hunter world

Chapter 113 Why Can't It Be Stolen?

Chapter 113 Why Can't It Be Stolen?
Qianshan Xiyang couldn't tell what it was like in his heart.While thinking that this kind of thing is really absurd, maybe today is April Fool's Day, but at the same time, my heart seems to have fallen into a huge trap, and it began to fall endlessly, icy cold.

He immediately returned to the guild's residence. There were not many people in the guild at six o'clock in the morning, but even if there were not many people, they had all gathered in the guild's residence.They gathered in front of the guild warehouse, chattering, pointing to the panicked face that was still locked on the lock.

The door of the guild warehouse was ajar, but no one dared to push the door open. They all subconsciously moved five or six yards away from the door, and then surrounded the house of the guild warehouse.I don't know who saw Qianshan Xiyang appearing from the teleportation point from a distance, and immediately shouted: "The president is here!" In an instant, everyone consciously gave way, and the voice It also fell down, as if someone suddenly dropped a loud bomb, making everyone mute their voices.

Qianshan Xiyang's face was uncertain, and he walked quickly towards the guild warehouse.There were already quite a few players around in front of the guild warehouse. As soon as they saw him, they immediately and consciously moved out of the way so that he could walk to the warehouse door quickly and smoothly.At this time, Arsenic Zero had already received the news and went online in a hurry. He saw Qianshan Xiyang walking towards the guild warehouse from a distance, and followed quickly.

In the minds of members, Arsenic Zero is a good man who likes to laugh, he is not as unsmiling and condescending as Qianshan Xieyang, so many people will greet him in a low voice when they see him.No. [-] Arsenic nodded in a hurry, and ran towards Qianshan Xiyang at the same time.

"Xingyang, how are you?"

Before reaching the door of the guild warehouse, No. [-] Arsenic has already started to ask questions anxiously: "I received a call from Danzi before I got up, saying that the guild warehouse was ransacked. Is it?"

Qianshan Xiyang has already opened the door of the guild warehouse, his face is heavy, almost as black as ink.

"Look for yourself." He moved away, signaling Arsenic Zero to go into the warehouse to have a look by himself.

At this time, all the members gathered at the door stood on tiptoe, wanting to see clearly.After all, they couldn't open the usual guild warehouse. They could only see what was inside through a special device from the outside. This was the first time they saw the door of the guild warehouse open.

They were crowded, with their toes on their toes and their necks stretched out, wishing they could squeeze into the warehouse to have a better look.This made some rustling sounds unavoidable, which made Qianshan Xiyang, who was already on fire, couldn't hold back his anger anymore, he roared towards the crowd watching the excitement like a volcano erupting suddenly: "What are you looking at! You all have nothing to do, don’t you! What are you doing here!”

No. [-] arsenic and Qianshan Xiyang got angry. He knew that if he didn't hold him at this time, something might happen. Now, although he was also upset, he quickly turned around and grabbed Qianshan Xiyang stopped him from continuing.Then he said to all the members with a smile on his face: "Okay, okay, it's not a big deal, you all go to your own affairs. Aren't you going to continue to open up the back city of the cold ruins today? Don't take the team copy Hurry up and follow the three groups and four groups to the cold ruins to get some equipment, don't surround yourself here. It doesn't matter if we are here."

The biggest advantage of No. [-] Arsenic is that his face changes faster than those in Sichuan opera. No matter what the situation is, he can put on a smiling face to resolve embarrassment.You can say that such a person is hypocritical, but you cannot deny that such a person definitely has the meaning of her existence, and in a guild, his existence has a great meaning.

When all the members heard what No. [-] Arsenic said, they all looked at me, and I looked at you, and gradually dispersed. Occasionally, a few people who were sprayed by Qianshan Xiyang's temper also left with a cold snort .

Seeing that everyone was scattered, Arsenic Zero pulled Qianshan Xiyang and sighed: "Even if you are angry in your heart, you can't get angry at the members."

"What's wrong! A group of trash who just want to get paid for food and death, take my money and become my ancestors!" Qian Shanxieyang is very angry now, but no matter who it is If you come to persuade me, you will be scolded directly.

Arsenic Zero frowned slightly, and wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything, turned around and went into the guild warehouse to check things carefully.Sure enough, it was ransacked, and the washing was really clean, except for a copper coin left in the safe, there was nothing left!

