"Boss, this stilted building is strong enough, much stronger than the thatched hut we built ourselves." Wang Jun looked idiotic as he stroked the pillars of the stilted building.

Wu Jianshe nodded. Now he is very glad that he listened to the military adviser and exchanged three sets of stilted buildings. Otherwise, with their broken thatched cottages and the food collected in the warehouse, it is estimated that they would have been blown away by the wind. Then he is the real one. It's about to vomit blood, so thinking about it, the set of skill cards back then was not a loss.

Seeing Wu Jianshe's complexion changing, Wu Lei felt a little speechless. Asking him to say that the store that claims to be Su Jiu's anchor is quite kind, but the forces behind it are too treacherous: "Although the oasis is a little small, at least we can drink water in the future." No need to buy it."

Wu Jianshe felt a little melancholy, and asked his comrades: "Do we really want to make a home in the desert?" Once the lord's order is used, it cannot be restored. This oasis is really too small. It's okay to say that there are fewer people now, but there will be more people in the future. Now, as long as the oasis can't supply what it needs, and there are too few oases in the desert, it is inevitable that no one will think carefully, and he is a little uncertain for a while.

Wu Lei naturally also thought of it: "But do you know where the way out of the desert is? You know that if you don't know the route, getting lost in the desert is a very normal thing, and the outside environment is not so good."

The others felt that what the military adviser said made sense, and they were all worried that they would be taken over when they left this oasis. According to their moral standards, it was impossible to kill people and seize territory.

Wu Jianshe sighed helplessly: "Forget it, let's stay here."

A researcher in the team said: "The things in Sujiu Trading Company are ever-changing, maybe one day we can buy items to improve the desert." He regrets that he didn't study geology at the beginning.

Hearing this, Wu Lei's eyes flickered, and he said slowly: "Maybe the anchor really has it, I'll ask."

Suddenly seeing someone asking about improving the desert, Su Jiu was taken aback. Now everyone is struggling. These people have already started to study the issue of returning sand to forest. This man named Wu Lei is really far-sighted.However, she needs to search the Wanjie Mall.

"Soil-melting machine!" Su Jiu didn't expect that he would find it. There are two types of soil-melting machines, one of which uses sand to make soil, which is very suitable for use in deserts.Su Jiu nodded in satisfaction, maybe she can also exchange one for use in Blue Star, and glanced at the price column in a blink of an eye...

I'm sorry, but she doesn't deserve it!Su Jiu Paji, who had just floated up, was photographed on the ground again, she was still far away from getting rich.

Seeing Su Jiu struggling to earn merits, Gu Ye suddenly felt that the "Nine Turns of Yin and Yang" that he was forced to practice by the golden basalt shell was not so bad.

To be honest, Gu Ye has never been able to understand why the totem of Suzaku is printed on the basalt shell.Xuanwu in the north is the hurdle in the eight trigrams, and the water in the five elements, which symbolizes the old yin in the four images, and the winter in the four seasons. Laoyang among the four images, summer among the four seasons.

How did one extreme yin and one extreme yang mix together? Gu Ye was also speechless. The golden basalt shell was surrounded by raging nine-yin black ice and nine-yang purple thunder. As time went by, Gu Ye's soul was even contaminated. He was exposed to these two extreme energies, and the "Nine Turns of Yin and Yang Jue" was a practice that allowed him to absorb these two extreme energies.

The strength of his current spirit is far beyond what Su Jiu can match. Every time the "Nine-Zhuan Yin-Yang Jue" absorbs a piece of Nine-Yin Profound Ice and Nine-Yang Purple Thunder, it needs to be tempered nine times. Although this makes the energy more pure, it also increases the cultivation difficulty and progress.

Thinking of this, Gu Ye suddenly felt that he and Su Jiu's exercises did not know which one was more tricky, and he was a little bit embarrassed. Perhaps the only advantage was that both of their exercises could work on the soul.Due to his long-term absorption of Jiuyin Xuanbing and Jiuyang Zilei, no matter which life he reincarnates in the future, his spiritual roots will be mutated thunder roots and mutated ice roots, and Su Jiu will be mutated wood roots (mutated wood roots) Department of abilities).

Gu Ye touched the skill card, his eyes were bright: "Su Jiu, you have to use all the skill cards like your arms and fingers. I have a hunch that these abilities will follow us even if we are reincarnated!"

Hearing this, Su Jiu's breath was stagnant, and for a moment she wanted to use all the skill cards once, but luckily her rationality made her wake up quickly, and she couldn't chew more than she could chew.Although the more things like skills, the better, but the more the better, Su Jiu frowned and thought for a while, and said to Gu Ye: "Gu Ye, I always feel that this will not be my end, And you?"

Gu Ye immediately understood what Su Jiu meant. She felt that the two of them would not be able to obtain eternal life in Blue Star. In fact, this is normal: "There is also a person with special abilities in Blue Star, but once these people break through a certain level, unless they Leave Blue Star, otherwise you will never be able to continue to break through, and you can only wait for your lifespan to run out."

Surprise flashed in Su Jiu's eyes, it was the first time she had heard of this, it seemed that the Gu family was really not simple.

Gu Ye did not evade Su Jiu's inquiry, but took the initiative to explain: "There is an ancestor of the Gu family who is a special ability. I will have an unavoidable man-made disaster in that year, and if I can meet someone with destiny, I can survive this calamity."

"I am the man of destiny?" Su Jiu said in a daze.

"Yes." Gu Ye nodded and admitted this very readily.

Su Jiu suddenly remembered the feeling of discord when the two first met, but later they became more and more familiar with each other, and she ignored this sense of discord: "Let me just say, you look like you I'm not familiar with you, why did you help me the first time you saw me?" Dare love has a plan, although Gu Ye started contacting her for a purpose, but there are various reasons for people to interact with each other Su Jiu would not doubt Gu Ye's feelings for her because of this.

Although he guessed that Su Jiu wouldn't care about such trivial things early in the morning, but when he really heard Su Jiu's words that he didn't care about, the big stone that Gu Ye had been carrying in his heart quietly fell to the ground.

Outsiders might not be able to see Gu Ye's nervousness, but Su Jiu saw through his disguise at a glance, and said amusedly, "You don't think I'll act out an idol drama with you, do you?"

Thinking of the deep sadomasochism and chasing after each other in idol dramas, Gu Ye was terrified all over, and secretly rejoiced that his lover was a normal person.

"Hahaha." Seeing Gu Ye's speechless appearance, Su Jiu couldn't help laughing out loud.

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