hunter world

Chapter 116 The Tangled Boss

Chapter 116 The Tangled Boss
In the past few days, the reaction has been very serious, the dizziness is severe, I can't eat anything, and I vomit very faintly.I originally wanted to update three times today, but I really can’t hold on. I only have one update. I don’t guarantee that I will update three times a day in the future. ~
Seeing that all the books are asking for pink, then I have the cheek to ask for some, whoever has pink, give me some~~

However, although Mi Lu's command is open and close, it also has a fatal weakness, that is, the suddenness is too strong, you can't ask everyone to be the same as your limbs, whatever the brain thinks, the limbs have already made it immediately. Therefore, this method of command is very good in a well-familiar situation. If it is used in this kind of land reclamation, it will undoubtedly be a fatal shortcoming.

Although everyone passed the first stage smoothly and no one died, it can be seen that most of them are about to suffer a nervous breakdown.Fortunately, Mi Lu also discovered his own shortcomings, and quickly controlled the rhythm, and the players gradually adapted to this state. When everything looked good, but when entering the third step, he was unfortunately blasted by the boss. All big moves are instant kills.This time even Young Master You did not escape the bad luck and lay down on the ground.

This is the first time Ye Ci hangs up since she re-entered the game. Lying on the ground, she sighed, thinking that she would survive until at least level 60 before hanging up. Unexpectedly, she was already hung up in the dungeon in her early 30s.

After running away from the corpse, Ye Ci sat on the ground, Qing Yanmo and Mi Lu also sat on the side eating and did not speak, Ye Ci pointed out their problems one by one, and the two kept nodding while listening.

"President, come this time, let's take a look and think about it." Mi Lu took a sip of water and said.

Ye Ci nodded, if she hadn't wanted to fight Datang for the first kill, she would have let them try again today, but unfortunately, it is impossible to continue to give them a chance to try now.So she stood up and said to all the players: "Now let me explain the style of play. I know that it will be difficult for everyone to get used to so many command methods in just such a short period of time. I will take everyone's difficulties into consideration. Therefore, my command method will not be much different from the previous ones, as long as everyone can concentrate and not distract themselves."

All said it could be done.

"Now let me count. How many bottles of ice resistance potion are left in everyone's hands? If it is less than five bottles, go to Jiyu to make up for it."

"I only have 1 bottle left."

"I still have 4 bottles."

"I also have 4 bottles left."

... Everyone reported how much ice resistance potion they had left, and then went to Jiyu to replenish the potion. When everyone's potion was almost replenished, Ye Ci continued: "Ice resistance potion Each person only has five bottles. If you listen to the instructions, it will be enough, so don’t drink it casually. I will notify you when it’s time to take the medicine. In the first stage of the boss, all occupations stand at the farthest point. Local output, at this time the BOSS will place an ice axe, as you have seen just now, after this ice axe appears, the MT will definitely lose blood continuously. The radius of this ice circle is 22, and the furthest distance for healing is 20 yards, so the main healer must add blood inside the circle, and arrange a healer outside to add blood to the main healer."

When Ye Ci said this, he called his name: "Jelly, you stand in the circle and add blood to Moshui, and your cold little hands add blood to Jelly." Both of them said that they had received the arrangement, and then Ye Ci continued: "Other The best treatment is mobility. When you need to increase blood, you can increase the blood of the people around you. When you don’t need it, you can also output it. In the first stage of melee, you paddle, but don’t be distracted. The first stage is about 5 minutes After five minutes, it will enter the second stage. In the second stage, the boss will spawn clones, which will appear randomly in the four corners. At this time, only the main healer, secondary healer and MT will not move, and everyone else will face the opposite of the clone. ran to the corner."

"As for the third stage... Everyone must listen to my shouting, and don't move until you stop, otherwise you will get an explosion buff, which will affect all the people around you and be killed by the explosion. If you accidentally get hit, just run away Don’t rush into the crowd and explode to death like you did just now.”

After Ye Ci briefly talked about how to play, he called everyone to start monsters.

Because everyone has already played the first stage and the second stage, and this time, Ye Ci has arranged everyone's tasks very clearly, so basically everyone didn't make any major mistakes, only the terrible third stage As a result, the problem of the team's lack of experience was undoubtedly exposed.

"Stop!" Ye Ci stared at the state of the boss without blinking, and shouted as soon as he found that it started to read a skill.There is no way to interrupt this skill, so the only way is to stop and wait for him to pass it by himself.

When Ye Ci yelled, basically everyone interrupted their skills immediately, even MTs stood with their backs to the boss battle at this time, but there was no one who was obedient, a mage named Solo Ye Shangxian didn't stop for a while, a big fireball It was released, and it hit the BOSS squarely, only to hear the BOSS yell, "Solo Night Winding! How dare you provoke me! I want to make you look good!"