Nearly 200 million gold coins.This is all the valuables that the entire Jagged War has saved from the start of the server to now, and all of them are gone.No. [-] Arsenic only felt a surge of sweetness in his chest, making his heart ache and dizzy.He reached out and supported the wall of the guild warehouse, and stood for a while before receding the strong discomfort that made his body feel.

If it’s just gold coins, maybe it’s nothing, but there are so many hard-to-find materials and formulas, skill books, and equipment in it. These things are all priceless things, so I just lost it...Zero arsenic It just felt like the road ahead was all of a sudden dim.

"No, how could the guild warehouse be ransacked?" Arsenic Zero managed to stop his dizziness, and immediately realized a problem. He raised his head and asked Qianshan Xiyang, who was still angry at the door.

When he asked this question, Qianshan Xieyang also realized, "Yes, the guild warehouse should be a safer place than the personal warehouse, how could it be ransacked! This must be a bug, it must be!"

"Hurry up and contact customer service." Arsenic Zero immediately instructed Qian Shan Xie Yang.

Qianshan Xiyang didn't talk too much, and immediately contacted the customer service, who soon came to receive him.But when he heard the voice of the customer service, Qianshan Xiyang was like an erupting volcano, condemning the customer service, but did not say much about the key things.After getting No. [-] arsenic, he immediately asked him to hang up the customer service and start contacting himself.

I don't know if it's the customer service that I received just now, but the voice is nice anyway.Arsenic Zero greeted her politely, and then told her everything in an orderly manner, and finally, he made a concluding speech: "The warehouse of the guild has always been very safe, but now our guild has discovered that the The looting incident, I think this is a completely unreasonable thing, can you give us a satisfactory answer?"

"Okay, your question has been recorded. We will give you a professional answer within three to 10 minutes. Please hang up and wait."

After hanging up the phone, No. [-] Arsenic let out a long breath. He left the door of the guild warehouse and locked the door.Then he patted Qian Shan Xieyang on the shoulder: "Okay, let's go to the meeting room and wait, they will give us an answer within half an hour."

Qian Shan Xieyang lost his temper, although his face was still as black as charcoal, but he didn't burn at all.He nodded and followed Arsenic Zero into the conference room.Before the two sat down, the customer service call had already arrived.

But the call to them was not the usual customer service MM, but the customer service number 197 of the planning team.

"Hello, is this Arsenic No. 197? I'm Customer Service No. [-]."

No. 197 Arsenic can be regarded as a person with great powers and intelligent eyes and ears. Naturally, he knows that the customer service number [-] is not an ordinary customer service, but a planner of the planning team, "Yes, I am."

"I will answer your questions now. Regarding the ransacking of the guild warehouse, it is completely in line with the rules of the game, and there are no bugs." Customer service number 197 said something simple and straightforward, and told the two of them directly. The so-called BUG does not exist at all.

"What did you say! You said it's not a bug? Then our guild warehouse was ransacked and emptied!"

"In theory, that's what it is."

This time even Furui Fubo's good-tempered Arsenic Zero couldn't help losing his temper: "What do you mean! Have you ever heard of a game where the guild warehouse will be looted! You think I'm playing on the first day?" Game? I will believe your idiotic answer, and then consider myself unlucky!"

The customer service number 197 is obviously very familiar with solving this kind of problem. He chuckled, not in a hurry, and directly threw back all the questions about No. 100 arsenic: "Destiny is a game that is said to be [-]% simulated. Why can't the guild warehouse be used?" Stealing? Just because the original game guild warehouse can’t be stolen, so the fate guild can’t be stolen? Citibank can still be stolen, why can’t the guild warehouse be stolen?”

No. 197 Arsenic was blocked by the question of No. [-]. After being stunned for a few seconds, he said angrily: "Since there will be such an arrangement, why don't you make it clear to all players on the official website! Why don't you warn me! This is irresponsible to the players and irresponsible to the game!"

"On this issue, the official has already said that the introduction given by the official website is only 5% of the game content, and the remaining 95% of the content and gameplay are all up to the players to explore and explore. As for the theft of your guild warehouse I can only say that I am sorry, but I also congratulate you for exploring new game content, I will apply to the planning team to arrange a special achievement for this event."

"You!" Arsenic Zero was almost speechless with anger, "I want to sue you!"

This made customer service number 197 very aggrieved. He sighed: "Sir, I have answered all your questions. Do you have any questions?"

Arsenic Zero was almost furious, his hands couldn't help shaking, and it took a long time before he said, "No."

"Okay, I wish you a good time in the game. If you have any questions, you can continue to contact us."

(End of this chapter)

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