hunter world

Chapter 108 Qing is a thief

Chapter 108 Qing is a thief
The strike behavior of the fourth child is manifested by Ye Ci not moving no matter how he directs, just standing behind her in a daze.If it weren't for the fact that the loyalty had reached 72% and defection was not allowed, it is estimated that it would really like to escape now.

"Young master, hurry up and let your baby come up and play a few times, the output here is not enough!" let go of the girl screaming, as the deputy T, he can most feel the pain of insufficient output.If the output is strong, the boss will seldom come to bite him. If there is a problem with the output, I will [-]% struggle on the line of life and death.

Ye Ci looked at the expressive fourth child and sighed helplessly: "The loyalty is not enough, there is no food, it is disobedient, it is on strike."

"What kind of pet is yours? It's so big." Although it was just helplessness, letting go of that girl made all the hunters in the team burst into tears.That's right, before the loyalty is not full, these are uncles, especially pets that are cherished a little, that is the uncle of uncles...

Why can't hunters' babies work hard like summoners and warlocks' babies? They have to pick and choose, dislike the poor and love the rich. Ye Ci exchanged breeding experience with several hunters, and found that everyone's cooking The skills are all above the elementary level... a group of hard-working people.

Fortunately, the BOSS didn't have much blood left, it was due to the hard work of the treatment, the blue bottle drank a lot, and finally managed to survive the anger. Seeing that there was only blood left, Ye Ci's private chat rang stand up.Anyway, he was fighting monsters, so Ye Ci connected to the private chat.

Immediately, there was a fluttering and anxious voice from the opposite side: "Ye Ci, Ye Ci, what's going on!"

"What's going on?" Ye Ci was confused by Piao Piao Yao Yao's sudden words.

"The forum! The forum is all blown up!"

"Oh, you said the matter between us and 24 Bridge Moonlight Night, it's nothing, don't be too nervous, it's not a big deal..."

"What is the moonlit night on the 24th Bridge?" Piao Piao Yao Yao directly interrupted Ye Ci's words, and she didn't seem to understand what Ye Ci was talking about.Apparently, it's not a thing to even speak clearly in person these days.

Ye Ci narrowed his eyes and suddenly realized that something was wrong: "Susu, what are you talking about?"

"Didn't you read the forum? Now the forum and the world are blown up!"

"I'm in the copy."

"Someone posted a post anonymously at noon today." Seeing that Ye Ci really didn't know, Piao Piao Yao had to start from the beginning.It turned out that after lunch, a post suddenly appeared on the official forum, "The number one hunter in the Eastern Continent turned out to be a thief!" The person who posted the post was a newly registered vest account, and it seemed anonymous at first glance.

As soon as this post came out, all the attention originally paid to Tian Tian Shang and 24 Qiao Mingyue Ye was transferred to this post, and the number of hits soared.Gong Ziyou is a symbol for many players, especially for players of the hunter profession, she is simply a role model. Her operation and awareness are the goals pursued by all hunters. The secret that all hunters dream of.

There are even some people on the forum who show up with real coins, just to buy the talent points and the source of the equipment for Young Master You.

Such a person, no matter whether good or bad things happen to her, has become a kind of gossip transmitter.So as soon as this post was posted, it immediately attracted the attention of countless people in the entire forum.

The post said that Young Master You did not obey the arrangements during the Jagged Wars guild, acted recklessly, and often disregarded the guild's rules and regulations to fight wild groups. Regarding these behaviors, the management of Jagged Wars did not restrict her too much because she is a talent, but She went so far as to not even participate in the activities of the guild.The most infuriating thing is that she did not participate in the war between the guild and other guilds during the united front, which caused the guild to make major mistakes during the battle. Instead of expressing guilt, Gong Ziyou lost his temper because of the command dispute and guild management.

During the last team dungeon played by Gong Ziyou in Jagged War - Cold Ruins.Since the guild didn't arrange her to be the commander, she refused to give any opinion to the guild battle, which caused the guild a lot of losses. In the end, the young master left the guild irresponsibly during the dispute with the commander.Then he went with another powerful guild to win the first kill in the cold ruins. It can even be speculated that Young Master You is simply taking up resources to learn experience in the iron-blooded battle, eating inside and outside.

If these are just proofs of Young Master You's low character, then the most abominable thing about Young Master is that he ransacked the guild's warehouse when he left the guild!Because the management of Jagged Zhange once gave the authority of the guild warehouse to Young Master You, originally to go out to trust her, but he did not expect that Young Master You was so shameless that he looted all the things in the entire guild when he left.The loss was immeasurable, and the vitality of Iron Blood Zhan Ge was severely injured, and even now he cannot be revived.