Solo Ye was taken aback for a moment, he had never met such a BOSS called before, he couldn't help shaking when he called out suddenly, and after a while, he saw the BOSS throw something from his hand on him, on his body Immediately there was a curl of white smoke.

Seeing this, Ye Ci yelled: "Solo night winding, hurry up and run to a place where there are no people!"

The latency time of this DBUFF is six seconds. If you hurry up, you will definitely be able to run to a place far away from the main force and die, but if you don't hurry up, it may affect the entire team.

The solo night winding has obviously never encountered such a situation. After being named by Ye Ci, he became even more flustered, bumping around like a headless chicken. Seeing this situation, Ye Ci didn't care about the current rhythm Now, it is necessary to retain strength to ensure the next wave of attacks, so she immediately shouted: "Everyone disperse, stay more than 20 yards away from Solo Ye's winding!"

Although she yelled in a timely manner, Tian Tian Shang's current team is obviously not very good at handling this emergency situation. Even if Ye Ci yelled like this, after six seconds, most of the members were still all killed by the solo night. Winding blew up.

Ye Ci had no choice but to give up this attack and shouted: "Get out of the battle."

This time, only 13% of the blood was left before the boss fell, so this failure made many members feel very sad. Although they didn't say anything in person, they sighed secretly, so that Solo Ye was wounded like a thorn in his back, and he was alone. Sitting in the corner with his head down, he felt very uncomfortable.

Ye Ci was sitting not far from him, just eating and not talking.

In this way, the solo night winding was even more breathless.Time passed by, and Ye Ci still didn't speak. This time, not to mention that the solo night was uncomfortable, everyone began to feel uncomfortable. They whispered, but no one dared to come forward to say anything.

At this time, Solo Ye stood up with a bang, walked up to Ye Ye Ci, and said with a look of remorse: "President, I was wrong, I quit the team! You continue!" He said and wanted to leave.

Ye Ci looked up at him, and said sharply, "Come back!"

Solo Ye Shangxian had never seen Ye Ci so sharp before, he didn't know what to do for a while, just stood there like this, he didn't even know where to put his hands and feet.

Ye Ci just looked at him, and took a slow breath: "You have to leave the team for such a trivial matter? Where did you put so many teammates? If you make such a small mistake today, you will leave the team, and tomorrow he will make a small mistake." I'm about to quit the team, so don't you want this team? Do you want to pass the next copy!"

Solo Ye Shangxian became even more dejected by Ye Ci's words.

"If you made a mistake this time, then remember how you made it. Next time you correct it, just make sure you don't make a mistake. You can't bear such a small blow, so what's the point of getting the first kill!"

"Yes, President, I was wrong." Solo Ye wound up, took a deep breath, and nodded.

"I ask you, Solo, if this happens again next time, will you make the same mistake again!"

"No!" Solo Ye Shangxian shook his head: "I won't even die!"

"What about you?" Ye Ci stood up at this moment, looking around at everyone, and asked loudly.

"No!" Everyone, you look at me, I look at you, all answered together, the voice was loud.

Ye Ci nodded in satisfaction: "Very well, then let's start a team!"

This time everyone was holding a sigh of relief, everyone's spirit was highly concentrated. In the first stage, when standing up and fighting monsters, no one died, and no one got bloody 90% of the time. Lan also controlled it very well. .In the second stage, the avatar appeared, and everyone ran quite uniformly, and no one was holding back.Two and 10 minutes later, the third stage of God Killing arrived.

"Stop!" As soon as Ye Ci shouted to stop, everyone stopped immediately, and no one was doing unnecessary things.Several times in a row, they hid quite well, but the more frequently this skill appeared in the later stage, gradually more people followed, but they all consciously rushed to places where there were no people, and definitely did not affect the large army.

When the boss's blood was only 5% left, there were only 6 people left in the whole team.

Ye Ci, Mo Shui Shen, Jelly, Let go of that girl, Dream is 1.7 meters tall, pickled peppers and chicken feet.

Everyone stared nervously at the status of the boss, without blinking at all, for fear of accidentally getting a DBUFF.

The people lying on the ground dared not show their air, for fear that if any problems occurred, it would affect the emotions of the six of them.

In the end, the dream height of 1.7 meters is still a step behind: "The dream height is 1.7 meters! How dare you provoke me! I want to make you look good!"

"Damn!" Mengmeng, who is 1.7 meters tall, turned around and ran with a low curse, but now the BUFF latency is only 3 seconds, and when she moves, other people have to move in the opposite direction to her so as not to be affected.

It's too late to say...

(End of this chapter)

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