Regardless of whether it is the plane of the end of the world or the plane of the Zerg, the host is going to sell the three medicine formulas in his hand, and as long as the merits are sufficient, everyone can buy them.

Yes, under Gu Ye's persuasion, Su Jiu planned to sell all three formulas at once, but she didn't plan to sell them in the Qing plane, even if they bought them, they didn't have enough sophisticated equipment to refine the medicine.

Kangxi did not expect that the Qing Dynasty would be treated differently again, and the pride that had just risen in his heart was instantly punctured. Hey, the Qing Dynasty is still lagging behind.If the sky disappears one day, they will never have the chance to get the medicine formula again. As for the anchor's kindness, they have received it, and they have no shortage of merit.

Su Jiu looked at the speech of Kangxi local tyrant, and was speechless again. Every time she wanted to save them merit, they just didn't appreciate it, making her look like a bad person.Reluctantly let Gu Ye read Kangxi's private letter, Su Jiu wanted to hear Gu Ye's opinion.

Gu Ye opened his eyes and took a look, and said: "Normal. As an emperor, you can guess Kangxi's desire to control without me telling you. What's more, in Kangxi's eyes, the live broadcast room will leave the university at some point. Qing, after all, the benefits you can get from Daqing are really limited, if you have that energy, you might as well develop a new plane.”

Su Jiu knew that Gu Ye was telling the truth, and sighed in his heart: "Forget it, I'm not going to be a bad person anymore, and I don't care about it in the future." In fact, she can't guarantee whether she will close the channel between the live broadcast room and Daqing in the future , maybe when the merit points that Daqing can provide her gradually decrease, she will appropriately reduce the live broadcast to Daqing, as long as the plane is not cancelled.

Forging iron still requires hard work. Although merits need to be earned, the most important thing for Su Jiu now is to work hard to improve his ability. She has a 100% success rate for those three potions: "Gu Ye, what potion should I choose this time? good?"

"Body strengthening medicine, the game plane should be in great need of this kind of medicine." Gu Ye is very clear that their biggest market now is the game plane.

Su Jiu thought for a while and felt that Gu Ye's proposal was good: "Physical strengthening medicine is a general-purpose medicine, and it can be used in other planes, so I recently caught the strengthening medicine and refined it. Well, add a gardenia flower Aroma refining. Hehe, I got a skill card for refining aroma." She was not interested in aromatherapy cards, but fell in love with refining incense unexpectedly.

"Okay, I'll save you getting bored by practicing instead." Gu Ye thought for a while, and added: "Would you like to choose two more potions and practice with three potions together?"

"The primary pharmacist's book I bought at the beginning contained five formulas, namely, blood-tonifying medicine, yang-strengthening medicine, spring wind medicine, qi-nourishing medicine, and bone-refining medicine. Among them, the strengthening yang medicine and spring wind medicine feel too unscrupulous. It’s so embarrassing to take it out and sell it.”

Seeing Su Jiu's shy eyes, Gu Ye suddenly realized, and looked at Su Jiu with fiery eyes: "It can be refined, and the bugs on the Zerg plane must like it very much." Those bugs don't mind any shame in order to reproduce. Ashamed, he could even imagine that the popularity of these potions was no less than that of mental power sedatives.

Su Jiu's face turned embarrassed, her skin was still not thick enough: "Then choose body strengthening medicine, spring wind medicine and blood tonic medicine."

"Very good, we can also try the effect of the medicine later."


Gu Ye was photographed aside by the embarrassed Su Jiu, but he didn't feel angry: "I'm going to prepare the backstage order, you..."

"Host, 003 has awakened consciousness—" Qiuqiu's bluffing voice came from afar.

Speaking of which, at the beginning, the host got ten high-level robots. Qiuqiu was ambitious and secretly wanted to make a big wave. As a result, one week and two weeks later, Qiuqiu directly withered, and the awakening of mechanical life was even stronger than the legend. It was ten thousand times more difficult. If it weren't for the belief in raising younger brothers to work, Qiuqiu would have quit.

Fortunately, hard work pays off, Qiuqiu finally succeeded, and it has a hunch that as long as it successfully awakens a mechanical life, it will be much easier to wake up again, but thinking of the sadness of the past two weeks, Qiuqiu is not very happy for the time being. I want to continue.

Su Jiu naturally knew the difficulty of awakening mechanical life. She never expected that Qiuqiu would surprise her in just two weeks. There are still a few mechanical lives. It is best to let Qiuqiu wake up a few more: "Qiuqiu awesome!"

"That's right, I said I can do it, so I can do it." Qiuqiu, who was praised by the host, raised her head, proud of herself.

Su Jiu looked very happy in his heart, and still touched his lips: "Awesome! Qiuqiu, I still need two mechanical lives. Can you wake up two more?"

"No problem!" As soon as he agreed, Qiuqiu came to his senses, and suddenly felt regretful, and secretly said: The host is too treacherous!

Su Jiu glanced at Qiuqiu with a half-smile, and Qiuqiu lost all thoughts immediately, just wake up two more, even twenty is not a problem, these are his younger brothers!
Su Jiu didn't bother to pay attention to Qiuqiu's self-victory method, and began to observe 003. 003 is a beautiful man with a feminine appearance, about 30 years old, which suits her eyes well.

Su Jiu took out the basic wine-making skill card and handed it to 003: "From today onwards, your name is Su Yi. After learning wine-making, your daily task is to brew good wine. I have a few wine-making recipes here, and you should learn together." Yes. The salary is a high-grade mechanical oil per month, if you have other needs, you can talk to Qiuqiu."

003, oh, his name is Su Yi now, he has just awakened consciousness, and his heart is simple, he will do whatever Su Jiu asks him to do, he will not bargain with Su Jiu at all, of course Su Jiu is also very honest.

Qiuqiu looked at Su Yi sympathetically, but it was too lazy to preach to the other party. In the future, it finally didn't have to worry about the host asking him to help make wine.

Seeing Qiuqiu secretly rejoicing, Su Jiu shook his head helplessly in his heart. This guy is also bound to her. If another old and cunning profiteer can definitely squeeze him out, it is Qiuqiu's mind. Those people's eyes are as clear as a piece of white paper.

Speaking of fine wine, the brewing industry in Daqing seems to be quite developed. Su Jiu had the idea of ​​Daqing's brewing recipe in his heart, so he simply used the sky to spread a wave of publicity in Daqing.

Because the delicacies made from the recipes that Su Jiu bought from the Qing Dynasty were rarely sold in the Daqing plane, and a small amount of sales increased their reputation, so this time Su Jiu proposed to buy wine brewing recipes, and many of them held The people who passed down the secret recipe from their ancestors were all crazy, and when they looked at the brewing techniques on the shelves in the background, there was no hesitation, and they all started pouring out the secret recipe.

In just half an hour, Su Jiu had hundreds of wine-making prescriptions in his hands. As for the price, she needed to inspect the goods.

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