Jiu said: "I need a lot of wood-type crystal nuclei, it would be best if you can pay with wood-type crystal nuclei."

Xia Yu quickly responded to Su Jiu's needs. Mr. Shi and others agreed that it is no problem to pay with wood-type crystal nuclei. Wood-type crystal nuclei belong to the five-element crystal nuclei. There are not a few of them. There are still a pile of them in their warehouse. .In addition, for the pork that Su Jiu mentioned, they directly ordered [-] heads, plus [-] catties of flour.

Su Jiu looked at the [-] pigs in the private message, and the corners of his mouth moved slightly. It’s true that there is a pig farm in their town, but they raised a total of [-] pigs. It’s too eye-catching for her to order [-] pigs at once. up!

Thinking of the wood crystal nucleus and merit points that she was about to get, Su Jiu felt that she could go out for a walk.Domestic food control is relatively strict, and her large ordering time will definitely attract the attention of the higher authorities. In addition, she has not forgotten that she has a pro-uncle who is watching behind her.

"Sorry, you ordered too much. Our country is a bit strict on food control. I need to go abroad. I can only give you [-] heads of pork for the time being, but I can give you [-] catties of peaches." Su Jiu decided tonight Taking advantage of the absence of the engineering team, the peaches on the peach tree were ripened and sold to Long Xiaguo.

Xia Yu was a little disappointed, but their country used to have strict food control. He knew that what Su Jiu said might be the truth, but he didn't feel guilty. He said sincerely, "Thank you."

Su Jiu simply ripened the peaches while broadcasting live, and then picked the ripe peaches one by one and put them in the backpack of the live broadcast system, and sold them to Long Xiaguo at once when they were all finished.

At the beginning, she wanted to exploit a loophole and use the backpack to do something else, but she didn't expect that all the things put in the backpack on this plane could not be taken out, and even after 24 hours, a storage fee would be charged!Fortunately, Qiuqiu reassured her that there are all kinds of spaces for sale in Wanjie Mall, and thinking of the space that is about to be acquired, Su Jiu is also working in full swing by himself.

The big pink peaches symbolize the glittering merit points...

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(End of this chapter)

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