hunter world

Chapter 106 The first land reclamation

Chapter 106

Tian Tian Shang failed miserably at 24 bridges and moonlit nights.

This is a very popular post on the eastern forum, obviously it was posted by someone from 24 Bridge Moonlit Night.There are various pictures attached to the post, but the shooting angles are very ingenious, which really gives people a feeling of Tian Tian Shang’s disastrous defeat. Although the system also stated at the time that 24 bridges Mingyue Ye only won with a slight advantage, but this did not Can't stop the hype of the 24 Bridge Moonlit Night.

As soon as this post was posted, it caused a thousand waves with one stone.Tiantianshang is very famous now. First of all, they have Gongzi You, a hunter who is quite famous in the eastern continent. Secondly, they just won the No. 1 dragon dance event.Although it is only a small guild, in the eyes of many people, Tian Tian Shang seems to be equated with big-name guilds.

Therefore, within a few hours of posting this post, it immediately received 300 million clicks and became one of the most popular posts on the forum.The replies below the post are also very lively, some are topping every day, some are top 24 bridge moonlit night, some are neutral to watch the fun, and some are fighting each other.

When Ye Ci knew about this post, she was leaning against the gathering stone to feed the roast quail to the fourth child.Several members, who knew the cause and effect, felt aggrieved and wanted to expose the ugly mouth of 24 Qiao Mingyueye and argue in the post, but Ye Ci didn't care at all.

"Besides making yourself angry, what benefits can you gain by talking about it? Now it's time to open up wasteland."

Although Ye Ci opened his mouth, the members gathered by the assembly stone were still a little upset, but Moshui on the other side smiled brightly: "Our goal is to get the first kill, this time the dungeon is for us. The guild has a great influence, and things like guild battles are not too much of a concern in the early days. If you are really uncomfortable, go to the dungeon and kill a few more monsters later."

These words really played a big role, the members didn't say anything anymore, and when everyone got together, all fifty people entered the copy of the cold ruins back city.This time the conductor was Qing Yanmo, he chose the normal difficulty, which was meaningless to everyone.

Cold Ruins Back City is the first official 50-player dungeon in the Eastern Continent.

The most dungeons that appeared in the later stage in Destiny were ten-person, 25-person, and 50-person copies.Both the five-person book and the 100-person book have imprisoned their development because of their own difficulty.Especially the 100-player dungeon is only the finale dungeon of the dungeon group, and it rarely appears at ordinary times.

After all, it is very troublesome to organize a hundred people to play a copy, command and supply.

The scenery behind the cold ruins is similar to that of the cold ruins, but when you enter the instance, the first thing you see is a very high mountain top. Players with good eyes can see that the top of the mountain is the old nest of the third bird in the cold ruins. They are all surprised , all pointing to the top of the mountain and chattering.

The mood is very high, it doesn't look like playing a game to play a dungeon, but like going out for an outing.

There is no difficulty for the mobs who just entered the dungeon. Although this is the first time that the first group and the second group have joined together to play the dungeon, but because they often cooperate, they are very familiar with each other. The relationship is harmonious, harmonious and loving. They cooperated very tacitly, and the mobs blocking the way were quickly knocked down.

This kind of task of clearing mobs without any difficulty, Ye Ci has always been paddling.Later, she found out that it wasn't just her paddling, besides Moshuishen who was the main T, almost four or five managers were paddling, and they were chatting in the management channel with a heavy heart: "It's really annoying that this person comes and goes. "

"Is there any way, so many people come to our guild just because of the fifth-level fortifications? Now the fifth-level fortifications are labeled like this, and they are said to be like this by 24 Qiao Mingyueye on the forum. It's strange not to retreat "The cold little hand snorted: "It's just a bunch of cheap pickers, if you quit, you'll quit."

"I'm dazzled by people coming and going, and it makes our place look like a vegetable market." Pickled pepper chicken feet are also very annoying: "If you want to get cheap, don't go in, how can you want to be a bitch and want to buy it?" It’s a good thing to set up a memorial arch.”

"That's right, that's a good point."

A few people chirped and vented their dissatisfaction with the grassroots members, but Ye Ci laughed: "What's the point of getting angry? Our guild shouldn't be too big, as long as we can have 200 permanent members."

Ye Ci really has no intentions. The size of the current large guilds is basically tens of thousands. If you don't have 5000 people, you are ashamed to call you a guild.So in comparison, Ye Ci's 200-person requirement is really too small.