To sum up, Young Master You is just a good thief, not only stealing the guild's technology, but also stealing the guild's finances, he is a thief through and through!Such a person is not worthy of everyone's pursuit, nor is it worthy of everyone's learning. It is best for such a person to get out of fate and give everyone a clean game space.

The person who posted the post claimed that he was just an ordinary player of Jagged Zhange, and joined the guild at the same time as Young Master You. He didn't mean anything else by posting this post, he just felt that Jagged Zhange is a good guild with strict management and is very friendly to players. There is love, and the management is also very loyal, but he is really distressed to be bullied by such a despicable player.Moreover, during the long time since Gong Ziyou left the guild, Tie Xue Zhan Ge did not seek any trouble from the guild, which shows the magnanimity of the guild. qualifications.

It is the above causes and consequences that caused the poster to post.

Fluttering and Yaoyao almost turned over the post and read the whole article.I have to say that the person who wrote this post is very talented, but only a few hundred words describe Gongziyou's hatefulness to the extreme. Do her justice.In the article, the iron-blooded battle is completely placed from the perspective of the victim, not only generous, but also honest, and absolutely never pursuing the past. It is a great fortune to be able to join this guild.

After listening to Piao Yaoyao's statement, Ye Ci didn't say much, but just told her not to worry, she finished typing the copy first, and then read it later.Piao Piao Yao Yao knew that it was not good for her to disturb her in the dungeon, so she temporarily hung up the secret chat.

Ye Ci narrowed her eyes. Although she hadn't seen the post yet, she probably knew what was going on.However, she hasn't seen the post yet, so she can't say anything, so now she concentrates on typing the dungeon first, and let's talk about the rest after she has the dungeon.

The second child ended very smoothly, except for a lot of equipment, but Ye Ci didn't have any interest in getting it, so he just whispered privately: "Do you want to continue fighting today?"

"No, I think everyone is quite tired today. Take a rest and adjust, and call again tomorrow." Qing Yanmo looked at the time, it was already past dinner time, if you continue, I'm afraid it will delay everyone's rest.

"Okay, then I'll leave first. Tell Mo Shuishen about the meeting time tomorrow, and he will notify me." After she finished speaking, she couldn't answer in words and went offline.

The post is easy to find, it is in the most prominent position in the forum.

If the text is just sensational, then this post is also accompanied by a large number of pictures, such as the things of Jagged Zhange "before the theft", and the bleak picture of Jagged Zhange "after the theft". The local government got a screenshot of Tiantianshang's current guild warehouse, just to prove how many things Tiantianshang took from Jagged War Gori... This is terrible, and the entire forum is in an uproar.

Of course, many people did not believe that the question was raised, and many people took this opportunity to beat the dog in the water, but more people said that this was a very interesting gossip.In short, no matter what the attitude is, the popularity of this post quickly surpassed the previous post about the battle between Tian Tian Shang and 24 bridges, and became a hot post that was artificially pinned to the top.

There are several types of people you hate the most in the game.

First, liars.

Second, eat inside and outside.

Third, the human feelings are weak.

Fourth, poor character, don't pay attention to that...

As soon as this post came out, almost all of these leaf words were taken up.For a while, her reputation was ruined.However, under the strong public opinion, many people still expressed doubts about the authenticity of the post. For example, Zhan Tianxia Guild and No. [-] Arsenic Guild expressed their disbelief in what was said in the post.

Many people have even expressed their own doubts.

Past feelings: Among other things, I am very suspicious about the photos. Naturally, such things as being ransacked will only be known after the ransacking, but I don’t know what kind of mentality the person who posted the post took when they took the photos before the ransacking?Not only that, how did Tiantianxiang's warehouse photos fall into the hands of an "ordinary guild member" in Jagged Zhange?I'm afraid this kind of thing has yet to be verified.


Shuiyue Wushang: Here we are talking about an ordinary member, but I would like to know, how did an ordinary member know the secrets of the leadership?Is it the result of the leadership's hype?If it is a big publicity, what qualifications are there to say that it is generous?Hehe, among other things, I am very interested in the person who posted this post.


White night and black day: Don't say anything else.Did the guild battle mentioned by Wen Li mean that it was in line with the Tang Dynasty?I really didn't see Young Master You that time, but it seems that even if Young Master You is there, he can save thousands of people from fighting with each other?Is it difficult for this young master to be a GM?


(End of this chapter)

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