hunter world

Chapter 134

Chapter 134
Chapter 34 Hongmen Banquet
This is really hard to answer.

For He Xiao, if he answered "yes", he was afraid that Ye Ci would turn his face immediately, and Arsenic Zero had told him before coming here, don't make the question too rigid, at least leave yourself a way out.If it's really not Mr. You, there will be absolutely no problem in reality. I'm afraid that Mr. You will never let it go in the game. If it affects the old man's investment, he will definitely have no good fruit to eat.

But if he answered "no", He Xiao couldn't even convince himself.That's right, although No. [-] Arsenic has found a video to prove that the person who ransacked the warehouse is a male dwarf thief and definitely not a female elf hunter, but he just doesn't believe it.How could it be that at such a juncture, just after he attacked Young Master You, their warehouse was stolen, how could it be such a coincidence!Who will believe it!
He Xiao couldn't answer for a long time, and Ye Ci didn't force him to ask, but just continued to eat his seafood coolly, as if the answer to this question, no matter what it was, had nothing to do with him.

Liu Chang was obviously frightened, she pulled Ye Ci's sleeve, and said in a low voice: "Little Ci, you can't say that nonsense, who are they, we can't afford to offend them."

Her voice was very small, but in a quiet atmosphere, this voice had reached everyone's ears.

Ye Ci sneered, she looked at Dong Yin and Yi Cang, and said lightly: "You think I can't afford to offend, but everyone else thinks that I can afford to offend me, and I can do this kind of thing like hitting a stone with an egg. How can you not be satisfied with the affirmation of others?"

Her words were sharp and sharp, and she stabbed Dong Yin and Yi Cang like a knife, and their faces immediately turned pale.

Especially Dong Yin, she knows what kind of family Ye Ci is and what kind of family He Xiao is, but she has never thought about how today's incident will affect Ye Ci. It was just a meal, now that Liu Chang and Ye Ci said so, she suddenly felt that she was completely helping others to force Ye Ci to death, and immediately, her tears were about to fall.

Although she likes He Xiao, but... She never thought of hurting Ye Ci, their friend for so many years since they were young.What's more, what is the relationship between the parents of the four families? If the difference between her and Yi Cang makes Ye Ci's family suffer, I am afraid that the parents of the two families will not have a good life.

When she was thinking this way, she raised her head to look at Yi Cang, only to find that Yi Cang's face was pale and his eyes were dodging, maybe he was thinking of her.

When No. [-] Arsenic heard Ye Ci's words, he was taken aback for a moment, then got up and poured her a cup of tea, and laughed: "My lord, you are thinking too much, I just came out for a meal today, Qian Shan asked this, and it was only him I still have some doubts, but I don’t doubt you, so don’t think too much about it.”

Ye Ci picked up the cup of tea, smiled at No. [-] arsenic, and was not polite: "I have doubts? I'm afraid it has been confirmed for a long time."

Arsenic Zero saw the flames in Ye Ci's eyes, and knew that she was a little angry, so she stepped on He Xiao's foot under the table.He Xiao, who had been standing there in a daze, quickly laughed a few times, "Ye Ci, look at what you said, we all know each other, why bother to say such hurtful words."

Ye Ci sighed, put down the teacup, looked at He Xiao with a sincere look and said: "There are indeed some unpleasant things between us, whether it is a hard-shelled tortoise, whether it is the first kill in a cold ruin, or Or our usual conflicts. I admit that I am a rather rebellious person, and some things are indeed inappropriate, and it is inevitable that you will be unhappy."

"Look, what are you talking about." Although the things Ye Ci pointed out were all things that Qian Shan Xiyang cared about all the time, but because he cared and was pointed out like this, he had to pretend even more. Do not care.Otherwise, he, a big man, cares about a 20-year-old little girl, and he really can't afford to lose this person if the news gets out.

He shook his head, with a calm expression: "These are things in the past, let alone..." He paused slightly, feeling very unhappy in his heart, but on the surface he still had to say: "What's more, When you were in our guild, you brought so many first kills to Jagged Zhange, and talking about these things now is a bit embarrassing to me."

Ye Ci smiled but did not smile, just raised his eyebrows, looked at the smiling No. [-] arsenic, then adjusted his gaze, put it on He Xiao, and said lightly: "Although, that post that day made me I was very surprised, but when the post was posted, we were still in the dungeon, so we didn't see it at all, and by the time I saw it, everything had passed..."

"That post was a complete misunderstanding, it was a misunderstanding." He Xiao hastily interrupted Ye Ci's words. The incident of this post was such a failure that he was unwilling to bring it up at all.

It's just that he doesn't want to mention it, which doesn't mean Ye Ci will let it go.Looking at He Xiao's somewhat embarrassed face, she continued: "I think it's the same, how could the President of Qianshan do such a shameless thing?"

He Xiao's face became more and more ugly.

"Of course, according to general thinking, it's normal for you to suspect that I stole your warehouse. There were so many discords before the withdrawal, and so many misunderstandings after the withdrawal. Everyone will take revenge. But..." At this point Ye Ci took a deep breath, looked at Arsenic Zero and He Xiao with a very sincere look and tone, and said, "I really didn't do this."

He Xiao didn't speak, he didn't believe it.Not only did he not believe it, even Yi Cang, Dong Yin and No. [-] Arsenic didn't believe it, but no one would bring it up.

"I know you don't believe it, but I'm not a fool." Ye Ci stood up and sighed: "Although I can get by in the game, in reality, I'm just an ordinary student. Only 19 years old, my parents are ordinary workers, our family is the most ordinary ordinary people."

Having said that, she raised her eyes, looked at He Xiao and Arsenic Zero, and smiled sincerely: "And what about you? Although I have never asked, I know that it is possible to develop such a large scale so quickly in the game." The members of the guild are definitely not ordinary people. I play games just to earn a little money to subsidize my family. If I say [-] to [-], I just want to live in peace. Anyone will encounter it in the game. But is it a trivial thing to loot your guild warehouse? Is it something you can do casually in the game? I am just an ordinary person, just wishing for a safe day. If you do that kind of thing, you Will you let me go?"

She shook her head: "No way."

No one said a word.Ye Ci sighed again and smiled, "That's all I've said, it's up to you whether you believe it or not."

"Young Master..." No. [-] Arsenic wanted to say something, but was stopped by Ye Ci raising his hand.

She looked at He Xiao and said, "Yi Cang and Dong Yin both know where my home is and who is in it. If you want to ask, they will definitely tell you. If you must think that I did it, then I have nothing to say." , our family is waiting for you to clean up."

After all, Ye Ci pulled Liu Chang up, regardless of whether her face was terribly pale or not, she just said, "Thank you for your hospitality, let's go first."

No one raised any objections, they just watched the two of them leave the private room just like that...

(End of this chapter)

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