In order to provide enough green japonica rice, Su Jiu ripened the green japonica rice while broadcasting the live broadcast. The wood-type abilities were squeezed wave after wave, and the advanced barrier that hadn’t been touched for a long time showed signs of loosening. This can be regarded as It was a pleasant surprise.

Following the explosive debut of snail lion fans, rice noodles are also very popular. Su Jiu is very grateful for the Double Eleven event held by It really saved her a lot of money, and many goods were sold on that day I stocked up a lot at once, otherwise the supply of goods to the Zerg plane would definitely not be so sufficient this time.

Instant noodles, coconut bread, hot and sour noodles, etc. are all bought. Although it is not difficult to sell goods in the live broadcast room, it has not been so exaggerated. Su Jiu doesn't even need to introduce the products now, as long as they are put on the shelves in the background, there will be The worm directly empties the inventory.

Su Jiu grinned when he received the money and was soft-handed, almost destroying her fairy image, but fortunately she held back at the critical moment.

This time, we may have to wait until the next life to see you next time, so most of the meals that Su Jiu asked Su Er to prepare this time are semi-finished dishes, which belong to the kind that can be eaten as soon as they are heated. Fortunately, the semi-finished products take a short time. , and mass production, otherwise she really couldn't bear the enthusiasm of the Zerg plane.

With the stockpile of Double Eleven being emptied, Su Jiu’s warehouse is also full of various ores and energy stones, and a lot of merit points have been added to the background account. This feeling of getting rich overnight is too obsessive up.

"The host is getting better soon, there are still a lot of orders here, you can help me get it together." Qiuqiu felt that his busy body was short of mechanical oil, no, he must ask the host to make up for it later.

After regaining his senses, Su Jiu found that Gu Ye and Qiuqiu were too busy to fly, and if she didn't help, she would really earn a lot less. Thinking of this, Su Jiu stood up and said, "Wait a minute, I'm going to give you a lot of money." Come on. Friends in the live broadcast room, if you have anything else you want, you must hurry up, don't wait until it's overdue—"

"Host, do you want to buy some more mechanical bugs?" Qiuqiu felt that the ones in Dongtian Paradise were not enough.

Su Jiu and Gu Ye exchanged glances, and said, "No, I plan to buy from Wanjie Mall."

Qiuqiu suddenly felt that his eyes were darkened, wouldn't he want to help wake up the new mechanical life again, my heaven!It doesn’t want to be a teacher anymore, please let it go——

You get what you pay for. Once the robots sold in Wanjie Mall awaken to become mechanical life forms, they can strengthen themselves through self-cultivation. To put it bluntly, their bodies are not easy to break down, which is different from the mechanical bugs purchased on the Zerg plane. , in comparison, the aging is much faster, in a word, it is not cost-effective.

The most sold in the live broadcast room is fine wine and food. Su Er is mainly responsible for the food. Gu Ye and Qiuqiu are responsible for counting the products that the Zerg plane wants to buy and shipping business. As for the fine wine, Su Si and Su Jiu will do it. Yi is responsible for helping, and Su San completes the clothes and accessories ordered by the audience in the live broadcast room according to the order.

The whole cave is blessed with a clanging and uplifting atmosphere, and everyone is so busy that they don't touch the ground, wishing they could learn the avatar technique.

Su Jiu has been making wine tirelessly, and handed over the rest of the work. When Gu Ye told her that the time is coming, Su Jiu was a little dazed. After a while, he realized, and said in a daze: "Time flies so fast!" Ah——" Thinking that he would never see the local tyrants in the future, Su Jiu felt a little reluctant...their energy stones and ores.

Gu Ye, who knew what Su Jiu was thinking, smiled dotingly, and asked, "Do you want to talk to Jin Yuxu, she just sent a private message to express that she wants to video call with you."

As soon as Jin Yuxu was mentioned, Su Jiu thought of the real daughter Liu Sisi, and felt depressed for a while, Liu Sisi was really haunted: "No, let her live well there. By the way, remember to tell her that the Liu family is bankrupt. As for the Jin family, it's not as rich as before, and Liu Sisi is now married to a second-married old man."

"Okay." In fact, what Gu Ye didn't say was that the reason why Liu Sisi married such a man was because he secretly pulled the thread.This second-married old man Wang is not a good stubble, the other party is a sadist, and Wang has obviously studied psychology. Just look at his first wife who was abused by him every day and kept showing her affection when she was outside. A certain person is very good at taming the spirit, and Liu Sisi's miserable days are yet to come.

"Everyone is going to say goodbye in a blink of an eye, the anchor really misses you." Su Jiu's face showed reluctance, and his tone became lower: "There is only a little time left, and the anchor will give up all his survival , Friends who like it, go and place an order, this may be the last time you place an order in the live broadcast room—"

Seeing the inventory gradually disappearing, the countdown to closing the connection began to appear on the top of the screen about the Zerg plane. Although Su Jiu kept saying that she was greedy for local tyrants and bugs all had energy stones, and that no one could be ruthless than a plant, she was a little sad after all. At that moment, her voice began to choke: "Here, the anchor wants to say 'goodbye' to friends from the Zerg plane. The mountains are high and the waters are long, and we are destined to see you again."

"Ding dong! Close the connection between the Zerg plane and the live broadcast room according to the host's choice, please draw a new plane as soon as possible!"

"Ding dong! The consciousness of heaven in the Zerg plane gave the host a blue gold bee."

Su Jiu was overjoyed by the blue-gold bee presented by the Heavenly Dao consciousness of the Zerg plane. Su Jiu, the spiritual pet with life characteristics, could not only buy it from other planes, but also couldn't buy it from Wanjie Mall.The honey bee at the top of the blue gold bee has been greedy for a long time. It is much better than the bees raised in the original Wufu planet. The honey brewed by the blue gold bee has a light blue-gold color. It is the best of the best and can be drunk all year round. It can increase spiritual power (or soul power), and the consciousness of heaven on the Zerg plane will really suit it.

Su Jiu carefully counted that there are a thousand worker bees and one queen bee in a blue-gold honey bee hive, and the consciousness of heaven in the Zerg plane thoughtfully sent all the young blue-gold bees.

"It's posted!" Su Jiu was so happy that he almost wanted to go around in circles: "This is much more generous than the Wanjie live broadcast system."

"Yeah." The departure of the Wufu planet did not affect Gu Ye's life. His soul has now begun to slowly repair, and it can definitely be repaired in ten years without accidents. The appearance of the blue gold bee made this time another Three years ahead of schedule.Speaking of which, Su Jiu was right when he said that the Zerg plane has a generous consciousness of the Dao of Heaven.

Su Jiu looked at the empty warehouse and wailed: "We can't broadcast live for now, we need to fill up the warehouse as soon as possible, when will hold an event?"

"Double Twelve still has a wave of activities, and the intensity is quite strong."


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