"Well. In fact, in the game, most of the PVP things are done by individuals. There are relatively few group PVPs, and the main thing is to use PVE."

The clearest thing about this is that it’s time for rain. He is a rigorous person, and he is also in charge of accounts. When Ye Ci said this, he nodded and admitted: "Yes, PVE is the best way to make money. If you can get more money Killing, the ranking of the guild can keep moving forward. If everyone is proficient, they can also open gold groups. Equipment repairs are like flowing water. Besides..."

When Jiyu said this, he paused for a moment, and after calculating for a while, he said: "Since destiny has divided into factions, then the PVP battles in the future should mainly be concentrated in the factions, and our battles between the same factions are nothing to worry about." It's meaningless to fight in the nest, to make small fights, to waste people's money and waste money."

"However, if there are not many people, we will still suffer a disadvantage even if we fight against the faction." Bingliang Xiaoshou understood when he heard Shiyu's explanation, but there was a lump in his heart
"Are you stupid? It's really a faction war. Do you think you can fight it alone? That means all the guilds on the Eastern Continent are advancing and retreating together. It’s gone, anyone can go up to the top, we just fight guerrillas and raids.” Xiaoshou Bingliang immediately corrected his wife’s statement.

Seeing that they had already got to the point, Ye Ci stopped talking too much, and while listening to their discussion, he also devoted himself to the activities of clearing mobs.

Soon to the first BOSS point.Qing Yanmo attaches great importance to this command. He has even practiced many times for this command. It is said that he suffered from insomnia last night, and finally fell asleep for a while before going online. He is very nervous now.

It was the first time for everyone to fight against the cold ruins of the back city. Even though they had watched a lot of videos and practiced on paper many times, they were still a little bit numb when they actually encountered it.

The command went very smoothly at the beginning, the first stage was just to fight monsters, just be careful not to OT.But in the second stage, things started to go wrong.

In the second stage, the boss will highlight the ice ray. If there is no one who is stuck, it is easy to be swept by the ice ray.Ice Rays are not the same as Searing Rays.The scorching ray will cause great burns and continuous damage to people, but it will not kill people instantly. The ice ray has a low hit rate, but it will definitely be killed directly when it hits.

The command of Qing Yanmo and Mi Lu is different. The members of the first group and the second group are already used to the command of their own team, so when it comes to running positions, the sense of unfamiliarity with the team cooperation immediately emerges, and everyone runs in disarray. Inconsistency, many people soon fell down after being hit by the ice ray.

Seeing this result, Qing Yanmo was already nervous, and his heart became even more nervous, and he immediately called out.

Although the members of the two teams are not very familiar with each other's command, they seem to have a tacit understanding, but they are very sensitive to the word "out of battle". up.

Seeing this, Ye Ci couldn't help laughing, and Mi Lu on the side also said: "It seems that the best way for the two teams to work together is to escape."

Anyway, it was land reclamation, and none of us thought that we could get through it once, so no one paid too much attention to this failure. They just sat down and began to study with each other how to solve the situation we encountered just now.Qing Yanmo stood by the side of the boss, looked left and right, and carefully calculated for a while before saying to everyone: "Just now our running position will be a little bit off, and everyone will follow me later. And the boss will come back before the radiation. There will be a reading note, so everyone must pay attention to my shouting, as soon as the reading note appears, I will shout and run away, so don’t be greedy for output, and run immediately.”

Everyone nodded and said yes, and they all understood.

Then the team assembled again, but it was still a tragedy.This time, it was Mengmeng who was 1.7 meters tall and was hindered. She lay on the ground and said innocently: "Actually, I just thought I could run over after I released that arcane bullet..."

"You don't even look at your legs." Let go of the girl and immediately complained disdainfully.

This hurt Meng Meng's height of 1.7 meters, and her heart as a dwarf was hurt again.After getting up, he squatted on the side and silently cursed in circles and let go of that girl for a long time before he let out a bad breath.

The third time, it went well. The first and second stages went well, but in the third stage, because the pastor didn't make a good assignment, he lost again.

Qing Yanmo felt that he was very angry. This time the land reclamation was done by all the members of the First and Second Regiments, plus Young Master You.Knowing that Young Master You had brought a lot of dungeons, his pressure was doubled, and he always felt that Ye Ci would blame him if he was too good at command, so every time he failed, he couldn't help secretly scrutinizing Ye Ci's face.

"President, if it weren't for you to direct." Although Ye Ci never showed a trace of impatience, the more this happened, the more nervous Qing Yanmo became, and he finally brought it up.

(End of this chapter)

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