hunter world

Chapter 124

Chapter 124
What do you say?Whatever you want.

Ye Ci was still thinking about accepting Qingge's invitation, but she received another private message from a stranger.It turned out that it was sent by Hei Ye Bai Dai, and his tone was quite friendly: "Young Master You, maybe you have some misunderstandings with some members of our guild, but now this matter is between our Tang Dynasty and the Wolf Clan, are you There's no need to get involved, right?"

This is indeed the truth, although Ye Ci and Youyou Feiyun really don't deal with them very much, but she has no enmity with Hei Ye Bai Tian, ​​so there is no need to involve herself in the vendetta of the two guilds at this juncture.In particular, her current status not only represents herself, many people have almost directly regarded her as making progress every day.Compared with the Wolf Clan and Datang, Tian Tian Xiang is simply hitting a stone with an egg.

Anyway, she is only here to open Booty Bay, so there is really no need to get involved.

She was about to answer the words of Hei Ye Bai Tian, ​​but she saw a group of Tang's close combatants rushing towards her?This made her slightly taken aback, what a trick!
Seeing Ye Ci speaking on the map during the night and day, he smelled danger from that few words.He frowned, looked at Youyou Feiyun not far away, and felt in his heart that there was more than a simple misunderstanding between this young master You, Mu Qing, and Xue Guangyanyan.Coupled with his understanding of Young Master Qing Ge, he would never let Young Master You appear for no reason, and then leave for no reason.According to Young Master Qingge's temperament, he must try to win him over, so he immediately made a decisive decision and immediately sent a secret message to Ye Ci.

But before Ye Ci could answer, he heard the lazy man Lan gritted his teeth and shouted in the guild channel: "Mr. The wolves are connected!"

If Lazy Lan only said that it was Young Master You's fault, I'm afraid there won't be so many people following him, but in this case, as long as the wolf clan is involved, everyone's hearts will be enraged immediately, and many melee battles have even given up. In the battle ahead, he followed Lazy Lan and rushed towards Gongzi You who was already far away from the battle.

"Stop, all of you!" Seeing this situation, Heiye and Baitian kept screaming. He believed that what he said just now had shaken Young Master You's heart, and he would even leave the battle immediately. All situations will be reversed shockingly.

It's a pity that the night and the day are still two seconds late.In just two seconds, all these melees charged towards Ye Ci!

"Stop all of them! Whoever attacks Gong Ziyou will deduct DKP500!" Heiye Bairi yelled in the channel, but it's really too late to say this at this time.

Before he finished speaking, he saw that all the dozen or so melee fighters had fallen.Including the lazy man blue who was clamoring just now.

Ye Ci has never been a person who sits and waits to die. Although she doesn't want to get involved in the affairs between Datang and the wolf clan, it doesn't mean that she can laugh it off when someone bullies her.Seeing Datang's close combat rushing towards her, Ye Ci recruited the fourth child and immediately jumped on his back, and immediately activated the skill Shatter.

All the targets within 30 yards were stunned, and many thin-skinned melee classes had already fallen to the ground. Even if they were thick-skinned, because of the stun, she took out the crossbow machine and swished a few arrows to kill one of them. .

While packing up the players who came to attack him, Ye Ci agreed to join Young Master Qingge's request and joined the team of the Wolf Clan.

"Young Master You, I've known you for a long time, and this is the first time we've met." Young Master Qingge didn't have much hope for Ye Ci to join his team, so when Ye Ci agreed to join the team, he was a little surprised.

Ye Ci smiled: "To each other." After solving the last player who was stunned, Ye Ci immediately rushed towards the direction of the wolves.

The current position here is the rear of Datang's team. Although it is a good position for a surprise attack, it is enough to drink a pot if it is besieged.Especially now that many Datang players have begun to surround and kill her.Even if she is of a higher level than everyone else, even if the fourth child is an epic creature, however, elephants can't hold back the ants, if they continue to entangle, they will suffer the loss, so Ye Ci immediately rode the fourth child without any consideration. Rush towards the main force of the wolf clan.

As she rushed, she returned to the night and day for a second and whispered: "Master Black, this is what you call telling me not to mess up the water? I want to back down, but you want to strangle me? What robber logic!"

