Chapter 92 Kazakhs
"There are different opinions on the origin of the "Kazakh" ethnic name, and there are five representative viewpoints: the first viewpoint is that the name "Kazakh" appeared in the 5th century..." The Kazakhs are really a mysterious race, Su Jiuguang was dry mouthed when explaining the origin of the race.

"The origin of the Kazakhs is relatively complicated. It is generally believed that they are mainly the ancient Wusun, Kangju, and Alan people, the Serbs and Da Yuezhi who originally lived in the Central Asian grasslands, and the Huns, Xianbei, Rouran, and Turks who entered this area later. , Tie Le, Khitan, Mongolia and other ethnic groups..." Su Jiu said slowly: "It can be said that the Kazak is a race with a great fusion of blood, commonly known as 'mixed blood', in a common saying it is '500 years Formerly a family'."

It’s okay to talk about other planes, but the Han people in the Qing Dynasty are stunned. They may also have barbarian blood in their bodies. Laughed at the "barbarians" in their mouths.

"Kazakh women's clothing is more complicated than male clothing, with various styles and exquisite workmanship, and with the change of age, the dress is also different. Girls wear 'Takeya' since childhood. This kind of hat has a hard shell , flat top, with auspicious owl feathers inserted on the top, and dazzling pearls on it..." Su Jiu paused and continued: "Kazakh clothing is very suitable for people in cold regions, friends who need to keep warm You can go to the background of the live broadcast room to place an order, a total of [-] copies, while stocks last."

After speaking, Su Jiu clicked on his private chat with Wang Sicong, the territory of the ice field: "Lord Wang, there are clothes suitable for your territory, and the number of products is limited. Please go to the backstage of the live broadcast room to check as soon as possible."

Wang Sicong, who was fighting with the Icefield Demon Wolf, suddenly heard the warning sound of special attention, and almost got hurt by the Demon Wolf for a moment of thought. Fortunately, his teammates were quite strong and blocked the blow for him.

Wang Sicong hurriedly took the opportunity to stay away from the battle circle: "Brothers, support me first, I will see what good things the anchor has posted." , but there is nothing left.

Others obviously know the anchor's personality, it's not that they don't want to book, it's because they don't have a high level of trust, they don't want to pay a deposit, the anchor doesn't want to reserve products for them for nothing, and in the end they can only find something that suits them, so ask the anchor to send a private message, As far as this treatment is concerned, they exchanged it with a top-level medicine formula, which is valid for one year.

Wang Sicong and the others didn't lack clothes. Wrapping them in monster skin would keep you warm, but it was different from serious clothes.Now the Kazakh costumes that the anchor puts on the shelves are very suitable for them to wear. Without hesitation, Wang Sicong bought three outfits for each of the people in the territory to wear.

Su Jiu only opened the link after Wang Sicong entered the live broadcast room, which was a small back door for the other party: "In the daily diet of Kazakhs, it is possible to live without vegetables for a day, but it is absolutely impossible to live without tea. Three times a day Meals, two meals during the day, mainly drink tea or milk tea made from brick tea and Fu tea. In the evening, eat a staple food with meat and noodles, and drink a lot of tea, which can drive away the cold in winter and relieve heat in summer. The anchor specially asked us Chef Sur prepared some milk tea according to the Kazakh recipe, and of course there are some ordinary milk teas, all kinds of which are available for you to choose from, and friends in need can place orders.” She couldn’t get used to it Kazakh milk tea prefers to drink sweet caramel milk tea.

At this moment, countless girls who had drunk milk tea in the doomsday plane and the game plane swallowed and said that many girls were clamoring to lose weight before the disaster. They love and hate milk tea, but when the disaster comes, they just want to drink it. I can't even drink it anymore, and now I feel very cordial when I see milk tea again, and I poke my fingers into a dot machine, so I don't have the disgust of the past.

Perhaps because of the supernatural beings, Su Jiu has always had a very standard figure since she was a child, and she has a physique that can't get fat no matter how much she eats. Because her special physique has made countless friends' envious eyes turn red. Among them, He Xiaorong She is the one I envy the most. She is the exact opposite of Su Jiu. He Xiaorong has a physique that can gain weight by drinking cold water, but that guy loves milk tea deeply. Whenever he sees Su Jiu drinking milk tea, he must order a cup. Let her lose weight repeatedly and end in failure.

But recently, it may be that Changqing Farm has eaten too many vegetables with aura, and He Xiaorong's round figure has gradually become slender, and if he continues to lose weight, he is expected to succeed in losing weight. Two cups of milk tea.

Thinking of his friend's frightened appearance, Su Jiu inadvertently showed a smile, which amazed the audience in the live broadcast room.

"The Kazakhs not only like to drink milk tea, but also like to eat dairy products, such as fresh milk, yogurt, milk skin, milk tofu, milk lumps, ghee, milk cake, kumiss, etc. In fact, many nomads like to eat dairy products , the most typical Mongolians like these foods, and their kumiss is famous for being delicious. When we talked about the Mongolians before, the anchor did not put kumiss on the shelf. A batch of kumiss has been brewed by hand. If you are interested, you can buy a copy of both kinds of kumiss to taste the difference. Secondly, today the anchor also prepared some dairy products, such as milk tofu, milk cake, milk skin, etc. .”

A group of people or worms were so greedy by the anchor's description that they frantically clicked the buy button as soon as the background link was opened.

All the dairy products sold by Su Jiu have gone through modern technology to remove the fishy smell. They are more delicious and more delicious. In fact, this level is already very different from the most primitive ethnic snacks. But it still has a unique flavor, not to mention that she feels that people prefer these days to dairy products with a milky taste.

Thinking of this, Su Jiu casually took out a piece of milk cake and bit it, um, it was delicious!

"Kazakh marriage customs particularly emphasize lifelong marriage, so there were almost no Kazakh divorces in the past, and it is rare now. You may not know the divorce rate on Blue Star. Now there are almost four out of every ten couples in Blue Star. Couples divorce, the divorce rate is almost half, and with the passage of time, this probability is still increasing, the Kazakh people's emphasis on marriage is even more commendable, marriage is sacred, every couple You must think carefully before deciding to get married, flash marriage and divorce are not acceptable!"

The things Su Jiu said may be difficult to understand for the Daqing plane and the Zerg plane, but friends from the Doomsday plane and the game plane don’t think there is anything surprising. Divorce rate is higher!
 (O ^~^ O): Vote up——

  Monthly tickets, recommendation tickets, and evaluation tickets expire and become invalid, don't be stingy——

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(End of this chapter)

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