hunter world

Chapter 139 Folio

Chapter 139 Folio

Chapter 39 Format

After saying this, the underage student Tan Polang, who was full of grief and indignation in his heart, took up the position and moved the workplace where he was cursing in circles from the living room back to his room.

Ye Ci didn't mind either, he laughed a few times, and yelled into Tan Polang's room: "I hear what you mean, do you still know this king?"

Tan Polang didn't answer right away, but continued to mourn the sad fact that his snacks were digested by shameless people in the room.

Ye Ci and Bai Mo didn't care either, and continued to talk about gossip topics that had nothing to do with Fengyue.I don't know how it got into the game.

Bai Mo said: "Recently, we have been opening gold groups, and the guild has a little savings. When will we continue the progress?"

Ye Ci said: "Don't worry, I have something to do in two days."

Of course, Bai Mo wanted to continue to ask what was going on. For Ye Ci, a guy who never knew what to do, Bai Mo was more or less curious about what she was busy with all day long.

Ye Ci naturally wouldn't hide it from Bai Mo. She told Bai Mo exactly what she had agreed with Yang Yu Hongchen. I want to compete with Fleeting Years."

Now that Bai Mo has seen through the essence of the matter, Ye Ci doesn't need to continue to hide anything, she laughed twice, "It really is such a thing."

Bai Mo sighed: "I think you are really acting on your own will. This kind of melee, and the opponent's strength is equal, it is easy to fall into the opponent's way. It is not worthwhile if you lose some things and experience."

Ye Ci didn't speak.

At this time, Tan Polang spoke.He didn't know when he came out of his room, stood at the entrance of the living room, tilted his head and listened to the two people talking, he looked at Ye Ci and said, "Sister Ye Ci, do you want to PK with Fleeting Years?"

Ye Ci smiled: "That's the idea, maybe if he doesn't go that day."

Tan Polang was not talking, but just looked at Ye Ci without saying a word.

Just at this time, Zuo Xiaolan and Ye Nantian went home one after the other, so the topic stopped here, and the cordial family time kicked off.

The weekend was very pleasant, and in a blink of an eye it was Sunday afternoon, and the three of them were going back to school, so they went out together and stood at the bus stop.While waiting for the bus, Tan Polang came up with a word without thinking: "King's refusal to participate in the national competition this year is not because of rapid retreat, but because of other things."

Ye Ci looked at him in a blink of an eye, and smiled: "Hey, you really seem to know this famous person."

Tan Polang's little temper came up, and he stiffened his neck and said: "I just know it! How do you know that I don't know it?"

Bai Mo on the side smiled: "How did you meet him?"

Tan Polang probably felt that this kind of thing is really hard to explain to a woman, and it is better to communicate with the same sex, so he turned to Bai Mo and said, "I used to play e-sports, and I was a candidate for the national team. I met King."

This is the first time I heard Tan Polang talk about it.Let Ye Ci also have a different view of this young boy who is still jumping around in adolescence. He did not expect that he was selected for the e-sports national team at a young age.

"Then why don't you stay on the team?"

These words seemed to have touched Tan Polang's wounds, the light in his dark eyes suddenly dimmed, and there was a faint sneer on his lips: "It's not good to play games, but to study seriously." way out."

Ye Ci thought for a while, and guessed that this matter was related to his parents' early death. He also felt a little unbearable, so he stopped mentioning this and changed the topic again and again: "What kind of person is King?"

Tan Polang is still a child at heart, and I don't know if he really doesn't care, or if he is pretending to be relaxed, as if Ye Ci diverted the topic, and completely wiped away the faint sadness on his face, with some Laugh happily: "I think he is a good person."

Speaking of this, he said mysteriously: "Actually, I know the reason why he didn't participate in this e-sports."

Ye Ci said that he was not curious about this matter, but Bai Mo on the other side was different. He had also played e-sports, and of course his skills were not very good.In his impression, King is definitely the master of the gods in the field of e-sports. How could it be possible not to know this kind of gossip about the master?Must know.


"Because he also played with fate." Tan Polang said calmly, he looked up and saw that the car was coming, and he didn't care about Bai Mo's continued questioning of King's name in the game, he just jumped into the car and walked away. go.

Although this caused Bai Mo to slap his chest, it didn't cause any adverse effects. After all, this matter was really insignificant to the two of them.

The four days passed in a flash, and early in the morning, Ye Ci had already arrived at the place agreed with Yang Yu Hongchen - the meeting stone outside Billis Cave and was waiting.

She came very punctually, and the members of the Heimei Family were also very punctual. As soon as she arrived, all the members of the Heimei Family arrived.

Because Ye Ci helped them once, and because they asked Ye Ci for this matter, everyone had warm expressions on their faces, and they were very affectionate.

Without saying much, he went straight into the cave.

There are a total of 5 bosses in Bliss Cave, but it has two exits, one leads to the southern continent and the other leads to the northern continent. The biggest boss is in the middle, that is to say, whether you come in from the southern continent or Coming from the northern continent, there are only three bosses you can defeat plus the final boss.

This dungeon has been to the Black Plum Family for many times. They practiced well and beat monsters very fast along the way. They soon came to the old one. Only halfway through the fight, Ye Ci heard the system prompt ringing in his ears: Attention !Notice!There are players from the northern continent entering the dungeon, you will meet soon, please prepare for the battle.

Ye Ci immediately opened the map. Sure enough, he could only see half of the map just now, but now he can see the other half.And a bunch of bright red dots flickered at the entrance of the other half of the map, and then quickly moved along the map.

Before Ye Ci opened his mouth to ask, Yang Yu Hongchen had already Ms Ye Ci alone: ​​"The one who is famous all over the world has entered the original." Then he paused, seeing how he hesitated to speak, Ye Ci was still kind. Give him a flight down the stairs: "what's the matter?"

"The fleeting time is definitely coming this time, otherwise they would not be able to clear the monsters so fast."

Ye Ci didn't say a word, just smiled slightly, his feelings were soaring, and Hongchen was going around the bend to say that he was paddling.She deeply reviewed her current bad behavior of paddling, and then followed suit to fight monsters.

All of a sudden, the speed of many of the Black Plum Family was immediately increased.

(End of this chapter)

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