"No, Young Master You, this is a misunderstanding, this is really not what I meant!" Hei Ye and Bai Tian are now passive, he only thinks that one is big and two are big.Fighting with the wolves was already enough to make him feel upset, if he added a son You now, the pressure would be doubled.It's not that he is jealous of Gong Ziyou, but that her tyrannosaurus rex doesn't know the origin, it's really powerful, it can kill a lot of people in an instant, it was sparsely populated just now, if thrown into a crowded crowd, The consequences could be disastrous!
It's just that in front of those Datang players who flocked to Ye Ci like a tide, this kind of argument day and night is really not convincing.

Young master Qingge saw Ye Ci running towards the wolf clan, throwing countless skills on her gorgeously, and quickly ordered some nurses to support Ye Ci immediately.Although Ye Ci's level is high, although Ye Ci's equipment is good, it is really a risky thing to run into the wolf team from the back of Datang. So many people throw skills on her, even if most of them are MISS, But there were still some hits, she ran all the way, the bandages and blood bottles never stopped, and the blood was about to bottom out.

Fortunately, Young Master Qingge has good eyesight, and immediately arranged for someone to pull up her blood bar, making Ye Ci let out a long breath: "It's so mysterious."

When two sides with too much equal strength compete, it is often only a straw that decides the outcome.

But in today's battle between Datang and the Wolf Clan, the straw is Ye Ci.Although she once thought that today's battle would definitely have some impact on Tiantian, but at this time, she couldn't help it anymore, and she would be happy if she wanted to fight to the fullest.

Ye Ci didn't die in the team passing through Datang. This has to be said to be a blow to many players in Datang. Coupled with the backup of the wolf clan, the winner was soon decided.

It seems that this kind of battle is nothing more than personnel and financial resources, and it is just a small leveling point. The energy that the two families can devote to this is really limited. Originally, they planned to fight quickly, but the appearance of Ye Ci made it even more difficult. It's just accelerating this tendency to make quick decisions.

Soon, the Tang Dynasty died down.

There is no eternal victory or eternal defeat in this kind of battle between the big guilds. Today's winners may not have the last laugh, and today's losers may not be able to turn over forever, so not many people will really pay attention to this kind of battle. As a result, even if there was dissatisfaction in my heart, it only took three or two days to pass.

After waiting for the whole territory of Tang Dynasty to withdraw, Mr. Qingge immediately added Ye Ci as a friend.He is a fair and clean young man, but from those dark eyes there is a sense of sophistication and stability.He smiled at Ye Ci: "Young Master You, today we were able to repel Datang so smoothly, thanks to you."

Ye Ci twitched the corner of his mouth, not paying attention to this kind of compliment: "I was just passing by, but I didn't expect to be caught in a catastrophe."

Young Master Qingge nodded: "Today, this is a trivial matter for our wolf clan, but it will have some impact on your daily progress. In fact, to put it bluntly, we are the ones who have troubled you. I am really sorry."

"It's nothing. Since you're playing games, don't be afraid of fights, don't be afraid of conflicts. Although there are few people in Tiantianxiang, we are not all rotten persimmons."

"If Datang troubles you in the future, you must notify us!" Although Ye Ci said so, Young Master Qingge still made a very serious promise.

This man Qingge is a more responsible person.Ye Ci smiled when he heard him say this. Although she never thought of relying on Mr. Qingge to solve any troubles, it is admirable for the president of the first guild in the Eastern Continent to make such a statement.

"Okay! Since the president of Qingge has said this, then I will not be polite." Ye Ci cupped his hands at Master Qingge like an ancient knight-errant, and called out the fourth child: "I still have something to do. Here we go."

After finishing speaking, she waved with several managers of the wolf clan one by one, turned around and galloped away.

A master in the game will not easily offend another master. Whether it is true or false, they basically choose to be friends with such a person. This is why the friends of a master in the game are basically masters. main reason.

Young Master Qingge looked at Ye Ci's back, and sighed, feeling a little regretful in his heart.If their wolf tribe had such a hunter, it would be even more powerful.It's a pity that things in the world are really unsatisfactory in all likelihood.

Ye Ci galloped all the way, and rushed to the edge of the Blue Light Coast according to the direction in memory. Here is a huge rock with vines all over it.

Standing on the side of the mountain, Ye Ci jumped off the fourth child and took out the map.There is a very inconspicuous piece of iron on the upper right of the map, and she took that iron piece off the map.Although Ye Ci had never entered an unexplored map in her previous life, she still knew about unexplored maps. After all, in the later stage, these things had been officially announced by herself.

Looking at the strangely shaped piece of iron in his hand, Ye Ci understood that this is the key to unlock the unexplored map of Booty Bay!
(End of this chapter)

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